1. Do you want two AK's or not?

  2. Do you want two AK's or not?
    I already have 5 AK's and 4 knifes, nn yours

  3. Silvers can have **** skins. But double AKs the only ones with double AKs

  4. Destroyed on T side
    get on CT side and can't hit a shot

    happened on both of the matches tonight

  5. Was pretty fun though!

    (Finnaly had a decent score the last game :D)
    Edited: October 6, 2015

  6. I didnt even notice my LoL honor ranked evolved from Great Leader to Great Mentor :o

  7. Oh my god when will you guys stop talking about LoL? MY GOD.

  8. Oh my god when will you guys stop talking about LoL? MY GOD.
    When u stop talking about Counter Strike,i guess

  9. Everyone has ****ed up **** going on in their life.
    I know man, but this is apart from the rest of my problems, and I've lots of them as everyone I guess.
    This one is special, though, and thus hurts more...

    I seriously don't wish anyone to ever get to deal with such a situation, not even the people I hate the most.

  10. Your rent must be dirt cheap if you're living next to a concert hall.
    20 years anniversary of the complex I'm in, did the concert in the parking lot... It's a private student's dorm or something like that.

    Just realized how true Pawn Stars is, because of wow:

    Player: Hello shopkeeper, I have a pretty neat mace to sell.
    Shopkeeper: Okay let's see it
    *shows Sulfuras*
    Player: How much for this baby?
    Shopkeeper: 16 gold
    Player: But it was used by an ELEMENTAL LORD
    Shopkeeper: 16 gold is my highest number
    Player: It was defeated by 40 people and declared an act of heroism, it's unique.
    Shopkeeper: 16 gold is all I can do, sorry.
    Player: Can you atleast give me 17 ?
    Shopkeeper: Fine, 16 gold and 4 silver.
    Edited: October 6, 2015

  11. So, a friend asked me to play League with him, and this happened:


    We invaded blue, veigar got caught and quit the game right away lol
    Edited: October 6, 2015

  12. Nagisa x Tomoya

    dat clannad

  13. I'm really lonely.

    This sucks. :(

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