1. May 4, 2016  
    Got ganked countless times last night by horde hackers at deepholm.....so yeah.......resurrecting for the nth time and not being able to complete quest is not fun at all, almost makes me want to use hack myself.

  2. May 4, 2016  
    Got ganked countless times last night by horde hackers at deepholm.....so yeah.......resurrecting for the nth time and not being able to complete quest is not fun at all, almost makes me want to use hack myself.
    If they're continually ganking you while using hacks, then please just press the Print Screen button and take screenshots of them. Even better, get Fraps or some other recording software and record them in action. After you've done that - report them with providing as much details as possible.
    This helps much more than just making a random post on the forums whining about it.

  3. May 4, 2016  

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