1. <-- Play's NElf Male...

    Well this is awkward ಥ﹏ಥ (thanks aio <3)

  2. human male characters look too stiff and not fluid to begin with.
    females are stiff as well, but, they're not as bad as human male characters.

  3. human male characters look too stiff and not fluid to begin with.
    females are stiff as well, but, they're not as bad as human male characters.
    Human males are stiff, no fluid ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  4. The difference between me and alliance players is that I play horde for lore reasons, while they play alliance (specifically human) for the extra trinket.

    Pathetic alliance scum.
    Dont really give that much of a ****, I was Horde longer than Alliance but when Neltharion Horde died I moved to DDS, Ally then Neltharion completly died and I moved to Sargeras, Infected.. After wipe the only reason I kept playing WoW was my friend who Ive met on Nelth Horde in 2013.
    If my old guild came back to Cataclysm with all old members Id go Horde with atleast one char :p
    but hey since im ally might aswell play the most op fukin class that all noobs play cuz im ally scum amirite

  5. Human males are stiff, no fluid ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    pls no.

    alliance scum /spit

    why do we have humans anyway, they are not lore-friendly.

    human scum /spit

    horde is top-tear faction, many of our top tear players in fatality are in the range of 100-200 in ranks

  6. horde is top-tear faction, many of our top tear players in fatality are in the range of 100-200 in ranks
    You dare mock <FATALITY> and its commanders?

    you were lucky that I was unable to join these guild RBGs. Next time I'll show you what <FATALITY> is made of.

    I will open up the gates of hell and I will unleash a fury that no mortal man has ever seen. I'll make sure to wipe Criminals Club out of existence.

    The sky foretold your demise.

  7. You dare mock <FATALITY> and its commanders?

    you were lucky that I was unable to join these guild RBGs. Next time I'll show you what <FATALITY> is made of.

    I will open up the gates of hell and I will unleash a fury that no mortal man has ever seen. I'll make sure to wipe Criminals Club out of existence.

    The sky foretold your demise.
    you heard it here, folks!

    you definitely outrank us in top tier cringeworthy material.

    10/10, most cringeworthy than mlp

  8. 10/10, most cringeworthy than mlp
    I wouldnt go that far, but theyre definitely up there.

  9. I wouldnt go that far, but theyre definitely up there.
    everytime i read these forum post i think of


    and i picture them as that

  10. everytime i read these forum post i think of


    and i picture them as that
    Oh wow, is that Banditto IRL?

  11. I'll show you what <FATALITY> is made of.
    Made of randoms?

  12. Reminds me of the first time I ever talked to Tclick on the forums:

    2nd in command of the Top Villians here, we do premades and doubles daily with a 75% win rate ... We have strategies on every map to wipe and farm alliance, we are ruthless horde and we show no mercy for alliance

    Keyword is "ruthless"
    Which is still relevant, because I've been online on Horde all day today and every FAILTALITY member I've inspected has 50/50 ruthless gear...

    3spooky5me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  13. Randoms that kick your candy asses in BGs on a daily basis? Randoms that made you feel so butthurt that you try sooo hard to bash us on forums? Randoms that brought competitiveness back to horde side after being a nearly dead faction?

    I love when Delenis and Harveyoswald (both of them are DDS members) keep crying to me with their horde toons EVERYDAY after getting rickrolled in BGs.

    As Tdot said before, DDS is a bunch of nobodies. Keep licking Kaspi's (or was it Berzerina?) dick to assist you in wPvP when you guys can't handle <FATALITY> on your own.

    Buddy, you're nothing but a piece of **** just like your whole guild. I eat pieces of **** like you for breakfast huehuehue

  14. Randoms that kick your candy asses in BGs on a daily basis? Randoms that made you feel so butthurt that you try sooo hard to bash us on forums? Randoms that brought competitiveness back to horde side after being a nearly dead faction?

    I love when Delenis and Harveyoswald (both of them are DDS members) keep crying to me with their horde toons EVERYDAY after getting rickrolled in BGs.

    As Tdot said before, DDS is a bunch of nobodies. Keep licking Kaspi's (or was it Berzerina?) dick to assist you in wPvP when you guys can't handle <FATALITY> on your own.

    Buddy, you're nothing but a piece of **** just like your whole guild. I eat pieces of **** like you for breakfast huehuehue
    No hate to the guild, just want to point something out.I solo queue most of the time, faster queues, don't have to wait for the group to fill, then the countdown to sync, then the failed sync so leaving the queue to go again, and in my time I can say, my random pug groups, that have no team co-ordination, has defeated Fatality premades (Usually 5 man's though, don't worry i'm pretty sure a 10man could wipe out our lowly pugs...maybe) more times than vice versa. Now to be fair, I have yet to see you, Tdot, Grinder, Horribul etc in there so maybe theyre we're alts. But still, you have premades losing to random groups several times a day.
    Now I have NEVER defeated a D O N O R S Premade in a solo queued rnd group, even one's without Abbi, Twoeasy or Schizo in there, also I reckon in the actual pre-mades I do with DDS, D O N O R S have won more than they lost to us. I have yet to lose to your guild in a pre-made with DDS and rarely lose in a soloqueued group. Again yet to face you, tdot etc etc so use the alt/trial/unworthy of the guild excuse if you please. But while they are in there, never call yourself the best horde PvP guild. Never say you kick our *** on a daily basis.

    D O N O R S is the R1 Horde PvP Guild without a shadow of doubt. Seriously they have made me ragequit a few bg's and I never do that....

    Buddy, you're nothing but a piece of **** just like your whole guild. I eat pieces of **** like you for breakfast huehuehue
    Shall we compare the amount of Glads, Seasonal Glads and Rival's in both our guilds?:> Or just compare how many DDS are on the Ladder compared to yours?
    Edited: July 31, 2015

  15. Randoms that kick your candy asses in BGs on a daily basis?
    Hmmm.... Let me see. I think I've lost 2 times for <FATALITY> one on my full vicious Hpala vs 10m premade. And one on my Feral when I was in a group with 2 of my friend and guess what.... agaisnt 10m premade.
    I've won to many to count.
    Oh and.... I'm tired to explain to you and Tdot that Random Bgs Means 0. I've never seen a Fatality guy in arena =/

    Randoms that made you feel so butthurt that you try sooo hard to bash us on forums?
    I'm not butthurt, I just think you're funny.

    Randoms that brought competitiveness back to horde side after being a nearly dead faction?
    DONORS brought competitiveness back, not Fatality. You're just a guild with a lot of members, nothing more.

    As Tdot said before, DDS is a bunch of nobodies. Keep licking Kaspi's (or was it Berzerina?) dick to assist you in wPvP when you guys can't handle <FATALITY> on your own.
    Nobodies? Let me check... hmmm.... There's a lot of DDS member in top of the ladder. Why I can't even see one FATALITY member at the top 100?
    And again.... I think you're just ******, so I will try to help. THERE WASN'T ANY RAID OF DDS. It was a raid filled my 3 members of DDS and a lot of other guilds.

    Buddy, you're nothing but a piece of **** just like your whole guild. I eat pieces of **** like you for breakfast huehuehue
    Who's feeling butthurt now?
    Edited: July 31, 2015

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