1. If you're running Glyph of Exorcism does it change your priority between Consecration and Exorcism at all? (SO Exo>Conse) Single damage vice of course.

  2. Geniuses of the ret pala thread I require your knowledge!

    So, we all know about the "Flame cap" item in 3.3.5 which ads a chance on hit for 40 fire damage as well as boost your fire spell damage for 80. Very famous item among mages.

    My question is: Does Tiny abom / Shadowmourne / Tier 2 T10 bonus proc on the 40 damage hit?

    Please share what you figure out about this as it could prove to have a slight damage buff which many may not know about.

    Yay or nay flame cap for ret?

  3. It should not benefit those procs in any way. And if they do, it would be a bug that needs to be reported.

  4. Geniuses of the ret pala thread I require your knowledge!

    So, we all know about the "Flame cap" item in 3.3.5 which ads a chance on hit for 40 fire damage as well as boost your fire spell damage for 80. Very famous item among mages.

    My question is: Does Tiny abom / Shadowmourne / Tier 2 T10 bonus proc on the 40 damage hit?

    Please share what you figure out about this as it could prove to have a slight damage buff which many may not know about.

    Yay or nay flame cap for ret?
    nah, flame cap for ret is terrible. it's only decent for fast dual wield classes and good for fire damage dealers.

  5. June 1, 2017  
    Hey Lynea,Im playing with pala for like 7 years i think,but i never been that geared in pve and mostly i do pvp while im playing,my question is : I got 6560 gearscored retri,I have no guild atm so i need optimal talents for pve,i mean for as much damage as this gear can push,i saw some links in your guide,but they are not working,i copied now talents from your paladin,but i think you play with guild and u use spec not just for dps,u use for supporting and else,thank you for you answer

  6. June 1, 2017  
    i have atm 3/5 t10 set,but gonna replace soon to 4/5,what is the rotation dpsing in gear like this (6560gs) ,one by one priority if you can,thanks

  7. June 1, 2017  
    Hey Lynea,Im playing with pala for like 7 years i think,but i never been that geared in pve and mostly i do pvp while im playing,my question is : I got 6560 gearscored retri,I have no guild atm so i need optimal talents for pve,i mean for as much damage as this gear can push,i saw some links in your guide,but they are not working,i copied now talents from your paladin,but i think you play with guild and u use spec not just for dps,u use for supporting and else,thank you for you answer
    This spec is fine. It can be tweaked to be more supportive if you like, but it's the basic DPS build.

    i have atm 3/5 t10 set,but gonna replace soon to 4/5,what is the rotation dpsing in gear like this (6560gs) ,one by one priority if you can,thanks
    You can find this information in the guide.
    Spells higher in the lists have a higher priority.

    Spoiler: Show
    This is what we call "FCFS". That means "First come, first serve". Meaning that basically... whatever comes off cooldown, use it. However, there is a priority system. Here is a list of the DPS ability priorities.

    Lest than 2 parts of T10 :

    2 or 3 parts of T10 :

    With more than two parts of T10, you get the following bonus:
    (2) Set: Your melee attacks have a 40% chance to reset the cooldown on your Divine Storm ability.

    Thus, using your Divine Storm cooldown as soon as possible will increase your DPS, as it can always reset with your next Auto Attack. Not using it in time can potentially waste a reset and thus reducing your DPS, thus your Divine Storm??s priority increases and surpasses your Hammer of Wrath, even when the boss is below 20% health.

    4 or more parts of T10 :

    * Judgement (Always on top because it is your source of mana.)
    **Hammer of Wrath (Only when a boss is under 20% hp)

  8. June 6, 2017  
    This is rather off topic because it's a PvP question but it was mentioned several times in this thread that glorenzelg is the best choice of weapon in PvP aside from smourne / wrathful weap ... Why would it be good for PvP? It has expertise which ret paladin should not go for in PvP so that means it has a big chunk of wasted stats.

  9. June 7, 2017  
    This is rather off topic because it's a PvP question but it was mentioned several times in this thread that glorenzelg is the best choice of weapon in PvP aside from smourne / wrathful weap ... Why would it be good for PvP? It has expertise which ret paladin should not go for in PvP so that means it has a big chunk of wasted stats.
    Expertise actually does have its uses. AP and stamina are also significantly more important for PvP, which is why it is the weapon of choice for many Paladins. If you plan to play PvP seriously, the Wrathful weapon would serve you better though.

  10. Hey Mercy, do you have any insider info on when Tiny Abomination in Jar proc rate for Retribution Paladin will be fixed? It's been about 4+ months and it's still not working properly D:

  11. No, I'm afraid that I do not.

  12. for retri pala any1 know a good rotation ? i use 1.Jud of windowm>2.D.S.>3.C.S>4.Consacration>5Exorcism
    and burst at start

  13. The rotation is covered in the guide.

  14. Do you guys think it's worth getting the +4 strength socket bonus in yellow sockets? I am using a bis Oathbinder setup. Rawr tells me that it's worth it - but then again, Rawr also tells me that Aldriana's gloves are BIS... lol I'm not sure how trustworthy Rawr is.

    14 str 10 crit vs 20 str. What do you guys think?

  15. The difference in DPS between gemming for 4 strength bonuses and not is basically irrelevant. The DPS difference is usually 0 or 1. It really doesn't matter too much. I personally go for it because I love crit chance and RNG over flat strength, but you can do whatever. There's no wrong choice really.

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