1. Well, if you know what you are doing, you can be devastating in any kind of PvP right?
    So Monks are a bit better in Mobility and Damage, Druid is more supportive.
    that SHOULD be how pvp works, but blizzard ****ed it up on mop. try beating a full geared warrior, for example, completely naked. on mop it's impossible to do it, while on previous expansions it's very possible. the game doesn't work in skill's favor like it used to (you can be a multi gladiator and you'd still get owned by a 1500 rated warr in that scenario on mop), so that's why class tier matters more than on any previous xpac (because different classes have different scalings and the amount of cc).

    anyway, right now, a feral can't even break the warrior's second wind without using incarnation, since it's critting for about 16k, 20k max with fury. on prideful, rip will normal tick for about 17-20k and crit around 35-40k, but the hp will be around 550-600k. i would stick with a rogue if i were you or roll a balance or resto druid if you're so eager to play it, though i won't stop you from rolling a feral, since as i said, a certain streamer managed to get a glad with it and there were some other ones that had even higher ratings, but that all happened in 3v3, which is nearly non-existent on our realm.

    and btw, to the guy pasting a yt link with feral crits... type in youtube 'brofist 1v3 arena 5.4' and you can do the same for ferals, but you won't find much. that should answer the main question regarding monk viability (maybe even compare it with feral).
    Edited: February 4, 2016

  2. What i have seen in this server is more monks than ferals... ferals are very rare here.

  3. that SHOULD be how pvp works, but blizzard ****ed it up on mop. try beating a full geared warrior, for example, completely naked. on mop it's impossible to do it, while on previous expansions it's very possible. the game doesn't work in skill's favor like it used to (you can be a multi gladiator and you'd still get owned by a 1500 rated warr in that scenario on mop), so that's why class tier matters more than on any previous xpac (because different classes have different scalings and the amount of cc).

    anyway, right now, a feral can't even break the warrior's second wind without using incarnation, since it's critting for about 16k, 20k max with fury. on prideful, rip will normal tick for about 17-20k and crit around 35-40k, but the hp will be around 550-600k. i would stick with a rogue if i were you or roll a balance or resto druid if you're so eager to play it, though i won't stop you from rolling a feral, since as i said, a certain streamer managed to get a glad with it and there were some other ones that had even higher ratings, but that all happened in 3v3, which is nearly non-existent on our realm.

    and btw, to the guy pasting a yt link with feral crits... type in youtube 'brofist 1v3 arena 5.4' and you can do the same for ferals, but you won't find much. that should answer the main question regarding monk viability (maybe even compare it with feral).
    I know this video you're talking about. Brofist 1v3 arenas. It's good, but i've seen also a lot good Feral videos, Sodapoppin did 1v9 in Battleground. And i am not re-rolling, rogue will always be my main class, i am wondering which one to pick for ALT, WW or Feral. And with rogue, it's good, but not here, with subtlety spec my damage is miserable, eviscerate with full cd's hits 15-20k and on retail it hits 150-200k
    Currently the best rogue spec for PvP is Assassination, Combat can be good but outside cooldowns it's completely garbage. Subtlety is still outshining because of Shadow Dance, but the problem is it's damage.

    I like Feral Druid and WW Monks playstyles, they are good, they are both fun.
    On Druid i don't like the fact that you are in animal forms almost all the time, so why even bothering searching for transmogs.
    On Monk, i don't like the animations, most of the Monks are using swords, and it shouldn't look like it is hitting with swords, it should look like it's hitting like he's not using any weapons, it's not a bug, it's blizzard mistake, not sure how to call it.

    Feral Druid ( Pros + and Cons - )
    + Stealth
    + Good Burst [30 seconds open window]
    + Good Sustained Damage.
    + Bleeding Effects
    + It's very supportive (Cenarion Ward, Cyclone)
    + Good healing
    + Good Mobility
    + Symbiosis (This is very, very overpowered and i love it, cast it on Paladin and you get Divine Shield, cast it on Priest, and you get Dispersion)
    + Good CC
    + Can charge :D
    + Typhoon
    + Feral's burst is very easy, it's like just press two buttons.
    + Outside movement speed is 125% (Normally it's 100%, and Monk's outside speed is 110%)
    - Healing requires mana, and it runs low very quickly.
    - While trying to heal, the enemy can catch the druid outside of form (Very weak when outside of form)
    + Enemies that are trying to escape at low health, usually die from Feral Druid's bleeds.

    Feral druid is more close to my rogue, because it have stealth and good bleeding effects.

