who said no dungeons? lol. no dungeon finder, the tool that allows you to teleport to dungeons.
sorry for double post, on mobile phone hard to handle edits etc. :)
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who said no dungeons? lol. no dungeon finder, the tool that allows you to teleport to dungeons.
sorry for double post, on mobile phone hard to handle edits etc. :)
Spot on! I second that.
should we download the client again since i still dont have all looks in creating characters ....missing hair stails , facial and some other things ?
The client hasn't been updated since, it's the same one.
I have one question. Does anyone know if donors will log in without queue like in other realms ?? Because I'm expecting the same situation as with the first MoP realm with thousands of players in queue and waiting 2+ hours to get in.
Let's hope for a clean launch, I'm so hyped! I'm rushing home from work even though I'll be a few hours late for the exact launch.