1. Low level ganking is not unfair and there are measures already in the game to prevent excessiveness of this. High level players will not get Honor from killing low level players. It is hard to level. It takes time. Most people complain about it. You need to get rekt on the way, you need to be bothered and you need to get tired of stuff, so that when you finish the quest, when you get your drop or when whatever happens it's valued. If they stop allowing high levels to kill low levels, then this will become the normal, and you will want it easier, you will say that it is a waste of time to fly 3 minutes to get to a city, and if they fixt it... and so on and on. Yes you will say that you only want the PvP to be changed. I'm talking in general. Learn to die. Start an alternative character. Log on Blackrock to test stuff so that you know what's up at 80. Check again in 5 minutes. 10 minutes. 1 BG dude... It's not a big deal if you don't cry. Yes, you will say that you are not crying. Learn that crying is not only a child with water on his eyes. Teenagers and adults cry in differents ways. This is a PvP Realm. We are all leveling, I don't attack Hordes that I see on the way because I don't want to spend 1 minute fighthing, at my level. But when a Horde /waves or when I see a Horde and I kill his mob to help him and he freaking /thank me I'm like WTF... Instakill him dude. Get killed 30 hours dude, you will be high level later and you can go to STV and kill all quest givers in their camp and all hordes will see you and you can 1 shot them. Yes you don't find this entertaining. Yes it's whatever you want to say it is. Yes you should be playing a game made by Nintendo or IDK what teenagers do... It's WoW dude... You will get REKT even when you leave PvP zones, you will come and complain that the instance boss is OP bla bla bla... Play chess or some war game with Knights and Kings but that doesn't make you feel pain in your heart. If you want to talk about it or need a hug send me a PM with a picture of your left hand and your right foot, with gloves and socks, no shoes. And I will tell you my address in case you live near. I mean, the community should work together against these criminals, we, the PvP Police will create a reckoning force, we will make alt accounts and patrol the ganking zones. I want to donate 1 hour of every 3 hours of gameplay to this cause. I am Healsonheels, Slayer of Masculinity and I hate gankers. I hate them!

    Learn to dance. Then learn to play. Then learn to die.

    That's life.

  2. Low level ganking is not unfair and there are measures already in the game to prevent excessiveness of this. High level players will not get Honor from killing low level players. It is hard to level. It takes time. Most people complain about it. You need to get rekt on the way, you need to be bothered and you need to get tired of stuff, so that when you finish the quest, when you get your drop or when whatever happens it's valued. If they stop allowing high levels to kill low levels, then this will become the normal, and you will want it easier, you will say that it is a waste of time to fly 3 minutes to get to a city, and if they fixt it... and so on and on. Yes you will say that you only want the PvP to be changed. I'm talking in general. Learn to die. Start an alternative character. Log on Blackrock to test stuff so that you know what's up at 80. Check again in 5 minutes. 10 minutes. 1 BG dude... It's not a big deal if you don't cry. Yes, you will say that you are not crying. Learn that crying is not only a child with water on his eyes. Teenagers and adults cry in differents ways. This is a PvP Realm. We are all leveling, I don't attack Hordes that I see on the way because I don't want to spend 1 minute fighthing, at my level. But when a Horde /waves or when I see a Horde and I kill his mob to help him and he freaking /thank me I'm like WTF... Instakill him dude. Get killed 30 hours dude, you will be high level later and you can go to STV and kill all quest givers in their camp and all hordes will see you and you can 1 shot them. Yes you don't find this entertaining. Yes it's whatever you want to say it is. Yes you should be playing a game made by Nintendo or IDK what teenagers do... It's WoW dude... You will get REKT even when you leave PvP zones, you will come and complain that the instance boss is OP bla bla bla... Play chess or some war game with Knights and Kings but that doesn't make you feel pain in your heart. If you want to talk about it or need a hug send me a PM with a picture of your left hand and your right foot, with gloves and socks, no shoes. And I will tell you my address in case you live near. I mean, the community should work together against these criminals, we, the PvP Police will create a reckoning force, we will make alt accounts and patrol the ganking zones. I want to donate 1 hour of every 3 hours of gameplay to this cause. I am Healsonheels, Slayer of Masculinity and I hate gankers. I hate them!

