1. No, it wouldn't be that hard without addons, honestly. I've been playing without DBM for years now. I just don't need it because I know every boss's mechanic. And then we also have the boss announcements that Blizzard added to every boss, so basically you don't even need addons anymore to warn you about stuff and so on. I've never used Gladius or PowerAuras either, I just don't want them and don't need them. AtlasLoot is just not having to Alt+Tab to wowhead every time you wanna check a boss's loot.

    Anyway, to the point of the thread - a big reason why vanilla and TBC were considered hard and fun was basically because players sucked at the game. Go back on a vanilla server right now and you'll see numbers and performance which were nowhere to be seen back on retail vanilla. The amount of DPS and just general performance that people are doing nowadays on a vanilla server is at least 1/4 higher than what it was on retail vanilla simply because these people now know exactly which rotation is best, which gear is BiS, which boss does what and when - there are sources for all of these, something that wasn't available for a long time before.

  2. Its the same when you look on WotLK raiding from retail on youtube, We have around every dps in our raids above 15k while on retail only a few reached those numbers, Its a huge difference in having to play this game for years or a few month like it was on blizz, specially when new patches came out with new dungeons that compleately changed the gameplay/ rotation during to new stats / bonuses etc.
    People didnt walk around with full BiS in retail either, only very few people had full BiS because you had such short time in order to gain it before a new raid was released.

  3. Vanilla and TBC were not the hardcore days,raids were not mechanically more complex than they are now,the reason why it might seem so was exactly the same reason why raids nowadays seem to be too easy. Addons.
    humm no, addons only? , i don't think so, go with a pug grp in shattered halls, try to do the timer without a PalTank^^ even with a guild group it was, even geared, a hard place during TBC and so on, SSC, Hyjal summit or BT wasn't easy with or without addon or AQ40, may be the addons helped a lot, but it wasn't easy as it was in Cata, even ICC with the buff was harder^^than Fireland will ever be. that's why since Cata there is 3 version of the same raid^^and the RF, wich became worst in Mop and even more in WoD, for exemple in Wod the tag normal is the easy way of Mop^^. So no , you're wrong, may be you were the best hunt in the world these days, but for the majority it was hardcore

    well, Vanilla was the beginning which means we knew nothing, it has been said everywhere, it was a total discovery, we had to go and check everywhere for everything, it was really time consuming, I've spent 6 months to up my very 1st warrior + Blacksmithing, I wanted to gear up myself, ahahaha, I've ended up with a lot of white stuff :D.. on a pvp server, I've died almost every 2 mobs, jeez!
    but look, all the starting zone are and were awsome, Thunderbluff, Teldrassil, Tirisfal glades etc..today i play on Over Ultra :P but in 2005 i wasn't and it's like starting over a new game even i know what's coming next, it's here again, that vibe, it will probably take me less this time to go, but for sure it won't be a few hours like on retail Oo

    Blizz had created a game for geek, because they were geeks themselves, it started to change with LK and definitely with Cata which was a new gaming era and because of Activision, I think that most of the old players like me are here because of that, it has never been the same since.

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