1. The moment I took the screenshot was at the entrance of SMV, half of the fel irons where mined in Terrokar.

    Here's the thing and I am repeating myself here again, "mining for 2 hours without seeing a single fel iron vein?" --- never happened to me since BC release. I go on mining sprees to mine adamantite for an hour or two, fel iron is a side bonus for me. I always get at least 3 stacks of ore, the most I've gotten was 9, not too bad considering it's just a bonus. Are the respawn timers like retail? Of course not. The Vanilla nodes have/had the same issue. I actually timed the Vanilla nodes while leveling BS 2 months ago, it was 40 minutes. Nobody complained about that. But if you're going to limit yourself to just Hellfire Peninsula, of course fel iron is going to be rare. That place is being farmed by everyone, from levels 60s to 80s.
    After having flown around for 3+ hours each of the last 2 nights...I believe you are full of it. Last night I did a circuit on the underutilized zones...Blades Edge Mountains (3 fel iron nodes seen, 4 adamantite nodes, 2 rich adamantite and 1 khorium vein)...Netherstorm (6 fel iron nodes, 8 adamantites and 4 rich adamantite), SMV (2 fel iron nodes, 2 adamantite nodes)....these aren't ones I got...this is all that ever showed up on my tracking the entire 3 hours...I got all of the fel iron, which ended up with me getting about 1 stack of ore over 3 hours....

    As a cursory after I was fed up I simply flew through Hellfire, Zangarmarsh, and Nagrand and 1 adamantite node was seen...which makes sense as these are more populated, I should have easily seen triple or quadruple the amount of nodes in the time I was flying around...I also payed attention to who was in the zones and I play on U.S. eastern time and at 11:00pm is the least pop on the server.....

  2. Here is place where you can farm 20 damantine ores and about 10-16 fel iron ores each run - http://www.wowhead.com/object=181555...sit#map:3715.1 . You are weclome.
    We know about SV. SV does not help players leveling their first chars, to level their profs, as it is a (very difficult) level 70 instance. World veins need fixing.

  3. After having flown around for 3+ hours each of the last 2 nights...I believe you are full of it. Last night I did a circuit on the underutilized zones...Blades Edge Mountains (3 fel iron nodes seen, 4 adamantite nodes, 2 rich adamantite and 1 khorium vein)...Netherstorm (6 fel iron nodes, 8 adamantites and 4 rich adamantite), SMV (2 fel iron nodes, 2 adamantite nodes)....these aren't ones I got...this is all that ever showed up on my tracking the entire 3 hours...I got all of the fel iron, which ended up with me getting about 1 stack of ore over 3 hours....

    As a cursory after I was fed up I simply flew through Hellfire, Zangarmarsh, and Nagrand and 1 adamantite node was seen...which makes sense as these are more populated, I should have easily seen triple or quadruple the amount of nodes in the time I was flying around...I also payed attention to who was in the zones and I play on U.S. eastern time and at 11:00pm is the least pop on the server.....
    You can believe what you want, but I sold 8 stacks of fel iron ore today.

  4. Fel Iron? That ore really exists?

    On a serious note, the vein's pretty much rare in the Outlands area that I have travelled on, namely Terrokar, Hellfire Peninsula, and Nagrand. My friend also said that it was really rare as well. Some people even resorted on mining the elite collosi for skill-upping mining up to Northrend level

  5. In a perfect world, people will take a look at the other forum posts before difusing all their anger on their poor keyboards.

    The problem is you're speaking from a (naturally selfish) player point of view. For you, what should be prioritized is what affects you. Fel Iron? Yes, it's frustrating, but it still affects just a portion of the players. You don't have the global view of the project as a whole that Developers do, both for what is requiring priority in fixes, and for what fixes are dependent on other fixes that players might consider "unnecessary" or not even notice that were implemented. Beyond that there's the fact Developers have their own fields of expertise or assignment. If just one Developer is able to check and fix the spawn tables, but he's deep into another part of the project that is more important overall - even if you disagree - Fel Iron nodes will have to wait.
    From http://forum.warmane.com/showthread....rything-broken
    Edited: January 2, 2016

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