1. Lol chill people, don't be so uptight. Stii ca doar am glumit Radu.

  2. Music goes this way -> http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=103125

    Lol chill people, don't be so uptight. Stii ca doar am glumit Radu.
    Does that make you feel better about intentionally trying to bother people?

  3. We at Warmane would like to encourage the forum users to start using some type of flair in every post. If you plan on posting a video, picture or a link to another website. Please use at least three emoji's.

  4. Does that make you feel better about intentionally trying to bother people?
    Kinda. I mean everyone here is so jaded and all srs bzns I can't help but bother them. I'm getting bothered by the bleach and gender or general mocking comments, they get bothered by my own comments. We all bother each other and the make the world spin. Keeps the flow going. Or does it only matter when others get bothered, not I? At least tell me.

  5. People are focusing too much on the bleach and forgetting all about the enough-to-make-a-genderbender-straight gel.

  6. People focus too much on the fact that you're a moderator and seem to forget or ignore what an *** you are. It's maybe my fault that I can't simply ignore it.

  7. People focus too much on the fact that you're a moderator and seem to forget or ignore what an *** you are. It's maybe my fault that I can't simply ignore it.
    Yet I have fans, while everyone wants you gone.
    Go figure.

  8. I feel this thread has become more like a "Bash the person above you".

  9. Yet I have fans, while everyone wants you gone.
    Go figure.
    I hope you're not referring to me in this " everyone " because I love all my fellow community members and wouldn't want anyone gone. I like to think of warmane as a family and we need to help eachother in times of need.

  10. I hope you're not referring to me in this " everyone " because I love all my fellow community members and wouldn't want anyone gone. I like to think of warmane as a family and we need to help eachother in times of need.
    **** off you donkey.

  11. Yet I have fans, while everyone wants you gone.
    Go figure.
    I wonder how many of your "fans" would give a damn about you if you weren't a moderator. Because I can't figure why would anyone in the world affiliate themselves or even talk with such a toxic egomaniac. You need some order in your life man, because you aren't all there.

    Oh and I was once a fan too, but I have since become an air conditioner.

  12. Stop being melodramatic, Radvo.

  13. **** off you donkey.
    What did I even do, I was being nice and you give me the stars?!?!!?

  14. Stop hating on Michael Jackson, he is the greatest singer we've ever had, after Freddie Mercury

  15. Stop hating on Michael Jackson, he is the greatest singer we've ever had, after Freddie Mercury
    Who is hating on Michael Jackson? You're not referring to me are you?

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