    Learn to dance. Then learn to play. Then learn to die.

    That's life.
    The **** did I just read? XD you wrote so much but said nothing.

  3. The **** did I just read? XD you wrote so much but said nothing.
    Low level ganking is not unfair and there are measures already in the game to prevent excessiveness of this. High level players will not get Honor from killing low level players.

    If you see a ganker, he doesn't kill you. You are commiting suicide and it was your fault. You put the bullet in your head. You walked to it.

    When you get ganked and camped, log off. Start an alt character. Level it to level 3...

    Or Log on Blackrock to test stuff so that you know what's up at 80.

    relog on your ganked character in 5 minutes, or 10 minutes... May be the ganker is gone...

    Just play 1 BG in Black rock...

    Black rock is this red apple... and Lordaeron is this orange... When you get ganked, don't eat orange. Eat apple. 1 apple and 1 apple 2 apples.

    I tried to write so little and say everything. I want to think that you did understand the first time and that you are not a Warrior. But just in case you are Warrior.

  4. Low level ganking is not unfair and there are measures already in the game to prevent excessiveness of this. High level players will not get Honor from killing low level players.

    If you see a ganker, he doesn't kill you. You are commiting suicide and it was your fault. You put the bullet in your head. You walked to it.

    When you get ganked and camped, log off. Start an alt character. Level it to level 3...

    Or Log on Blackrock to test stuff so that you know what's up at 80.

    relog on your ganked character in 5 minutes, or 10 minutes... May be the ganker is gone...

    Just play 1 BG in Black rock...

    Black rock is this red apple... and Lordaeron is this orange... When you get ganked, don't eat orange. Eat apple. 1 apple and 1 apple 2 apples.

    I tried to write so little and say everything. I want to think that you did understand the first time and that you are not a Warrior. But just in case you are Warrior.
    That is like saying that a solution to a broken toilet is to go outside to take a dump instead of repairing the toilet. Going outside is a workaround (should be temporary in a non-insane world), not a real solution, so it's not something that any person should be forced to get used to. This is not something that is non-fixable, only a little giving of ****s by the GM would be needed to root out this problem (with temporary or slightly less temporary ban). :P

  5. So you despise gankers because they waste the time of the people they gank, so you wasted your time and his time for nothing but a fool's errand because at the end of the day, it is not likely to change anything. And he would have stopped ganking anyway or he would have been eventually ganked himself so it always comes full cycle.
    I commend your motivation and willingness to do something against gankers, but ganking IS world PVP. It's hypocritical to claim you enjoy world PVP but hate ganking since they are exactly the same thing. Truth is, ganking makes the world PVP world to spin, as the gankees will most likely log in their main characters and gank themselves and it will eventually cause a small scale world PVP war between mains.

    Your guildies were right. You are wasting your time and it seems all you want is to stroke your ego by acting as some sort of protector of the weak. But you can do whatever you want, as do gankers. Me, I see ganking as a way to slow down the opposite faction's advancement, especially before WOTLK times. by ganking certain spots, you effectively slowed down leveling for the biggest part of the opposite faction. Plus if you are a PVPer as I am, you always expect a challenger to come and try to stop you and that makes ganking even more awesome.

    You do your police stuff, I'll continue ganking because it's part of the game s much as raiding is. You can't force me to sit around in Dalaran and spam LFG nor can you force me to do BGs or even arenas.

  6. So you despise gankers because they waste the time of the people they gank, so you wasted your time and his time for nothing but a fool's errand because at the end of the day, it is not likely to change anything. And he would have stopped ganking anyway or he would have been eventually ganked himself so it always comes full cycle.
    I commend your motivation and willingness to do something against gankers, but ganking IS world PVP. It's hypocritical to claim you enjoy world PVP but hate ganking since they are exactly the same thing. Truth is, ganking makes the world PVP world to spin, as the gankees will most likely log in their main characters and gank themselves and it will eventually cause a small scale world PVP war between mains.