    Windwalker Monk ( Pros + and Cons - )
    + Very crazy mobility.
    + Amazing healing, even better then Feral's
    + Good defensive cd's [Touch of Karma]
    + Good Sustained Damage.
    + Good Burst.
    + Very good in Arenas.
    - Requires ramp up in order to do massive insane burst (TEB Stacks)
    + MASTER AT 1vs1, 2v2. (Can 1v3 if the player know what he's doing. In other words high skill cap)
    + CC removals [Tiger's lust, Nimble Brew and Trinket)
    + Can teleport
    + Can be Human Race (Free Trinket)
    - Doesn't have any bleeds, enemy can escape easily in bg's, especially if rogue.
    + Monks have a Fist of Fury (Stun that cannot be removed by trinket, because it's a tick)
    + Can disarm from a 40 yard range.

    I like both classes, they are FUN they are cool. What i want is more melee damage. Is feral druid doing much more damage then WW Monk? - I do not know.

    Is Monk more OP then Dudu - Don't know that either.

    Which one of these classes can kill enemy faster and easier? - I think druid, because it does not require ramp up. But it got nerfed.

    I haven't fully decided just yet.
    Edited: February 5, 2016

  4. I know this video you're talking about. Brofist 1v3 arenas. It's good, but i've seen also a lot good Feral videos, Sodapoppin did 1v9 in Battleground. And i am not re-rolling, rogue will always be my main class, i am wondering which one to pick for ALT, WW or Feral. And with rogue, it's good, but not here, with subtlety spec my damage is miserable, eviscerate with full cd's hits 15-20k and on retail it hits 150-200k
    Currently the best rogue spec for PvP is Assassination, Combat can be good but outside cooldowns it's completely garbage. Subtlety is still outshining because of Shadow Dance, but the problem is it's damage.

    I like Feral Druid and WW Monks playstyles, they are good, they are both fun.
    On Druid i don't like the fact that you are in animal forms almost all the time, so why even bothering searching for transmogs.
    On Monk, i don't like the animations, most of the Monks are using swords, and it shouldn't look like it is hitting with swords, it should look like it's hitting like he's not using any weapons, it's not a bug, it's blizzard mistake, not sure how to call it.

    Feral Druid ( Pros + and Cons - )
    + Stealth
    + Good Burst [30 seconds open window]
    + Good Sustained Damage.
    + Bleeding Effects
    + It's very supportive (Cenarion Ward, Cyclone)
    + Good healing
    + Good Mobility
    + Symbiosis (This is very, very overpowered and i love it, cast it on Paladin and you get Divine Shield, cast it on Priest, and you get Dispersion)
    + Good CC
    + Can charge :D
    + Typhoon
    + Feral's burst is very easy, it's like just press two buttons.
    + Outside movement speed is 125% (Normally it's 100%, and Monk's outside speed is 110%)
    - Healing requires mana, and it runs low very quickly.
    - While trying to heal, the enemy can catch the druid outside of form (Very weak when outside of form)
    + Enemies that are trying to escape at low health, usually die from Feral Druid's bleeds.

    Feral druid is more close to my rogue, because it have stealth and good bleeding effects.

    Windwalker Monk ( Pros + and Cons - )
    + Very crazy mobility.
    + Amazing healing, even better then Feral's
    + Good defensive cd's [Touch of Karma]
    + Good Sustained Damage.
    + Good Burst.
    + Very good in Arenas.
    - Requires ramp up in order to do massive insane burst (TEB Stacks)
    + MASTER AT 1vs1, 2v2. (Can 1v3 if the player know what he's doing. In other words high skill cap)
    + CC removals [Tiger's lust, Nimble Brew and Trinket)
    + Can teleport
    + Can be Human Race (Free Trinket)
    - Doesn't have any bleeds, enemy can escape easily in bg's, especially if rogue.
    + Monks have a Fist of Fury (Stun that cannot be removed by trinket, because it's a tick)
    + Can disarm from a 40 yard range.

    I like both classes, they are FUN they are cool. What i want is more melee damage. Is feral druid doing much more damage then WW Monk? - I do not know.

    Is Monk more OP then Dudu - Don't know that either.

    Which one of these classes can kill enemy faster and easier? - I think druid, because it does not require ramp up. But it got nerfed.

    I haven't fully decided just yet.
    Current feral burst and heal (here) is less than what sodapoppin can do. While druid gives better burst pressure (in 30 sec) window (ravage spam), monk gives better burst in small window (+- 5 sec) when rsk can crit like 120-140k, rjw is +- 10k(3-4 tick), chi wave +-5k (3 tick), and fist of fury 40k (3 tick). Weakness of monk is they only heal small amount on his friend :D, unlike druid can easily do 1:1 damage to heal ratio while throwing occasional CC (stun/clone/hibernate/root) and kite.

    1. I like both classes, they are FUN they are cool. What i want is more melee damage. Is feral druid doing much more damage then WW Monk?
    -Druid do more damage than WW for sure.

