1. to fix this issue of green npcs, try rewrite the name of these 2 files:
    "patch-8-001" and "patch-H-003", just remove these numbers after and should be fine (-001 and -003).

  2. 1 Week Ago  
    Hi there
    Any update for windows 11?

  3. 1 Week Ago  
    hey i like your patch, can you tell me the patch files that contain the login screen and loading screens in v2 version? is it patch-L and patch-M respectively? thanks!

  4. 1 Week Ago  
    Question, I installed the HD pack.
    1. The main menu - buttons are white with text in it, as if missing textures.
    2. For some reason there is no music in the main menu and ingame... and I need that music for nostalgia :( .
    Any ideas to fix this?

    EDIT: Nevermind, I am not sober. The music was turned off in the menu, and the buttons fixed themselves after a restart.
    Edited: 1 Week Ago

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