    Your guildies were right. You are wasting your time and it seems all you want is to stroke your ego by acting as some sort of protector of the weak. But you can do whatever you want, as do gankers. Me, I see ganking as a way to slow down the opposite faction's advancement, especially before WOTLK times. by ganking certain spots, you effectively slowed down leveling for the biggest part of the opposite faction. Plus if you are a PVPer as I am, you always expect a challenger to come and try to stop you and that makes ganking even more awesome.

    You do your police stuff, I'll continue ganking because it's part of the game s much as raiding is. You can't force me to sit around in Dalaran and spam LFG nor can you force me to do BGs or even arenas.
    1 vs 1, with someone my own level of any class in a world pvp setting where we're competing for the same quest mobs IS NOT the same as ganking. That's inter-faction competition and is a fundamental part of the game, not to mention fun. Ganking on the other hand is having an advantage to the point where the other person has a negligible to zero chance of either defeating or escaping from you. It's in no way hypocritical for me to enjoy world PvP while being against a fight where one person has zero chance of victory.

    In fact, if anyone's a hypocrite here, that'd be you. In one post you simultaneously commend me on my effort against ganking and tell me I'm wasting my time? Slowing down leveling for someone is the most pathetic excuse for ganking. If that's your desire, do so with a twink. At least then, with some skill and luck, the other person has a chance of taking you down. I'm not against the inter-faction war, but you'd be ****ing pissed if they showed up with a tank while you only had a pistol in your hand.

    I'm going to ignore your "ego" poke. That said, I didn't particularly expect much of an argument from you considering your final paragraph was so far off topic that it's almost a plea for help. You want to gank? Do it on someone in your level range at the very least. Anyone grey should be off limits.

  7. Low level ganking "Beeing an as.shole is not the part of a game, is a part of yourself" with these words i encourage good people of Lordaeron screencap these guys and post them in this thread, I begin with a small daranei paladin outrage in thallmar.


    There you go Jadnica, way to go beeing a good comunity member. Beeing a part of a nice society, iam not saying horde is good and all and if you have some horde ***** doing this feel free to post it here.

    Have a nice day.

  8. There you go Jadnica, way to go beeing a good comunity member. Beeing a part of a nice society, iam not saying horde is good and all and if you have some horde ***** doing this feel free to post it here.

    1. miserable person (wretched, needy, abandoned etc.)
    2. weak or worthless person (especially morally)

    Explains alot,he is as sad in game as he is irl ;-)

  9. Lol I wonder what my nickname means

  10. STV horde side was the worst experience i have ever had on warcraft. just a whole zone of allys lvl 70+ looking for any horde to gank, and they dont even kill you once then go elsewhere, they sit by your body for you to res then boom 1 shot again and again, they also knock you off your slow *** mount then kill you.
    i ended up skipping the zone i once loved so much in retail..
    so now my char is lvl 62 its very tempting to go to duskwood or something and revenge kill the allys, but no... i just dont..

  11. lmao, goodluck with this. we'll kill lowbies if we want to, and there's **** all you can do about it. following us around and killing what we're after won't work, cause we're smart enough to log out and come back later, unlike the ***** lowbies who continually resurrect just to die again.

  12. Honestly it's a game ,there is a lot of kids real kids and honestly : "word pvp is so fun" ,outside raiding cities,organised guild or group fight,it's the same motivation as this pally ganker :piss of other player and profit from an advantage you have.and if you have problem to get enough honors or kills from BG ,you are just not good enough for pvp or real challenge.

  13. I've noticed that the ganking is most apparent during daytime hours in Europe. Perhaps if warmane blocked all European IP connections this won't be a problem.

  14. I've noticed that the ganking is most apparent during daytime hours in Europe. Perhaps if warmane blocked all European IP connections this won't be a problem.

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