1. Problems are all just at your end. Downloaded it 5 minutes ago, switched all my files over and gg insta log in

  2. Problems are all just at your end. Downloaded it 5 minutes ago, switched all my files over and gg insta log in
    did you dl the full client or just the wow exe? thx

  3. nvm downloaded the wow.exe from the torrent and put that one , instead of the one given by a player and it works now.

  4. Those who having "offline realm" issue, u need to dload exe file from warmane link using torrent (select only the required files which is around 12mb, not the whole client). In torrent, it will show downloading 27.6 gb..but its not. Just wait for a while until its finished, and voila ;-) gdluck!

  5. Yo!
    Welcome to the new patch, we gave you new gear so you can deal more damage.

    BTW we also increased resillence so you will deal less damage.

    Well, I am not complaing, it's just funny.

    Hope we can see some new stuff soon.

  6. I'm pretty sure something is ****ed with damage now. I do the same amount of healing, still topping bg's in heals with the same amount yet I struggle to keep people up in the easiest situations. **** an Ele shaman blew me up in 6 seconds jsut now and I popped every cooldown available >.>

  7. I'm pretty sure something is ****ed with damage now. I do the same amount of healing, still topping bg's in heals with the same amount yet I struggle to keep people up in the easiest situations. **** an Ele shaman blew me up in 6 seconds jsut now and I popped every cooldown available >.>
    then make some tests>find bugs> report them here: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker

  8. then make some tests>find bugs> report them here: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker
    It's hard to look for individual bugs when it appears that every class is doing this damage. Very slim chance that every single spec has over 50% of their damaging abilities unintentionally buffed by this much. My guess is something to do with PvP Resilience/Power

  9. It's hard to look for individual bugs when it appears that every class is doing this damage. Very slim chance that every single spec has over 50% of their damaging abilities unintentionally buffed by this much. My guess is something to do with PvP Resilience/Power
    Now everyone has more Resilience than before (80% with pvp trinket bonus, before was 74%)

  10. Now everyone has more Resilience than before (80% with pvp trinket bonus, before was 74%)
    I know that, but it really doesn't feel like it. I guess I'm going to have to get the help of some mates to duel me and see what they all hit me for and what is buggy.

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