1. 3 Weeks Ago  
    There isn't an option to deactivate pvp in your character at the top left? im new in this server just downloading it

  2. 1 Week Ago  
    Tell me you never played classic without telling me.

  3. 1 Week Ago  
    I have no problem farming on my lower geared characters. It's called avoid the hot spots, learn alternate farm spots.
    Use your brain.
    Farm Saronite and transmute it
    Titanium spawns in Sholozar Basin, Ice Crown, Storm Peaks, and Wintergrasp
    Easiest way to win in pvp when not geared is to avoid it.
    Call your guildies in to help you-power in numbers

    So many different solutions

  4. 6 Days Ago  
    Why are realm suggestions banned? This isn't contradictory? For exemple: forum threads asking for it would generate hundreds or even thousands of people seeing and talking about it, generating engagement between Warmane users...

    Another topic would be, if any kind of server is being requested a lot, doesn't that mean it is what people want? Silence they would not be a solution, matter of fact, a problem for Warmane, possibily lossing people and future "donators" to said suggested server.

  5. 6 Days Ago  
    Why are realm suggestions banned?
    We aren't going to open a new one or change the nature of current ones (such as making them PvE) based on suggestions, so it's pointless to let people create them.

  6. 6 Days Ago  
    Pointless? Maybe. But still why not people just talk about it? Forums isn't about.... talking? Ban a whole topic is rather lame to say the least.

    Another point, why say "We aren't going to open a new one or change the nature of current ones" like it is a immutable topic? If a server is about to die or very empty, why not try new stuff and think about the future of Warmane? IMO this is a very shotned-world vision.

  7. 6 Days Ago  
    Pointless? Maybe. But still why not people just talk about it? Forums isn't about.... talking? Ban a whole topic is rather lame to say the least.

    Another point, why say "We aren't going to open a new one or change the nature of current ones" like it is a immutable topic? If a server is about to die or very empty, why not try new stuff and think about the future of Warmane? IMO this is a very shotned-world vision.
    Both your paragraphs have a common trend for some reason: you stop reading/copying midway. Why is that?

    People can talk, discuss, wonder and write fanfics as they wish about new servers or making them PvE or RP. Making suggestions for those things, no. They will be automatically denied, so, repeating myself, it's pointless to allow them. You're naturally allowed to have an opinion on that, but I won't be discussing that subject. Suffice to say we have been here for over a decade while other private servers withered, so our "world vision" is just fine.

  8. 6 Days Ago  
    I'm sorry, but I don't get what are you trying to say in your first line, apologies because english is not my first language...

    About the second paragraph, you have a really good point, as you can see I'm new here and in the WoW as a whole, and I didn't knew that others privates servers were already gone, my bad...

    Now back to the suggestion theme again, you guys have realy zero intents of doing something similiar? Not even in the next 5-10 years? Or it is simply impossible by technical issues?

    Sorry to bother and great talk/enlightenment!

  9. 6 Days Ago  
    We have no interest currently. If that ever changes it will be because the Administration saw an opportunity that justifies the investment, not because players "suggested" repeatedly. There's nothing novel about suggesting PvE servers or other expansions, at all.

  10. 6 Days Ago  
    Yeah, makes sense, makes sense.

    I just thought that this server was more a "fan-fan" based on the players overall tastes and will, I didn't have this perception, my bad for wasting ur time

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