1. aaaaaaand lets have a look again,
    theyre tweaking the bosses pretty much every day,
    it doenst count if somebody killed a boss like 3 days ago bc it was much different.

  2. You're right, there is a difference. And the best way to find out which on of those two it is, is to find out if it's been killed before... so let's have a look, yep it's been killed by others, so the tanks got one shotted for a reason and not because of too much damage.
    Yes we killed Anub withouy any problems 3 days ago. But after yesterday ptr restart he hits x4 harder then is used to hit just one day earlier. To be clear he know all mechanics etc. Our tank have def cap, expertise cap, he know when yo use def CD's etc. We also know what is double swing mechanic, when boss parry tank attack. But please dont write bull**** that RANDOM , in RANDOM time of the fight boss should hit for even 32k. There is even no way to know if its comming to use tank CD's, its not some enrage that you see on boss animation or addon. Its simple random oneshot from nowhere. You see the diffrence or still not ?

    You people call this a crying, when you didint even tested the boss after buffs, or didint even killed. In retail Anub hits for 6k on tanks with similar gear that we have on PTR. Yes yes i know its custom server etc. But look at there 6k vs 30+k do simple math.

    If they buffed dmg of all naxx bosses x5 you wont do it even in ICC gear.

    Yes i also know they play now with bosses dmg, its not finish product etc.. but common. Bosses hiting on naxx 10 like on naxx 25 ?.its not buffed, its simple overtuned.
    Edited: December 8, 2015

  3. Yes we killed Anub withouy any problems 3 days ago. But after yesterday ptr restart he hits x4 harder then is used to hit just one day earlier. To be clear he know all mechanics etc. Our tank have def cap, expertise cap, he know when yo use def CD's etc. We also know what is double swing mechanic, when boss parry tank attack. But please dont write bull**** that RANDOM , in RANDOM time of the fight boss should hit for even 32k. There is even no way to know if its comming to use tank CD's, its not some enrage that you see on boss animation or addon. Its simple random oneshot from nowhere. You see the diffrence or still not ?
    No one it's saying it's perfect, they are tuning bosses up and down each day to try and find that sweet spot

  4. No one it's saying it's perfect, they are tuning bosses up and down each day to try and find that sweet spot
    I realize that. And its ok for me. Im just pissed on when i hear " its easy, we did it, you are just bad", but when i ask, did you do it after tweaks, show some proof. There is no answer :p

    Like some dev posted in past. "People who cry the most over naxx bugs etc, didint even create a character on ptr, didint even test it" its kinda sad thing.
    Edited: December 8, 2015

  5. apparently we didnt say anything else.
    But then some people come and cry "they got killed 3 days earlier by everyone, so you must suck"
    I think the only Boss who got killed yesterday was Noth, he was fine, damage was high, but not too high

  6. apparently we didnt say anything else.
    But then some people come and cry "they got killed 3 days earlier by everyone, so you must suck"
    I think the only Boss who got killed yesterday was Noth, he was fine, damage was high, but not too high
    Yep, noth is also oevertuned, but doable, he was hiting our tank for max 25k, so you have time to heal tank up to max, but Anub and his 30k+ hits is a diffrent story ;P

  7. well they arent real 30k hits
    its just 2 hits at the same moment and a possible fix is being applied today or tomorrow

  8. well they arent real 30k hits
    its just 2 hits at the same moment and a possible fix is being applied today or tomorrow
    So basicly the same. And it should only work when Boss parry tank attacks, not all the time. We tested it and boss did dual swings even when tank didint even hit the boss :p. Thats why tanks should have also expertise cap. its a good things that mechanics like this work on Lord, most private server dont even have it scripted, but they need some more work on it.

  9. Ok i think you dont know the exact mechanic which is behind the parry haste.

    Whenever a Target parries an Attack, the next 2 Attacks getting an up to 40% reduced Swingtimer.

    Not hitting instantly again, this was never a mechanic.
    And also i want to see a Tank with 55 Expertise with this gear.
    It was hard to reach 55 Expertise in ICC for Sindragosa.
    Which makes it nearly impossible with dungeon gear.

  10. So basicly the same. And it should only work when Boss parry tank attacks, not all the time. We tested it and boss did dual swings even when tank didint even hit the boss :p. Thats why tanks should have also expertise cap. its a good things that mechanics like this work on Lord, most private server dont even have it scripted, but they need some more work on it.
    Next two? Isn't just one attack?

  11. Simple leave this server like I did, because here is many bad things:
    1. anti speed hack look-> https://vid.me/1peD (this system ruin playing style as a rogue/warior/mage class
    2. many things are disabled ROFL
    3. Boring because (2.) destroing whole fun for me.

    I'm back in official WoW again, and I enjoin game http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/characte...Aretons/simple

  12. I wouldn't call it a joke, but you can hardly compare the difference. You having to pick a select few bosses in order to compare them with current mythic content says a lot about the difference in content.

    It's like comparing the time it required for Paragon to down LK25hc after release of the boss -- which it took them 1 month with a 50-wipes limit per lockout (this is 200 wipes, tops, for one raid comp) -- to Method's kill on mythic Archimonde -- which took them 3 weeks without any wipe limit mechanic (with 450+ wipes).

    The point wasn't to show off, but considering I hit 88th percentile on the top 2% of raiders on retail isn't anything to scoff at. Not to mention I regularly rank 90+% on heroic encounters. Do you think I shouldn't be happy that I do so well considering I play the game with 700ms?

    to be honest, you cant even compare archimonde vs LK hc. paragon even wiped over 500 times at ragnaros hc. does that mean, cata was harder than wod or wotlk? hell no. whole fireland was a joke, except, ragnaros.
    you have to consider, that in those 3 weeks, the gear got a lot better and the buff got increased by 5%. i think they killed LK hc almost right after the 5% buff or the 10% buff, am not sure.
    besides, all the classes got a lot easier themselves. compare a hunter from wotlk vs wod, the biggest difference is feral. feral was like the "hardest" class bec of the prio, now its utterly a complete joke as well.
    and if u have 700 ms, then its your own fault to play like that. and if i might add something, 2% is nothing out of 100k? 50k? i have have a lot of placements at WoL and that is top200 only :)

  13. to be honest, you cant even compare archimonde vs LK hc. paragon even wiped over 500 times at ragnaros hc. does that mean, cata was harder than wod or wotlk? hell no. whole fireland was a joke, except, ragnaros.
    you have to consider, that in those 3 weeks, the gear got a lot better and the buff got increased by 5%. i think they killed LK hc almost right after the 5% buff or the 10% buff, am not sure.
    besides, all the classes got a lot easier themselves. compare a hunter from wotlk vs wod, the biggest difference is feral. feral was like the "hardest" class bec of the prio, now its utterly a complete joke as well.
    and if u have 700 ms, then its your own fault to play like that. and if i might add something, 2% is nothing out of 100k? 50k? i have have a lot of placements at WoL and that is top200 only :)
    Paragon Vs Lich King 25 Hardmode World First with 5% and they killed him lucky in the Enrage.

  14. can you leave now?

    25/25 alive isnt that lucky tbh

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