1. Yeah, getting less than a year on Vanilla with the phases rushed out so quickly including the time that it takes for people to level just doesn't make it worth playing for me. Unfortunately, I'm an adult and actually have a life and can't play 24/7. I was looking forward to this but the rushed content just ruins it for me. I don't want to play TBC or Wrath. Well I hope it works out and Good Luck.

  2. I might have missed this, but it's a really important issue. I was wondering how the PvP gear system will work since epic PvP gear is simply BiS until late naxx?

  3. First of all I think this server's gonna be great and I want to congratulate Warmane on tackling this. I think a lot of people dreamed of playing classic content with some of the later added features that make life easier. The exp multiplier, in my honest opinion, is not that important. You'll spend more time on your character at level 60 then getting there anyway :)

    My concern is with the drop rates. I've tested this on the beta a little, but i did not get to any clear conclusion. It felt that some zones had higher drop rates than others, i.e. my durotar chars usually had plenty bags, while my elwynn chars had none. I levelled on the then supposed x5 speed and found drops and money to barely keep up with my level. HOWEVER, As far as I noticed, spells were free on the beta. Had i had to buy spells, it would've been a different story. Now, I did not see any announcement that spells are still free when the Realm is live. How is that? Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    I think drops should match the exp multiplier to ensure a smooth experience. I dont see many people concerned with this, but i think this could be an issue when spells need to be bought, especially when you want to rush to 60.

  4. 3x is a good compromise, but the progression seems a touch fast.

    I am one who prefers 1x, not because I like to no-life rush, but because I like to play over a very long period of time with plenty of breaks to do other things and play other games. To me, classic vanilla didn't last long enough before moving on to BC classic.

    As it is even with the 3x speed the 7-9 months is a bit fast. I'd like to see a year for vanilla, and that way there is also a full run through the seasonal events. If BC and WotLK last 6 months each, that's a 2 year span for the whole sever lifespan and two chances to undertake seasonal quests.

    I don't know if that's feasible or not, but I'd suggest drawing things out a bit at first over the holidays and see how people progress.
    I sincerely hope they will drag out TBC launch and leave last phase for a lot longer. But if player activity drops, most likely they will push TBC launch.

  5. There is a rumour going around that we will get r14 with 100k HKs? I hope this isnt true, as this would shift the pvp meta in a horrible way AND make ranking very easy and fast. The rank14 must be very hard to get (preferably require a lot of pvp skill with some ranked system), if its gonna be this easy the server will die quite fast like SoM did.

  6. Dude, 100,000 is A LOT of kills, only a handful of people are ever going to realistically reach that number. Just look at the frostmourne HK leaderboards. In season 1, only 8 people reached the 100k mark, and only 2 people reached the 100k mark in season 3. Saying it's going to be "very easy and fast" to reach rank 14 is laughable

  7. Dude, 100,000 is A LOT of kills, only a handful of people are ever going to realistically reach that number. Just look at the frostmourne HK leaderboards. In season 1, only 8 people reached the 100k mark, and only 2 people reached the 100k mark in season 3. Saying it's going to be "very easy and fast" to reach rank 14 is laughable
    Its not a lot, if you just spam AV and fight in the middle, or organize wpvp fiesta where its 200x200 (which people would do on discord to rank up fast), you can get thousands of HKs daily.

  8. It felt that some zones had higher drop rates than others, i.e. my durotar chars usually had plenty bags, while my elwynn chars had none.
    They have the same drop rates as usual in the game, nothing is changed.

    Now, I did not see any announcement that spells are still free when the Realm is live. How is that? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
    It isn't a beta testing anymore, why would they be free on the actual release?

    I think drops should match the exp multiplier to ensure a smooth experience. I dont see many people concerned with this, but i think this could be an issue when spells need to be bought, especially when you want to rush to 60.
    They won't, the only rate change is for experience points. If it's concerning for you that you might have to take breaks from constant leveling to farm for gold, you can have a smooth experience by lowering the xp rate to match the gold one.

  9. I think the best reason why PvP should be added is when the other faction comes and tries to take the ore/herb spot in front of you and you cant stop them due to a mob attacking you. My friend and I had this happen on Frostmourne season 3 plenty of times and just having this option to instead fight over it makes it way more enjoyable then watching it get stolen and not being able to do anything about it, that's just my take though.

  10. Are the mounts going to be accessible at 20/40, or will they be the dreadful 40/60? Obviously the x3 rates will alleviate some of that pain, but waiting until max for a decent mount is rough. One of the worst parts about Vanilla, to me.

  11. Are the mounts going to be accessible at 20/40, or will they be the dreadful 40/60? Obviously the x3 rates will alleviate some of that pain, but waiting until max for a decent mount is rough. One of the worst parts about Vanilla, to me.
    Should be as it was in Vanilla during the Vanilla phase...so 40/60. That's how it worked on the PTR (even if it was free there for testing purposes).

  12. Should be as it was in Vanilla during the Vanilla phase...so 40/60. That's how it worked on the PTR (even if it was free there for testing purposes).
    Ah okay thanks, yeah I didn't make it that far in the beta.. Started when it was auto 60, didn't log back in to find out leveling was unlocked until way too late. Poorly communicated change, but oh well, bygones..

  13. They won't, the only rate change is for experience points. If it's concerning for you that you might have to take breaks from constant leveling to farm for gold, you can have a smooth experience by lowering the xp rate to match the gold one.
    I haven't leveled on a server without boosted drop rates, and obviously this new one will be unique in the sense it's on a 3.3.5 client.. I leveled 7 80s on icecrown and didn't have this issue, so I'm wondering if it will be in the QoL fixes, if it is just part of the client, or if it's not in there at all..

    Some quests had some TERRIBLE drop rates for their quest items in Vanilla. It's been so long since I've played, I can't recall any of them specifically. I *believe* those rates were "fixed" on Icecrown here, as I don't remember noticing any quests that made me want to pull my hair out while farming quest items.

    Is that something that could carry over to this server, that you're aware of? Obviously the general drop rates themselves are untouched, but could fixes for some of the worst offenders of bad drop rates be something that would be included in QoL fixes or from using the 3.3.5 client? Hopefully I'm asking this as clearly as possible, it's still foggy in my head so I feel it may be even worse by the time it's typed..

    "Could some of the worst quest item drop rates (that were fixed on Icecrown) have also been fixed for Onyxia, through the client difference or QoL improvements?" may be a better way to ask..

  14. Sorry people, but don't you feel that a week of preparation for raids is too little? and in time between phases the same? I don't know about you but I think you should extend a couple of weeks before the mc phase at least for proper preparation

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