1. If you're posting on this guide's thread, it should be solely for the benefit of improving the guide. Do NOT post in here just to tell someone on the internet they're wrong. You can either contribute to the guide or keep the comments for your own. Arguing for the sake of arguing is not beneficial to the guide. Furthermore, using someone else's work as a platform to promote your own is highly inappropriate. I've removed your guide link earlier in the comments.

    I'll ask you this one time and one time only. Please keep the posts to contributing to the guide or asking questions/assistance and DO NOT use this guide as a platform to promo your own. That is absolutely not the way to get me to add yours to the sticky. I don't want to have to do more than what I've already done with this post. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

  2. If you're posting on this guide's thread, it should be solely for the benefit of improving the guide. Do NOT post in here just to tell someone on the internet they're wrong. You can either contribute to the guide or keep the comments for your own. Arguing for the sake of arguing is not beneficial to the guide. Furthermore, using someone else's work as a platform to promote your own is highly inappropriate. I've removed your guide link earlier in the comments.

    I'll ask you this one time and one time only. Please keep the posts to contributing to the guide or asking questions/assistance and DO NOT use this guide as a platform to promo your own. That is absolutely not the way to get me to add yours to the sticky. I don't want to have to do more than what I've already done with this post. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
    Sure I will. But I am gonna say it 1 more time as well. Gnimos guide is 5 years old, A LOT of stuff changed since then & that's why I wrote my guide in the first ppace. On top of that, I replied to fellow Lord zug zug player(not racist btw xD) who asked plthe question PRECISELY made for my guide, since I repeat, Gnimos guide is outdated & not fully covered(he wrote that himself), so I was replying to thi guys question, not Gnimos guide correction or to start an argument. But I get the picture now Mercy, honestly I was waiting for your respond as well, since I was accidentally dragged into topic on one discord regarding "How are devs/admins/moderatora doing? Are they str8 forward or good" and honestly right now, I dunno what to say, but do know that I will reply as It's intendent to anyone who seeks help&advice and ofc If i know the answer & solution, I am gonna help 'em ;)
    Best regards anyway without too much trouble,
    Immortalize the Immortal DK xD

  3. I just want the guides to focus on helping people out, not fighting with each other. That's all.

  4. Okay no problem, is there a section where "discussion" can be done? I am really seeking to help new dk players out & I don't wish to correct or deminish other ppl opinion?

  5. Now that you mention it, I'm somewhat surprised there haven't been discussion threads created for general discussion of any of the classes.

  6. Yo, Im on the phone and can't seem to manage my UI on forum xD so I can't send you prvt msg, but seriously? You being sarcastic or for real? Im new to this forum stuff and haven't much payed attention where is which section, but If there is one for discussion/you are planing to make it, please notify me, thanks.

  7. The main issue I have with your attitude is that its based highly on personal preference while you try and want to sound like your opinion is somehow general and a cold fact.
    Blood DK is a TANK that HEALS itself as the big damage is coming. We dont have BLOCK we have HEAL in time of need.
    If you are good enough, you should have both Frost and Unholy runes ready before every Soul Reaper and do those two Death Strikes as your health drop with a Rune Tap on top of that if needed. After that the best way to pick up threat is to spam IT which is best done with the talent that converts Frost and Unholy runes to Death Runes. The damage increase on Blood Strike / Blood Boil is almost non existent as it is the threat itself those abilities make.
    If you are just standing there and taking damage without healing, spamming Icy Touch, you should really just go Bear, you would at least do a better job as a punching bag.

    I know that this server got trough a lot of changes over the years, but, its been stable for quite some time now when it comes to the meta and how you play specs.
    Blood DK tank most likely did not change during that time, nor I think it will ever change, so spamming Icy Touch for Threat, Death Strike for heals when damage comes, will be the way to play this class now, in 5 months, in 5 years, at any 3.3.5a server that works properly.

    I dont mind insight from others, I dont mind your guide, I dont even mind you trying to promote it here, but what I do mind are comments like "Frost DK has no place in a raid grp", "As a DK tank you are there to tank, and healers should heal you so we dont have to use that much DS".
    You talk about min-maxing and yet you dont even have Glyph of Disease in your Tank spec (I have no clue how can glyph of anti magic shell help more overall when it comes to survival), while having 3/3 Morbidity in your "LoD" spec, where everyone who ever tried Morbidity knows that going for more than 2/3 is useless since you can never do DnD every 15sec, where its mainly every 18-20sec (I wont even take in to the account the fact that you can only do 1 DnD per Valk wave in the first place).
    There are also many other "possible improvements" regarding gear sets for example, but I really dont want to get in to that...