    2. Is Monk more OP then Dudu
    -Both class isnt OP.

    3. Which class can kill enemy faster and easier?
    -Dudu. But WW is better at bullying those 300k and cleave them :D. Dudu have problem in swapping target tho, while WW can do that easily.
    Edited: February 5, 2016

  5. i have every class @522. including ww/feral specs. also high rated on retail. to me.. both are great. if you do arena, pick the one that can counter the most common comps in the rating you're most likely able to achieve [make sure they're warmane comps.. retail comps differ :P]. i <3 ww monk myself, but with the broken gear [roll and serpent kick should remove snares but dont], i tend to prefer playing my feral

  6. Nasty, just bit OT but how boomkins and elementals perform these days (5.4.8 Warmane) and how do they stand in countering warriors? Thanks!

  7. Nasty, just bit OT but how boomkins and elementals perform these days (5.4.8 Warmane) and how do they stand in countering warriors? Thanks!
    Boomkins are always good in countering war, provided they can heal easily, kite, root, & clone. Ele is ok to do 1v1 with warrior and they have big burst (may surprise the warriors).
    In battleground situation:
    1. Ele is forced to hardcast, while dudu have alot of instant cast.
    2. Dudu can heal good by giving reju to another ppl, while shaman lost big dps by hardcasting surges (Totem is weak compared to multiple rejus especially with hotw)
    3. Dudu have better survival chance on gangbang because he can kite multiple enemies, while ele is having problem on that situation.

  8. I know this video you're talking about. Brofist 1v3 arenas. It's good, but i've seen also a lot good Feral videos, Sodapoppin did 1v9 in Battleground. And i am not re-rolling, rogue will always be my main class, i am wondering which one to pick for ALT, WW or Feral. And with rogue, it's good, but not here, with subtlety spec my damage is miserable, eviscerate with full cd's hits 15-20k and on retail it hits 150-200k
    Currently the best rogue spec for PvP is Assassination, Combat can be good but outside cooldowns it's completely garbage. Subtlety is still outshining because of Shadow Dance, but the problem is it's damage.

    I like Feral Druid and WW Monks playstyles, they are good, they are both fun.
    On Druid i don't like the fact that you are in animal forms almost all the time, so why even bothering searching for transmogs.
    On Monk, i don't like the animations, most of the Monks are using swords, and it shouldn't look like it is hitting with swords, it should look like it's hitting like he's not using any weapons, it's not a bug, it's blizzard mistake, not sure how to call it.

    Feral Druid ( Pros + and Cons - )
    + Stealth
    + Good Burst [30 seconds open window]
    + Good Sustained Damage.
    + Bleeding Effects
    + It's very supportive (Cenarion Ward, Cyclone)
    + Good healing
    + Good Mobility
    + Symbiosis (This is very, very overpowered and i love it, cast it on Paladin and you get Divine Shield, cast it on Priest, and you get Dispersion)
    + Good CC
    + Can charge :D
    + Typhoon
    + Feral's burst is very easy, it's like just press two buttons.
    + Outside movement speed is 125% (Normally it's 100%, and Monk's outside speed is 110%)
    - Healing requires mana, and it runs low very quickly.
    - While trying to heal, the enemy can catch the druid outside of form (Very weak when outside of form)
    + Enemies that are trying to escape at low health, usually die from Feral Druid's bleeds.

    Feral druid is more close to my rogue, because it have stealth and good bleeding effects.

    Windwalker Monk ( Pros + and Cons - )
    + Very crazy mobility.
    + Amazing healing, even better then Feral's
    + Good defensive cd's [Touch of Karma]
    + Good Sustained Damage.
    + Good Burst.
    + Very good in Arenas.
    - Requires ramp up in order to do massive insane burst (TEB Stacks)
    + MASTER AT 1vs1, 2v2. (Can 1v3 if the player know what he's doing. In other words high skill cap)
    + CC removals [Tiger's lust, Nimble Brew and Trinket)
    + Can teleport
    + Can be Human Race (Free Trinket)
    - Doesn't have any bleeds, enemy can escape easily in bg's, especially if rogue.
    + Monks have a Fist of Fury (Stun that cannot be removed by trinket, because it's a tick)
    + Can disarm from a 40 yard range.

    I like both classes, they are FUN they are cool. What i want is more melee damage. Is feral druid doing much more damage then WW Monk? - I do not know.

    Is Monk more OP then Dudu - Don't know that either.

    Which one of these classes can kill enemy faster and easier? - I think druid, because it does not require ramp up. But it got nerfed.

    I haven't fully decided just yet.
    If you cannot choose then dont choose!... Play both.

  9. Depends what you like doing the most with your char.

    For BG's/duels - ww monk.
    For Arenas - feral.

