1. Just in case, leaving my suggestions/wishes here for devs:

    1) PvE is a must! Make it PvE with optional PvP just like it was on FM
    2) x5 rates
    3) wotlk RDF
    4) Bosses are buffed just a little bit
    5) No debuff limits
    6) Dual spec

  2. why are you crying about pvp ? imagine classic wow without world pvp. 2 factions trying to mob tag every farm spot. Get good

  3. why are you crying about pvp ? imagine classic wow without world pvp. 2 factions trying to mob tag every farm spot. Get good
    Wpvp is the pinnacle of vanilla wow, i seriously dont get it either, might aswell just skip to TBC then

  4. You 2 still don't get why a lot of us advocate for the realm to be PvE. Which shows you are just interested in being griefers towards those who are leveling.

  5. You 2 still don't get why a lot of us advocate for the realm to be PvE. Which shows you are just interested in being griefers towards those who are leveling.
    You can grief even on PVE server, we are not interested in ganking low levels, vanilla isnt about that. You dont get why we advocate PVP

  6. You 2 still don't get why a lot of us advocate for the realm to be PvE. Which shows you are just interested in being griefers towards those who are leveling.
    A lot of us?? You sure?? You and other two guys who constantly crying in this thread?? Sure PVP = grief such a short sighted thinking.
    I hope Onyxia will be PVP server, more action, more fun. Why you want to disable more content??

  7. why are you crying about pvp ? imagine classic wow without world pvp. 2 factions trying to mob tag every farm spot. Get good
    nah, outdated as hell.

  8. imagine classic wow without world pvp.
    Well, you see, i don't really have to imagine, because i had my 60 rogue main on Nostalrius PvE realm, that was as populated as their PvP realm. Isn't that vanilla's vanilla huh? pinnacle, even, i must say ROFL.
    inb4 sa,e 2 people will start crying about spirit of the game :)

  9. You and other two guys who constantly crying in this thread??
    Which is ironic, because as soon as you mention that PvE servers is part of the game, literally NPC shills start spawning almost instantly and typing walls of made up stuff, spitting foam from their mouth, having zero arguments, insulting everyone around them, and trying to dictate to everyone how they should play the game. Than staff appears and they have to wipe all of your latest messages.

    So it's kinda arguable who is actually crying lol :D

  10. You can turn around "as soon as you mention that PvP servers is part of the game......." Is it ironic??

  11. Which is ironic, because as soon as you mention that PvE servers is part of the game, literally NPC shills start spawning almost instantly and typing walls of made up stuff, spitting foam from their mouth, having zero arguments, insulting everyone around them, and trying to dictate to everyone how they should play the game. Than staff appears and they have to wipe all of your latest messages.

    So it's kinda arguable who is actually crying lol :D

    actually you are crying or how do you call it when somebody comments on a thread twice a day about how HoRriBLe PvP is

  12. Hey everyone, quick update:

    We are working out a ton of the issues that you guys are reporting on the bugtracker daily, there are still many issues to weed out and as such we do not have a release date yet.

    As a wise man once said: "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad"

    We will certainly let you know the moment we decided its go time.

    Thanks for the update, any news even if not related to the start up are ultra welcome

  13. I know this is an Unpopular opinion but, Can you make TBC expansion last longer than the other two?
    Because the Expansion was so good back then and even now I like it more than wotlk or vanilla. Like 1-2 ish months between phases and stuff.

  14. Just in case, leaving my suggestions/wishes here for devs:

    1) PvE is a must! Make it PvE with optional PvP just like it was on FM
    I felt like the opt-in system they ran during a previous season of Frostmourne was rather awful.
    If that's the type of World PvP that's about to drop, might as well make it full out PvE and lose a big part of the playerbase.
    Reason for why I think it was an awful system is that people would run around perfectly safe without their flag, with their group, just waiting for people to pop their cooldowns/get on low HP during a quest before opting in for a group gank.

    It's a fun concept in Blizzard's retail version where you have Warmode & Non-warmode players in different layers of the game, with Warmode ones gaining certain perks. But when you share a layer it's an *****ic idea. At least without proper re-work. Maybe restricting stuff or nerfing rates for those not flagged. As well as only being able to toggle it on and off in cities. Not just off in cities.

    Either way, the old system was garbage in my opinion.

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