1. What kind of DPS are you guys getting for your Unholy DK?

    I'm 5.3k gs and I'm only getting 4k ish in dungeons, 5k-6k with Gargoyle, around 8k dps in 25man VoA on Frost. Another guy around 5.2k GS running frost dual wield also did around 8k dps. There are 4.8k mages and rogues that can pull 5k dps in dungeons.

    Just ran a dungeon with a pally and a DK. the DK was like 6k+ and higher GS than the Ret Pally but the pally was easily doing 8k dps while the DK was doing 5k.

    Unholy is good for AOE but single target seems weak. Also the damage is spell-based, not weapon based so a good 284 weapon doesn't do as much. DK blood tank is also very low DPS with lots of self-heals. Overall DK damage seems weak, not OP as advertised.

    Higher GS DK: https://armory.warmane.com/character...ecrown/profile
    Lower GS Pally: https://armory.warmane.com/character...ecrown/summary
    Edited: April 30, 2023

  2. Unholy will always do lower damage on short fights(dungeons), those dps comparisons are not worth a thought. Burst is longer to ramp up(diseases+RP for garg) and has a duration on the longer side, compared to other specs, like retri. Unholy is way above average single target and top tier aoe damage. And majority of damage scales from weapon, idk what you even mean by that. It's not OP dmg wise, but it's high dps, provides debuff and will always have a place in raids.

  3. any addons for DK?
    in dungeons UDK's will often kill the mob too fast for them to spread diseases, that's why it's hard for them to pull big numbers, tip is to use Unholy presence for dungeons, since the lower GCD will help you a lot.
    Ginmo, what was the haste cap, after which you started gemming 10 strength 10 hit?

  4. Spec links seem to be broken. Could you please update/fix them? Thank you for the very useful guide (and the other guides too) <3

  5. Soooo since Whitewolf's guide is out of service... Is there any knowledge on the interaction between dual wield Fallen Cruzader? If I'm sitting on 400 arpen with 25nm Havoc (2.6) and Bone Warden Splitter Hc (1.5)... Would Cinderglacier be better? Or even Berserking for that matter, rawr doesn't work with both Fallen Cruzaders

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