    WW monks are not that viable in arenas due to bugs (karma, set bonus, haste, etc.) and due to most healers expecting you to deal the same damage as a warr/hunter. I am not sure about the bugs concerning ferals, but I'd say if you're looking to climb the ladder far and quickly go feral. For bg's and duels though, monk is loads of fun.

  10. Depends what you like doing the most with your char.

    For BG's/duels - ww monk.
    For Arenas - feral.

    WW monks are not that viable in arenas due to bugs (karma, set bonus, haste, etc.) and due to most healers expecting you to deal the same damage as a warr/hunter. I am not sure about the bugs concerning ferals, but I'd say if you're looking to climb the ladder far and quickly go feral. For bg's and duels though, monk is loads of fun.
    i strongly disagree with you... monks might be bugged for the moment, but overall they're the ones that are way better in arena than feral ever was on 5.4. monks are better in both, 2s and 3s. moonkin, on the other hand, is a completely different story. i would recommend playing balance, as they can only get better. there are bugs that hurt them, but they'll get fixed eventually and they should be pretty strong in pvp in general when prideful hits the realm, if we're talking about bugfree realm (except dueling).

  11. i strongly disagree with you... monks might be bugged for the moment, but overall they're the ones that are way better in arena than feral ever was on 5.4. monks are better in both, 2s and 3s. moonkin, on the other hand, is a completely different story. i would recommend playing balance, as they can only get better. there are bugs that hurt them, but they'll get fixed eventually and they should be pretty strong in pvp in general when prideful hits the realm, if we're talking about bugfree realm (except dueling).
    I've ditched the idea of seeing things in a bugfree realm long time ago. Let's face it, Warmane staff is not rushing to fix critical class spell issues (Karma, Chi Burst and Xuen bugs have been confirmed 8 MONTHS ago). So while I agree with you that ww was viable and strong in arenas in these patches (especially in 3s), let's look at the situation as it is right now in Frostwolf, and that is ferals are more viable in arenas.

  12. i strongly disagree with you... monks might be bugged for the moment, but overall they're the ones that are way better in arena than feral ever was on 5.4. monks are better in both, 2s and 3s. moonkin, on the other hand, is a completely different story. i would recommend playing balance, as they can only get better. there are bugs that hurt them, but they'll get fixed eventually and they should be pretty strong in pvp in general when prideful hits the realm, if we're talking about bugfree realm (except dueling).
    i strongly disagree with you aswell.WW is really good vs some classes but they have hard counters in face of hunter mage that completely destroy them.on other hand feral is way more balanced and do well vs any class.(i quess warlocks kinda rekt them).problem with ferals is comps are really limted.if you want to go high rating your only good comp is with priest healer.as for 3s other then jungle nothing else work very well.
    about boomy i agree they are way better in PVP however its caster spec.he main rogue and look for class that is familiar such as WW and feral.boomy have completely different playstyle.
    btw as for bugged spells well you better not pick your class because of this.bugs can be fixed anytime or new one can show.if WW is bad because of a bug today,it may become better because of other bug tomorrow.
    Edited: February 5, 2016

  13. i strongly disagree with you aswell.WW is really good vs some classes but they have hard counters in face of hunter mage that completely destroy them.on other hand feral is way more balanced and do well vs any class.(i quess warlocks kinda rekt them).problem with ferals is comps are really limted.if you want to go high rating your only good comp is with priest healer.as for 3s other then jungle nothing else work very well.
    about boomy i agree they are way better in PVP however its caster spec.he main rogue and look for class that is familiar such as WW and feral.boomy have completely different playstyle.
    btw as for bugged spells well you better not pick your class because of this.bugs can be fixed anytime or new one can show.if WW is bad because of a bug today,it may become better because of other bug tomorrow.
    Mage completle destroys ww monk? Frost or every?

  14. Mage completle destroys ww monk? Frost or every?
    frost.i dont think arcane and fire are really good in arena on this patch.they can be played and you can even do well but frost is simple superior in every aspect.as WW you cant catch a mage if he play well,you have only 1 out of root,he can blink the firsts,block the karma and your Diffuse Magic have longer CC then mage cds.it remind me on mage vs warrior in WOTLK.
    Edited: February 6, 2016

  15. frost.i dont think arcane and fire are really good in arena on this patch.they can be played and you can even do well but frost is simple superior in every aspect.as WW you cant catch a mage if he play well,you have only 1 out of root,he can blink the firsts,block the karma and your Diffuse Magic have longer CC then mage cds.it remind me on mage vs warrior in WOTLK.

    Actually i never saw mage's to get any serious nerf. But i do not care, even if it's the most overpowered class, i'm still not going to play it because i simply don't like it's playstyle, however monks and druids seem to suit my playstyles. Currently i am gearing both, because i still cannot decide. Both are great, both are strong.

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