1. May 11, 2015  
    only fix i saw was Line of sight fix and its so partial that they bugged pets with that : press pet attack get combat making rogue teams just wanting to delete wow.
    instead of fixing sacred cleanse or some other major bugs they are focused or some random **** like lets say what kind of animation does VD do after being healed to full ?????

  2. May 11, 2015  
    Teams with 60% W/L ratio, witch dodged almost every proper comp running bugged cleaves will get Gladiator title. Warmane joke 2014.
    I've seen guys witch 130-90 score be 2500+ rated. The mmr is a joke, as always, ArenaTournament pvp fixes in Ragnaros, what a joke.
    Why dont you play then?You seem like guy who is probbably beyond ordinary warmane skills and i assume you would go over 250:0 if you want.Seeing another "3k live all seasons glad warmane sucks" glad is always nice.

  3. May 11, 2015  
    Already playng, 100-0 score logging at peaktimes, and still have less rating then guys with 110-60 score and so on, yes the mmr system on Ragnaros works fine ;)

  4. May 11, 2015  
    Funny wintrading the way to getting title. I dont know why Malaco allowing it. Next funny thing ppl with 1500 rating in 3s in dead realm Saregas will be rivals/glads haha:D its so pathetic.

  5. May 11, 2015  
    Malaco if you weren't gone, no clue where you are hiding at the moment, I would personally appeal to you.

    First thing that came to my mind as I was reading through the topic, was sth like that:
    "Warmane won't ever introduce certain mechanics, because they are not #blizzlike, simply as it is. - But hey guys, we are giving away titles for 2s rating"

    If your future aim really is to create a blizzlike atmosphere, why don't you just stick to this once it comes to arena season rewards?

    Here is what I suggest:
    1. Additional rewards, e.g. coins/points/mounts, can be given away, if you - the staff - consider this appropriate. However, I personally am no friend of this.

    2. No titles being awarded for 2s in Cata/MoP. Blizzard prohibited this since WotLK. This means that there won't be any rewards except (1.) for 2s rating.

    3. Best 0.25% of all 3s teams on the realm will get season gladiator title. I really like the point you just made, that people could chose whatever title fits to them. Furthermore, due to the fact that 3s ladder is rather dead here, you might think about increasing this percentage.

    4. Best 0.5% of all 3s teams on the realm will get gladiator title. This number may be increased as well.

    5. Duelist/Rival/Challenger titles will be given away for 3s ranks with 5/10/20% deadline.

    6. Furthermore you could think about giving away season gladiator titles to the players with the highest 3s rating of their class and spec. This way the "best" players of each class and spec on each realm might recieve their r1 title, even if they weren't able to break the 0.25% mark.

    Why do I suggest this?
    (1.) Might motivate even more people to play arenas.
    (2.) + (3.) Might convince more people to play 3s and not to just sit their 2s rating
    (3.) The low number of people being awarded with titles may state the idea that those titles are actually worth sth
    (5.) Even players that don't count to the best 1% may recieve some kind of reward
    (6.) This way people may consider playing an unusual spec/another class/different comps and will not make everybody running fotms. Furthermore it's a rather #blizzlike method of giving away rewards.

    This is just an overall idea, when it comes to MoP, please give us a poll:
    --> http://forum.warmane.com/showthread....9-Arena-Season

    Pce out, Fake

  6. May 11, 2015  
    Malaco if you weren't gone, no clue where you are hiding at the moment, I would personally appeal to you.

    First thing that came to my mind as I was reading through the topic, was sth like that:
    "Warmane won't ever introduce certain mechanics, because they are not #blizzlike, simply as it is. - But hey guys, we are giving away titles for 2s rating"

    If your future aim really is to create a blizzlike atmosphere, why don't you just stick to this once it comes to arena season rewards?

    Here is what I suggest:
    1. Additional rewards, e.g. coins/points/mounts, can be given away, if you - the staff - consider this appropriate. However, I personally am no friend of this.

    2. No titles being awarded for 2s in Cata/MoP. Blizzard prohibited this since WotLK. This means that there won't be any rewards except (1.) for 2s rating.

    3. Best 0.25% of all 3s teams on the realm will get season gladiator title. I really like the point you just made, that people could chose whatever title fits to them. Furthermore, due to the fact that 3s ladder is rather dead here, you might think about increasing this percentage.

    4. Best 0.5% of all 3s teams on the realm will get gladiator title. This number may be increased as well.

    5. Duelist/Rival/Challenger titles will be given away for 3s ranks with 5/10/20% deadline.

    6. Furthermore you could think about giving away season gladiator titles to the players with the highest 3s rating of their class and spec. This way the "best" players of each class and spec on each realm might recieve their r1 title, even if they weren't able to break the 0.25% mark.

    Why do I suggest this?
    (1.) Might motivate even more people to play arenas.
    (2.) + (3.) Might convince more people to play 3s and not to just sit their 2s rating
    (3.) The low number of people being awarded with titles may state the idea that those titles are actually worth sth
    (5.) Even players that don't count to the best 1% may recieve some kind of reward
    (6.) This way people may consider playing an unusual spec/another class/different comps and will not make everybody running fotms. Furthermore it's a rather #blizzlike method of giving away rewards.

    This is just an overall idea, when it comes to MoP, please give us a poll:
    --> http://forum.warmane.com/showthread....9-Arena-Season

    Pce out, Fake
    Que pops had increased since they announced prizes ^^ Many players who actually arent playing arenas that much are in que which is actually positive.

  7. May 11, 2015  
    The biggest issue with titles are that they are permanent on Warmane. To be truly blizzlike, we should wipe titles every season except for the seasonal gladiators.

    If this can be implemented, then a lot of people will have no issues with rewards on MoP, as the win traders will lose their titles next season.

    As it stands though, only warlocks, rshams, Warriors, and resto druids stand a chance at titles, along with win traders.

    Still suggest not having any titles on MoP because of how many bugs we had to play through.

  8. May 11, 2015  
    What about gear ? Will it roll back one season like on at realms ? Will prideful be released ? or everything remains the same just handing out titles to people who exploited donor gear with "comp of the moment" buff stacking teams ?

  9. May 11, 2015  
    What about gear ? Will it roll back one season like on at realms ? Will prideful be released ? or everything remains the same just handing out titles to people who exploited donor gear with "comp of the moment" buff stacking teams ?
    In terms of gear, they have confirmed that Prideful will not be released until SoO is ready for release, due to the imbalance that would bring for PvE content.

  10. May 12, 2015  
    3v3:Rank1 team: in Blackrock so good we want to que against them ofcourse if they dont dodge and wintrade

  11. May 13, 2015  
    3v3:Rank1 team: in Blackrock so good we want to que against them ofcourse if they dont dodge and wintrade
    I simply don't get what you want. Enlighten me, please.

  12. May 13, 2015  
    Cataclysm/MoP so much free title like never before. And then people say Molten pve realm Glad is 1.9k AT

    Also I don't know why you've putted Rival title as level under Gladiator. As far as I remember titles hierarchy is: Seasonal Gladiator > Gladiator > Duelist > Rival > Challenger.

    And btw why did you removed Challenger/Duelist titles?

  13. May 13, 2015  
    Why not just use the old season reward molten used? rofl

  14. May 13, 2015  
    Why not just use the old season reward molten used? rofl
    Edit: For the PvE realms. Use ex-AT reward system for the PvP realms like Blackrock and Warsong

  15. May 13, 2015  
    I got rank10 in 3's with 1k rate (Deathwing) realm, kek.

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