1. awesome, now if you could focus a bit on mop we would be thankfull

  2. awesome, now if you could focus a bit on mop we would be thankfull
    Haha not happening bro in a while :)

  3. MemorieZ's Avatar
    Below are the designed, expected and suggested and future Lordaeron features and are not final.

    Realm name:

    Lordaeron (Public Test Realm)

    Dungeon Finder disabled
    I didnt read all the comments and there are over 150 pages already so I apologise if someone already asked this.

    Will dungeon finder be enabled /at all/ever/maybe? If yes can we expect it in BC or WotLK?

  4. I didnt read all the comments and there are over 150 pages already so I apologise if someone already asked this.

    Will dungeon finder be enabled /at all/ever/maybe? If yes can we expect it in BC or WotLK?
    No it will not.

  5. Just in case it wasn't clear the first time around : Random Dungeon Finder will not be enabled, not soon, not ever. No. Not going to happen.

  6. We don't know that yet though.

    It's really annoying because if you're forming a group they expect you to be there ready to summon already... so instead of 5 people sitting in dalaran there's gonna be 3 people sitting in dalaran...

    IMO, I thought it'd be cool at first... Drastically changed my opinion now... I'd rather not do dungeons anymore and just do them at 80 for the achievements.... Pity, really..

  7. brainiacs of warmane staff + the 80% horde population is making ally leveling dificult

  8. Hey guys! I wonder where could I check Lordaeron changelog? There is only expansions in Changelog menu tab not specific realms!

  9. brainiacs of warmane staff + the 80% horde population is making ally leveling dificult

    You do know that when you're talking about a whole, you don't go past 100%, like in this case where you'd need a total of ~160% to be correct, right?

  10. What do you guys think about adding Transmog? In the future I mean, for now there is quite a few things to do, but later on, a Transmog would be quite an addition, it would give geared up people a few new things to do, like old content, hunting lower level dungeons, world bossed etc. I agree it's currently not needed, but later on, it can only be helpful, it doesn't affect the game that much.

  11. What do you guys think about adding Transmog? In the future I mean, for now there is quite a few things to do, but later on, a Transmog would be quite an addition, it would give geared up people a few new things to do, like old content, hunting lower level dungeons, world bossed etc. I agree it's currently not needed, but later on, it can only be helpful, it doesn't affect the game that much.

    Very good idea !

  12. Sadly transmog is not happening as it would count as custome stuff and warmane staff made it clear they try to avoid that at all cost

  13. well having no RDF is not fun couse u spend like 30 min to make 1 group and then 1 hour to walk then u find alliance or horde on SS and u cant summon,then someone will get mad and leave group (most of times tank or healer)
    Now seriously im lvl 34 and i only made 1 time SM and stokade and DM couse was in alliance teritory ... no one make Dungeons couse they have to walk and I love dungeons but till i can make some i will be max lvl

  14. Regarding RDF.
    I think it's awesome not to have it at WOTLK levels, however I think a few months after wotlk is released, and everyone is approaching max level, I feel the RDF should be enabled for 1-60 only as finding groups at those levels will be near impossible once you don't have 3k people running about :D

    No RDF at max levels will just make it a little harder to gear but that's good at the same time.

    I find it quite strange how there will still be some item donations around. Personally I think this should be removed completely.
    I would agreed with you if we was talking about another server but in a x1rate server I think you will fairly easily find low lv players using the /who command with the areas of your level.
    For example: /who ashenvale /who duskwood
    Than think about you only need 2 ppl at the meeting stone to summon the party. It will need more chat, more social aspect and more adventure as a result of an inproved focus and experience of the dungeon goal. In addition it will push players to live, explore and experience different areas of the world, for example a human could find himself in ashenvale and find himself happy to quest a bit there.
    Edited: September 29, 2015

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