1. You are not the only one man. Other people are having the same exact problem. Stay calm :)
    Pretty sure admins are aware of this issue and working on resolving it, I guess :D

  2. I have been baned for no reason for a short time?

    Your IP Address (186.xx.xx.xxx) has been suspended for due to BotNetwork

    That's the message that I get into the web, in-game says that I has been baned but could be disbaned. It happens like 2 minutes ago, now Im in game without problem.

    but why happens? I was just playing into another server and when I changged the realmlist to this one I noticed with that short suspension. Let me know what happens.
    One little information to have know, Im Uruguayan, we dont have a native ip address, when our router is turned of and on it changes the ip address or in certain moment, I think 12 hours ip changges automaticaly so maybe that was the problem, btw I want to know what happened

  3. My account is locked, and i dont know why or how change it

    When I enter the game, it's say that my account is locked but can be unlocked. But i don't know how to unlock it... can someone help me?

  4. account locked

    i dont know why my account is locked
    when i try to log in, it gives this error:
    ''your account has been locked but can be unlocked''
    how to unlock !!!
    what should i do ????

  5. Same here.

    Usually logging into the website fixed the issue, but not any more.

    I thought 2FA would fix the issue, but no.

    Now I get disconnected when I manage to log in, refreshing the lockout immediately!

  6. I am locked out for the second time, I think emailing ([email protected]) helped unlock the account the first time a couple days ago, but now no response in 12+ hours, could it be that PDANet+ and/or phone internet connection are causing this? I live in the country-side so don't have many other options. Any ideas?

  7. I emailed the team ([email protected]) the first time it happened a couple days ago and they might've unlocked it, or maybe it unlocked automatically idk, but now 2nd time I have been locked out for 12 hours, I suspect its my mobile phone internet and/or PDAnet+ tethering that might be triggering this, anyone have any ideas?

  8. Found a Solution

    I found a solution to the unexplained "Account is Locked but can be Unlocked" login error.

    Basically you have to switch internet to something that doesn't use PDA Net or other Tethering software, I suspect it acts like a VPN and I think the ip is blocked.

    Kind of lame, but there you go.

  9. Help! My IP and account was banned for no reason

    I was trying to enter on my account after a long time without playing the game and i realized that it was blocked and my IP was banned for BotNet, but, i did not do anything. Can someone help me? The account's name is "nanpluz". I can't even enter on it. Sorry for the bad english.

  10. account locked for no reason?

    I play wow after work fro 2 hrs per day and not every day. Today I tried to log in.... it says 'account locked but can be unlcoked'. When I log in the site says locked for botting but I didn't even do anything lol...

    Any help? Ty

  11. My account has been baned but can be unlocked

    I tried send a ticket but i couldn't. i haven't login since december 2022.

  12. My account was "Locked"

    So today I tried logging into the game only to find that I was somehow "locked" ? then i decided to login to the website and when i searched to see the reason, i was told that my ip has been suspended because of BotNetwork ? then it just disappeared and now I can play normally ???

    And of course i don't use any botting or thing like that.

  13. random ban

    does warmane randomly ban ppl? i havent log on game for 6 months and when i came back i was banned then i sent email and got unbanned and yesterday i log in and do few bgs and log out and now im banned for botnetwork? like do gms look at cases before banning them, i have to send unban request again and wait few days without playing. and i didnt use vpn either.

  14. Account locked but can be unlocked

    Started playing on icecrown a few days ago, haven't use vpn, anothe computer or anything. What do?

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