1. Edifice, any information is appreciated. Thank you for your time :)

  2. Are we getting our rank 1 season titles back tonight? or it has been postponed
    They'll be serviced and rolled out within 1 week, lots of tickets, lots of other things I have to do also, not to mention misbuy tickets sitting in claim rank 1 title category...

  3. They'll be serviced and rolled out within 1 week, lots of tickets, lots of other things I have to do also, not to mention misbuy tickets sitting in claim rank 1 title category...
    Thank you, take your time :)

  4. So... when will Shadowmourne and Valknyr's be avaialbe for the public? (wotlk)

    is it offciailly gonna be before or after coin wipe?

    a reply would be much appreciated.
    would like to know this as well, i haven't recovered my account yet ... want to try wotk again....
    used to play cata..

  5. So... when will Shadowmourne and Valknyr's be avaialbe for the public? (wotlk)

    is it offciailly gonna be before or after coin wipe?

    a reply would be much appreciated.
    The most people already spent their coins. So, I guess it wont be a problem if they put it in the marketplace and who has saved coins to get it for the full price. Also, only donators will be able to get it, cause the non-donor accounts cant be gifted with 150 by the system.

  6. The most people already spent their coins. So, I guess it wont be a problem if they put it in the marketplace and who has saved coins to get it for the full price. Also, only donators will be able to get it, cause the non-donor accounts cant be gifted with 150 by the system.
    hope they put it on market soon, since donations are rolling in now

  7. It's been said and repeated that Shadowmourne won't be added before coins are wiped, and when it is it will be with harsher requirements.

  8. well at least its gonna be added pre-wipe of coins, i am going to retrieve my 2 accounts as soon as they implement it again,,

  9. well at least its gonna be added pre-wipe of coins, i am going to retrieve my 2 accounts as soon as they implement it again,,
    U wont be able to purchase it with Refunded coins unless u had SM before.

  10. I just said it WON'T be added before coins are wiped.
    Even if you wait to retrieve, I wouldn't be surprised if those coins are locked from being able to get Legendary items. On top of that the new requirements might be a played time to get the item at all, not to get discounts.

    Bottom line is: we don't want people who didn't previously have Legendary items to get them with refunded coins, period.

  11. Just curious, why was Shadowmourne removed from the cataclysm coin marketplace? It used to be up there for 30 coins and now only the level 70 & 60 legendaries are up.

    Is there any info if that will ever be added again? I really wanted to use up my leftover coins on it.

  12. So how are you going to do now with the Resend Legendaries part? Is it going to be able to get it back on Warmane aswell now? Since I have two I can resend, but I dont have any coins left to resend them and cant donate to get the coins for them :P

    Thanks in advance!

  13. They'll be serviced and rolled out within 1 week, lots of tickets, lots of other things I have to do also, not to mention misbuy tickets sitting in claim rank 1 title category...
    Since, we are patiently waiting for our titles without whining, maybe some mounts can be distributed with titles as well. wink wink :)

  14. I just said it WON'T be added before coins are wiped.
    Even if you wait to retrieve, I wouldn't be surprised if those coins are locked from being able to get Legendary items. On top of that the new requirements might be a played time to get the item at all, not to get discounts.

    Bottom line is: we don't want people who didn't previously have Legendary items to get them with refunded coins, period.
    What about fixing the SM quest in-game? Will it ever happen?

    Sorry, if it has been said, but I seached the forum and I didn't find an answer to my question.

  15. What about fixing the SM quest in-game? Will it ever happen?

    Sorry, if it has been said, but I seached the forum and I didn't find an answer to my question.

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