@ Leulz
2 nabs coming Ragnaros and LF guild ^^
Leuis 6k Frost DK dps
Seigfried 6k Pally Dps/Holy/Tank
And Alts
Xei 6k Feral/Resto dudu
Crateros 6k Resto Shammy
Cherrymuffin 6k Demo/Destro Lock
Icc Hc 10/11 Both 10 and 25.
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@ Leulz
2 nabs coming Ragnaros and LF guild ^^
Leuis 6k Frost DK dps
Seigfried 6k Pally Dps/Holy/Tank
And Alts
Xei 6k Feral/Resto dudu
Crateros 6k Resto Shammy
Cherrymuffin 6k Demo/Destro Lock
Icc Hc 10/11 Both 10 and 25.
Hi my name is Amine i'm from Tunisia (GMT +1).
I played on Sargeras my main is DK "chalioss" 6.1K gs dps (frost oe unholly deppending on wat the raid needs). I hav already transfered my dudu 6K resto "aremaguedom " but i still hav some things to do on sargeras on dk .
My previous guild is " the insane" sadly duduetram " guild's GM" is going for cata so many of us
are hoping to join your guild as i spoke once with you about guild invits for COR on one of my alts u said i'll need a recommandation well ppl i know that may do that are leuis -phreak - netshark and some others. my progress do far is : icc10/25 HC is up to DW no luck luck on Sin probabl coz never actually made a good group.
I'm a helpfull friendly player i dont coz drama or rage thats for the raid's leader to do not me.
PS: not sure but i think armory is down so sorry i didnt put any armory links :( .
Thank you for reading my application.
now i got a reason to spend my coin <3 .
anyway, waiting patiently for my transfer ._.
Wanted to ask if recruitment is open for exeptional applicants and when it will be open again?^^
I’d like to join the guild^^
Hey Funahobu here :) from Sarg
Hoping of getting invited, got some skills :)
6.1 holy / disc priest
also i have 6.2 pala tank
Wohooooooooooo character transferred :D
Invite my rogue Reckah.. 6.4k muti, 6.2k combat.. and have all the achievements along with insane dps :). We have done few hc raids together in sargeras too..
Nooooooo the baddie is here everyone run!
donate more!
HI my id is gingerx and i would like to join ur guild. i have kingslayer 10. and learning hc modes. 6.6k ret pally dps.
I'm sorry guys. We're still waiting for our core members who are still either stuck or on sargeras. So at the moment we're not recruiting.
Try again later.