1. Wouldn't providing starter cata gear conflict with the main incentive of PvP: earning better gear?
    The point of PvP, is to play against players. Not to earn gear. The earning of gear gives the sense of accomplishment. But so does winning a duel, killing the opponent.

  2. The point of PvP, is to play against players. Not to earn gear. The earning of gear gives the sense of accomplishment. But so does winning a duel, killing the opponent.
    You're thinking of the definition of PvP, not it's incentive. Back in vanilla/TBC the only reward you got from PvP was gear (or mounts for those top players in TBC). That's how PvP was originally incentivized in WoW. After WotLK they started to add more attractions like PvP achievements, but that does not change the core incentive of PvP.
    Edited: July 18, 2015 Reason: Added quote

  3. You're thinking of the definition of PvP, not it's incentive. Back in vanilla/TBC the only reward you got from PvP was gear (or mounts for those top players in TBC). That's how PvP was originally incentivized in WoW. After WotLK they started to add more attractions like PvP achievements, but that does not change the core incentive of PvP.
    Think about this, and you definitely know what I'm going to talk about. When you're actually pvping especially after a tough fight and you end up winning that in itself you feel some form of an accomplishment which in itself is it's own reward. Now of course if Cata S11 Elite Gear was given for FREE, of course you would have to give players something to spend their conquest/honor points on. But the point of PvP is not the rewards. But lets look at retail, you don't start off with any pvp gear unless you can craft it. And even then it isn't given to you for free, you either obtain the mats yourself via farming or you bought the mats in AH. (Although as of WoD this kind of changed if you want to count the gear you can buy that can only be used in War Games) But when people pvp they don't usually care about the rewards of it. They generally care to be the best and become Number 1. For the competitive aspect of it. Although as of the latest patch in BGs (From what I read) it scales up your ilvl to 675 I believe if your gear is below that. But remove the gearing up process to free you would of course have to replace the old rewards. But from what I seen around here on Warsong, some people get fully geared then they stop playing. (Not everyone mind you) Which does show a problem. There isn't any adequate rewards on Warsong anyways.

  4. I'm sorry but anyone who argues for grinding the gear has their head so far up their ***. Especially since the characters from AT already have full gear (and some even kept heroic ****ing weapons).

  5. Once again I feel forced to highlight some stuff...

    Server has:
    - Instant max level.
    - Custom content (NPCS)
    - Pve is zero
    - No transmog system? (I dont know how's the status of mog atm on warsong but last time I played it sucked).

    It's another ARENA/BG server to my eyes.. I dont see why you should feel "proud" of getting full cata when you already start 1 season behind.. and if you're not even going for high rate you have to pretty much spam alts and wait for them to reset the cap.
    And again.. the idea (free gear) is what should have been since the re opening for Warsong.. malaco did some good call by making Blackrock like this.
    Would forget about the "blizz-like" experience on Warsong as well there's no point to keep delaying it..
    Edited: July 19, 2015

  6. atleast bring back vip..
    There was never any "VIP" in Warsong.

  7. There was never any "VIP" in Warsong.
    there was on arena tournament.

  8. there was on arena tournament.
    AT doesn't exists anymore. Warmane only has Contributor status.

  9. AT doesn't exists anymore. Warmane only has Contributor status.
    same with blackrock. so it's nonsense what you're talking.

  10. Blackrock = AT
    Warsong = Molten
    This was pointed out in the first page of this thread.

  11. atleast bring back vip..
    Blydzz just let it go, we have no words here.
    As the "master" said, they dont have the manpower to do anything constructive on Warsong, we can only hope that in a year they will add the most common features and they will fix the reported bugs which were known for more than 1 year.
    (I still can't play competitive BM arena with the bugged heals / spells), but no offense.

  12. Blydzz just let it go, we have no words here.
    As the "master" said, they dont have the manpower to do anything constructive on Warsong, we can only hope that in a year they will add the most common features and they will fix the reported bugs which were known for more than 1 year.
    (I still can't play competitive BM arena with the bugged heals / spells), but no offense.
    Do you really think Warsong is gonna last another year ? I think it's just a matter of time till the population is zero.... but let's hope not cuz this used to be the best realm when it was WOTLK

  13. Do you really think Warsong is gonna last another year ? I think it's just a matter of time till the population is zero.... but let's hope not cuz this used to be the best realm when it was WOTLK
    Let's hope a realm doesn't die because it was the best when it was in a diffrent expansion?
    Sir, may logic find you ...

  14. Let's hope a realm doesn't die because it was the best when it was in a diffrent expansion?
    Sir, may logic find you ...
    Not my fault you didnt get the idea.... when i said it was the best, thats a fact, not a reason for something not happen

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