1. How good is MoP?
    Right now : Frostwolf 5001 players 453 queue
    those 5000 players wouldn't play if it's not good

  2. How good is MoP?
    Right now : Frostwolf 5001 players 453 queue
    those 5000 players wouldn't play if it's not good
    lol more like "those 5000 players wouldn't play there if they had any other choice aside from migrating back to 2010s and play wotlk"

  3. lol more like "those 5000 players wouldn't play there if they had any other choice aside from migrating back to 2010s and play wotlk"
    couldn't have said it better
    why would anyone in his right mind play a content that has been around for 5 years...with dull features and insane requirements (gearscore)
    and if the people dont really remember wotlk pvp...let me remind you, warrior + pala / lock + shaman / rogue + mage or priest rule every bracket....regardless of which other comp you play...enjoy the balance

    also how is this new "importing" from real to realm feature gonna be possible considering the fact that basic quests "claimed fixed" in the quest log still don't work,
    also, this feature would automatically allow realm transfers, which gives me the feeling the cata realm is gonna be left with ~500 players
    and the list can continue forever

    as someone above said...this is just bad management and a waste of resources
    Edited: August 18, 2015

  4. MoP still has tons of bugs that need to get fixed but I can say, PvP in here is much better than on WotLK. I do not play PvE so can't say anything about it.

  5. With all my heart I hope that new realm will fail.
    Nope it won't it will be super sucessfull i think... I have good optimism about it :) Stop being a negative nansy

    On-topic: Mop state is pretty ****ty at the moment... I would just wait with it really but if you wanna play on it sure but you will feel the burn out pretty quickly cause of lack of content (a lot of it is closed and not scripted)

  6. I remember, when my friend started to play on newly released cata server in molten, I always asked him how is it? Is it worth playing it? 15 months later I tried it for myself and it was still bugged as hell :(

  7. i dont know what all these people are talking about, but pvp wise its the most fun expansion of wow ever released...there are some bugs but nothing crucial, the gameplay is really really fun, arenas work great

    Only a person who play's a FOTM r-tard-friendly class can say that.
    But yeah nothing crucial about spell bugs ... i mean Numbling poison + shiv is just 150% cast reduction time in PVP (Should be 25% max).
    Nothing crucial.
    Play Warrior/Hunter/Warlock and you'll have fun.

  9. hi guys, first of all, srry for my english im spanish...
    how about pve? its good? i want to know if there are a lot of bags cuz i like pve.. and another question its better play in Wotlk for pve?

    Only a person who play's a FOTM r-tard-friendly class can say that.
    But yeah nothing crucial about spell bugs ... i mean Numbling poison + shiv is just 150% cast reduction time in PVP (Should be 25% max).
    Nothing crucial.
    Play Warrior/Hunter/Warlock and you'll have fun.
    are you kiddin? on cataclysm you couldn't dream of running third of the comps you can run on mop to high ratings meaning its much more flexibile and balanced fotm wise... soo whats your rating and what comp do you play? that should clear up alot of things
    Edited: August 19, 2015

  11. good thing we have full focus on the upcoming wotlk realm...because thats what we need...an expansion that is 5 years old, lets abandon the new content, who needs that anyway
    tbh i never understood why people play on old expansions, they added new and better features for a reason....thats why you don't use pigeons to send messages and adopted the mobile phone technology, cuz its better in every way
    There are more players playing in WotLK realms than in MoP. Not to say, MoP is also an old expansion now.

    Our plan is to switch the focus to MoP once Lordaeron is finished. Expect MoP to be close to the quality of Lordaeron when it is done.

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