1. You don't donate to a SPECIFIC realm!
    You donate for warmane!
    That said, you have to spend coins on lordaeron as a proof that you donated to that server and with that you will be able to skip the queue. (This is what I understood from what they writed at the homepage)


    Donations award coins and a Premium membership:
    - Coins to purchase items and services within the store
    - No waiting in queues on all realms, except Lordaeron <------- HERE :/
    - Access to Contributor forum section"
    Edited: January 17, 2016

  3. Before old Molten (today's Warmane) was shutted down from stupid russians, when ppl donated, u could skip ALL QUEUES in ALL Realms, even Lordaeron ... i miss that thing a bit, and yes, it's not good to wait 2k and above ppl like today /eventually in weekends/ and not to log in for like 1-3-4 hrs .. i am busy atm, 'cause i study for exams /5th year in university/ and don't have that much time to play and whenever i want to or have some free time, suurpriiiiise ... u have to wait .. Pls warmane, do something to really reduce waiting time .. i think maximum limit for ppl who can wait should be not more than 1.5k and eventually if we get the merge or the reuniting of the realms with Lordaeron's core very soon, this would be great. More and more players will be able to join in fast and lvl up their chars, do PvP, PvE, whatever anybody is interested doing, etc. We want and hope for ur fast response on all forum threads about lowering waiting in queues.
    Peace! :)
    Edited: January 17, 2016

  4. 1) I never bashed anyone, I just said that it doesn't make any sense to prioritse them.
    2) Guess what u're new aswell.
    3) "the incentive to donate now just to bypass the queue is still good in terms of supporting the server" Thats is true, but any better than the support old donators contributed to the server?
    You joined in 2013, you can't call anyone new to this server.

  5. Excuse me, I didn't know the reason why you donated made any difference. You're basically saying that some new guy that donated 10 for the server is more of a contributor towards it than someone who donated 100 for perks? The only thing that should be taken in consideration here are the actual values of howmuch u donated, aside from the reason of the donation.
    False, I stated what I stated.

    It can and does make a difference depending on how and who looks at it.

    Kind of like if there is a can food drive at a store and year after year hardly anyone donates then one year they offer a shopping discount for people that donate and tons of people then donate, are those people donating to help others in need or are they donating for the discount they get in return? Before the reason was solely to help others in need then later another "reason" was introduced, a reason that often overshadows the original one. Donations are donations but I wouldn't count possibly reasoning(s) for them out of consideration or hold a person that donated however much before (when there were perks, etc.) higher than someone who donates now (with little to no perks).

    Spoiler: Show
    Before when top tier items, perks and or level ups, etc, were available players were seemingly donating left and right (exaggeration). Now that those things are not available (as previously mentioned) donations have plummeted so one can argue that the people donating now are doing so in good faith of supporting the server as opposed to donating for what they can get in return (not stating that those who want something in return are wrong). Trying to compare the amount of 100 then and 10 now is quite absurd, even so one could still argue if things were the same then as they are now that the players that donated more than once probably would not have or at all, but, the 10 donators would still be there.

  6. So basicly the queue skipping returned quickly , what's next ? :D Let people donate for max level characters cmon you know you need the money :D

  7. So basicly the queue skipping returned quickly , what's next ? :D Let people donate for max level characters cmon you know you need the money :D
    We won't return "Max level" donation. It will break gameplay while queue skipping doesn't.

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