    The point of all 3 of the guides I made was to show people 3 different specs with a lot of different specs and play styles within them, show them what I found to work over the years, and let them hopefully find their own way.
    There are multiple ways to open as Unholy DK, there are multiple gear sets of a DK tank that will mainly be made depending on your play style, I tried to showcase them all.
    The only reason why I "hate" on any other Tank spec except Blood is basically that if you come to a raid as a Tank to Tank and Survive / make huge amount of Threat, there is no better way to do it than as a Blood DK Tank on top of bringing two auras to the raid.
    This can never be the case for Frost DK dps, nor for Unholy DK dps, because they are unique in their own way, and are the best options in case you need Icy Talons and/or Ebon Plaguebringer, on top of them doing more than enough DPS to earn a spot in the raid.

    My first guide wasnt all that great, the ones I made after could be better, but if all the info in them for you to learn the basics of the class are not enough because the guide itself is not more flashy or something like that, I for sure aint putting more time in to it.
    I would suggesting trying more on perfecting your own guide, before talking about how other guides are outdated (no hard feelings). :)

  8. Hello there! I apologize for the ignorance but on the dungeon hero spec (i am gearing up for raids so I am focused on just doing RDF's at the moment and spamming EOT's) but I do not see the Glyph of Dark Command on the links, do you mean i should gem/use gear till 8% melee hit/17% spell hit so my taunt's dont miss?

  9. Only level 83 mobs (BOSS icon mobs) have 17% miss chance.
    Target Level 77 78 79 80 81 82 83(boss)
    Hit Chance 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 17%
    This is SPELL HIT, melee is 8% for target level 83, 7% for 82, 6% for 81, 5% for 80...

    So, as long as mobs that you face are not higher than level 82, you are fine with 6% hit from gear when it comes to your Taunt (Dark Command).

  10. regarding brytroll vs ramaladnis hc, i’d say ramaladnis is better just for the expertise so you can have more DS land and gives you some insurance on parry haste, including slow weapon speed which will reduce parry haste chances. brytroll doesn’t really have any beneficial tanking utility (very random 3k heal isn’t going to help you in any way).

    regarding the no DS tanking - yes it’s true many bdks on lord have adopted this style and it has its benefits, but imo one of the biggest strengths of bdk is to pop vamp and rune tap double ds out of death. i agree with gnimo in that if you want to be a meat shield, feral or even prot pala for extra ardent + raid sac + hsac is better. and don’t bring up lord > ic as an argument because some of the best tanks on lord are tanking with mourne and less armor more avoidance gear since the server on average far overgears the content at this stage.

    no expertise on halion and sindra hc is sth i’ve done on lord before too and it’s completely viable since those bosses hit so hard, you want to max ehp. i’ve also done it with 56 expertise on progression. this is also a preference since i’ve seen great tanks do it both ways - the two best MTs i knew on the server each had different opinions on this. the trade off is that expertise makes you way squishier (no pillars, less ilvl overall) but gives you the freedom to DS when you want.

    overall, so long as your play style benefits the raid, you should do whatever helps YOU the most since i would say there is no objectively right thing in tanking.

    yes gnimos guide is slightly outdated in terms of meta but i’ve accomplished everything on lord (except LDW, **** that boss ) as a DK using his guides.
    Edited: February 13, 2022

  11. I dont want to sound like a kwak, but people nowadays, especially as it seems from Lordaeron, are trying to break/reshape the meta so hard, its painful to watch somehow. This is a 10+ year old patch, meta is set in stone long time ago.
    The ONLY reason meta used to change every month on Molten and early Warmane is because of so many bugs that over time got fixed and we are now closest to the blizz like server as it can get, so, no more meta shifts.
    I legit dont know in which universe, on a working blizz like 3.3.5a wotlk server, will you use anything else than Icy Touch for pumping threat on a single target, and not wanting to spam Death Strike when big chink of damage is headed your way.
    As for the expertise cap, you only lose Pillars, and maybe extra armor from cloak, which is 1000-1500 armor total.
    On Lady you can play with 0 expertise and never break a sweat, but on Halion, I would never go for anything but 56 expertise as a main tank.
    You gain 2 Death Strikes whenever healers are moving, and that in my book is a lot better than a PARRY.
    You also have a cooldown for every big add outside and cutter inside and you basically almost never die unless healers have to move.
    As for Sindra, a Death Strike is still better than a PARRY, since I doubt 1000-1500 armor will ever save you at that point.

