1. Here u r wrong :) They wont be mad, people will be just disapointed and will move on, so and their guilds or at least a decent chunk of players ( and those are one of most the active players on the server )

    And guilds that are filled up with such active players doesnt really care when AQ opens. They will clear it sooner or latter,on other hand i cant say same for you guys that still cant figure out how time lapse on Chroma working and still not being able to clear BWL in 5h runs
    You're right, maybe dissapointed is better phrasing. Other then that i dont think im wrong. We've been helping people from different guilds out with quests aswell and i do think the players who actually went for it deserve something for their effort. However if they wouldn't receive the tiltes and mount it would be a bummer but i wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

    Also the last part of your message doesn't really make any sense, don't see where you base that off and is not true. Really only shows your colors :').

  2. Who exactly are you my rando friend to say something is 'free' ? How is giving mounts and titles 'free' when people and their respective guilds putted time to grind those 'free titles and mounts'? Even if the AQ release is delayed/limited by the War Effort - opening it at some point later manually or player bases pushes it - doesn't make anything free.

    I assume you are one of them back pedal enjoyers that re-lives 2005 exp.
    Go craft your Mageweave Bandages and I see you on the Effort, compass gaming...
    A lot of assumptions and arrogant comments, rather check the facts ;D

  3. Well he is not wrong. Also it is true that people who have finished the Scarab Lord quest line are contributing to War Effort a lot (for obvious reasons). Problem is, those are 10% of the server, or let's just say 10% of people who would most likely help with WA anyway. But there ar at least 50% more people, who are grinding Scarab Lord right now (either for themselves or just making profit) and don't do anything to help rest of us complete the WA. And those are just leechers, who will get their mount/title for "free", yes. Because casually grinding for 3-4 weeks, buying the carapaces for half the original price and simply waiting for rest of the server to finish WA for you...well, worse terms than leecher comes to my mind then.
    I wish Warmane gave title/mount only to people who also contributed to WA, although it would be super hard to identify. Or people who finished it within first 2 weeks because those people are more likely to help with WA than those finishing Scarab last week for example.
    In any case, whoever cares and is reading this - just help us with WA, as a lot of time and money has already been put to it and try to get it done by 27.4.

  4. 10% of players having completed the Scarab Lord quest chain, really?

  5. Read the message, the exact sentence you are referring to, again. I said people who would most likely contribute to WA. There will obviously always be people, who don't care about neither WA nor Scarab lord and do nothing.

  6. Well he is not wrong. Also it is true that people who have finished the Scarab Lord quest line are contributing to War Effort a lot (for obvious reasons). Problem is, those are 10% of the server, or let's just say 10% of people who would most likely help with WA anyway. But there ar at least 50% more people, who are grinding Scarab Lord right now (either for themselves or just making profit) and don't do anything to help rest of us complete the WA. And those are just leechers, who will get their mount/title for "free", yes. Because casually grinding for 3-4 weeks, buying the carapaces for half the original price and simply waiting for rest of the server to finish WA for you...well, worse terms than leecher comes to my mind then.
    I wish Warmane gave title/mount only to people who also contributed to WA, although it would be super hard to identify. Or people who finished it within first 2 weeks because those people are more likely to help with WA than those finishing Scarab last week for example.
    In any case, whoever cares and is reading this - just help us with WA, as a lot of time and money has already been put to it and try to get it done by 27.4.
    They should have let the timer on Red Scepter Shard stay 1h30min, rather than changing it to blizzlike 5h after 2 weeks. That would have already sorted out all the leechers. This way im not really sure what their plan is, in any case i find the communication regarding this very disappointing. As far as i remember you could easily get the mount + title on Frostmourne (as level 80), while the first ones of us here (as level 60) and biggest contributors to War Effort might not get anything. As someone said before, im not gonna loose any sleep over it, but its definitely a spit in the face when the communication from various team members points in different directions and we spent so much time for maybe nothing in the end.

    Anyways, we grinding that War Effort until the last day and lets see what happens.

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