1. Just heard from an in-game friend that servers are restarting in 15 minutes - Hopefully to solve issue :)

  2. intended to come here and make a post about it but im somewhat relieved its not just me suffering from this issue, hope they sort it out soon

  3. You can tell me - welcome in the club, because i tried to relog and game stuck on "retrieving character information" and now theres no way to connect again

  4. I swear i got the worst wifi connection on this server playing and for once its not ME!
    I hope it's fixed soon :D we are at 8k pop./

  5. the wierd thing is that i got fatal error and the client crashed... hmm

  6. I've been trying to log in for almost 2.5 hours now. After a 1 hour queue, as soon as I was in it was unable to load my characters. Can't log in since :(

  7. After restart still can't log in...........

  8. After restart still can't log in...........
    Yep ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  9. Still can't log in after the restart. Rip. Hotted DDOS

  10. It worked fine for me before server restart.. Thanks warmane, I'll just go and have sex with my gf instead.. god damnit. GAMENIGHT RUINED!!

  11. It worked fine for me before server restart.. Thanks warmane, I'll just go and have sex with my gf instead.. god damnit. GAMENIGHT RUINED!!
    stop calling ur right hand girlfriend.. :P

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