    I am also asking anyone to inform me of any "new meta" that outdates this guide when it comes to the basics like Icy Touch for threat and Death Strike for healing.
    The only thing I can update in it is maybe 'itemisation' part and add in 'tips and tricks' or 'rotation' how to get to a point where your runes look like this: https://imgur.com/a/7A5CCHx so you can have a Death Strike and 2 Icy Touches every rotation cycle.

  12. FDK DPS Guide: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=349828
    UHDK DPS Guide: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=349829

    Edit 21st May:
    Frost guide should be complete.
    Unholy guide needs a little bit of polishing.
    Tank guide needs a lot of work.

    Use this guide as a base on which you need to improve a lot.
    Best of luck. :)


    Double raid buff, high aggro: https://wotlkdb.com/?talent#j0EMqIbI...g0xVMhz:pihM0V

    Double raid buff, 'bit more avoidance: https://wotlkdb.com/?talent#j0EMqIhc...VMhzZ0b:pimM0V

    Avoidance: https://wotlkdb.com/?talent#j0EMqIhc...xcMhZ0x:pimM0V

    A bit more AoE aggro and Self Healing: https://wotlkdb.com/?talent#j0EMqIbf...t0MZ0gb:pioz0V
    Dual wielding avoidance: https://wotlkdb.com/?talent#j0EbqIhc...xMMhZ0x:pimM0V[/center]
    (Nerves of Cold Steel are mainly taken because of hit increase, if you are capped without it, skip it)

    Double raid buff: https://wotlkdb.com/?talent#j0EMoIhc...0buhZ0o:pwmM0V

    Avoidance: https://wotlkdb.com/?talent#j0EMRcbc...0buhZ0x:pwmM0V
    (1 more point in Black Ice wont matter, Lichborne is there mainly because of Fear/Charm/Sleep removal on few encounters)

    Longer Icebound Fortitude: https://wotlkdb.com/?talent#j0EMofbc...buhhZ0b:pwmM0V

    Dual Wielding Double raid buff: https://wotlkdb.com/?talent#j0EooIhc...0buhZ0o:pwmM0V
    Dual Wielding more Avoidance: https://wotlkdb.com/?talent#j0EooIbc...0buhZ0x:pwmM0V
    (same as in Blood, Nerves of Cold Steel only if you lack hit)

    Spec: https://wotlk.evowow.com/?talent#j0E...bxcuzbu:poMM0V

    Desecration: https://wotlk.evowow.com/?talent#j0E...bxfuz0u:poMM0V

    Ebon Plaguebringer: https://wotlk.evowow.com/?talent#j0E...xcuzbuc:poMM0V
    (I would not suggest you to go for Ebon Plague, unless it is required by your guild/raid leader)

    Dungeon Hero:
    Spec: https://wotlkdb.com/?talent#j0EGoI0c...ht0bxoz:odb0cV
    In case you find slow from Desecration really helpful, you can remove a point from Endless Winter and max out Desecration: https://wotlkdb.com/?talent#j0EGoI0c...ht0bxbz:odb0cV
    If you notice Death and Decay missing a lot, maybe going for extra Hit over Dodge might be a good idea.

    Check all the talent builds and try to notice the "base" of all of them, aka core talents.
    Veteran of the Third War for example, Improved Icy Touch and Toughness, etc...

    Other talents like Mark of Blood, Heart Strike, Bloody Strikes, Lichbourne vs 1/5 Black Ice (in Frost DW talents), Scent of Blood, Icy Reach vs Nerves of Cold Steel vs Killing Machine (in Blood DW talents, depending on how much hit you are missing on melee, if any), are optional and wont affect you or your gameplay almost at all.

    When Dual Wielding (Frost), Threat of Thassarian wont make any difference, it is plain waste of 3 talents.
    Off hand hits are not doing any damage to make Rune Strike do extra threat that will matter, and Death Strike wont heal you twice even your off hand hit as well.

    You can make some personal changes also, but make sure the core valuable talents for each spec are there.
    Overall two handers are better options for tanking, especially on fights like Sindragosa and Halion where getting parried multiple times while DWing will get u killed.
    What happened all the links are dead :(

  13. Great Guide

    (a quick bump to avoid this topic to fall into page 3)

  14. Great guide !
    Edited: August 13, 2022 Reason: sarcasm

  15. Wanted to ask, how does glyph of icebound fortitude works? Is it %10 added reduction (%40 +def bonus) or just a defense ignore glyph up to %40 reduction.

    I may sound a bit cryptical, what I mean is, lets say,
    10 defense increases ibf amount to (30 + 10) %40

    So with glyph, is reduction goes to (40 + 10) %50 or it just ignores up to 10 defense and stays at %40 reduction.

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