1. May 9, 2016  
    Except that we will still have to log into the site, go into the transfer area, and actually transfer said character(s) ourselves for that to happen correct? As in, its not just a random automatic process where everyone's characters on both realms get swapped to icecrown by the system, resulting in a jumbled mess of toons on the icecrown list + a bunch in cold storage... I can't imagine that's how it works, but the wording there kinda makes it seem that way.

    On that subject, do you have any more specific info on transfers yet btw? For example, if you transfer a character and the name has been taken already... does the transfer still take place and your guy shows up in the icecrown list with the random #s, prompting for a name change on first login? Or does something else happen?

    And the same goes for cold storage: Lets say I transfer 10 toons from dw first. Then I have 1 more on rag, so I transfer him as well. Does the rag toon 'bump' a random guy off the icecrown list into cold storage, or does the rag toon just go directly into the storage because the system detected I had max toons there already? When I want to access him (or any toon) in cold storage, how does the injection take place? First toon bumped out, last toon, random toon, my choice, etc?

    Also, are there any more details confirming the suspension of creating characters on icecrown yet? I would imagine a 2 week period of NOT being able to create ANY level 1's would be a good time frame, but 1 week would also probably cut it... as long as there IS A BAN on making level 1's (name stealing is a plague on warmane).
    All accounts that have logged in the past 3 months will be automatically transferred to the new realm. The list of characters in cold storage does not matter as you can switch it around it immediately. You have the control over the cold storage as you put it.

    Other accounts who are late to the party will be able to transfer via the website interface easily to the new realm, no data will be deleted in any way.

    Character creation on Icecrown will be disabled for a brief period of time to allow for some late transfers to go in and enable people to have their names properly go there.

  2. May 9, 2016  

  3. May 9, 2016  
    All accounts that have logged in the past 3 months will be automatically transferred to the new realm. The list of characters in cold storage does not matter as you can switch it around it immediately. You have the control over the cold storage as you put it.

    Other accounts who are late to the party will be able to transfer via the website interface easily to the new realm, no data will be deleted in any way.

    Character creation on Icecrown will be disabled for a brief period of time to allow for some late transfers to go in and enable people to have their names properly go there.

    Great info, thanks.

    I guess I always perceived the system as being web-based, where you pull up the toons you want to transfer to the new realm 1-by-1 (on each account) and then push them onto Icecrown via the website. Part of the reason being: since we can only reserve one name, then how is the system going to process all the hundreds (thousands) of duplicate name conflicts? Does the person who logs into the toon FIRST (after the auto-transfer) take the name then?

    And the storage is a really great custom feature, kudos on that idea. The only real question I have left is how that system is accessed and managed. Is it done solely through the website, or will there be some kind of character-screen interface to move them around out of storage and into active lists?

    Thanks again for the info.

  4. May 9, 2016  
    Will all on reserved characters be forced to have a name change? Even if its on one realm, but not the other?

  5. May 9, 2016  
    Great info, thanks.

    I guess I always perceived the system as being web-based, where you pull up the toons you want to transfer to the new realm 1-by-1 (on each account) and then push them onto Icecrown via the website. Part of the reason being: since we can only reserve one name, then how is the system going to process all the hundreds (thousands) of duplicate name conflicts? Does the person who logs into the toon FIRST (after the auto-transfer) take the name then?

    And the storage is a really great custom feature, kudos on that idea. The only real question I have left is how that system is accessed and managed. Is it done solely through the website, or will there be some kind of character-screen interface to move them around out of storage and into active lists?

    Thanks again for the info.
    For the first question, it's based on first come, first served basis. Both characters will get flagged and the first one who inputs the name will get the name.

    Storage will be managed on the website.

  6. May 9, 2016  
    So if its based on first come first serve, you will automatically get the name if there is not another character with it?

  7. May 9, 2016  
    Why are some peeps only allowed one name save?

  8. May 9, 2016  
    Why are some peeps only allowed one name save?
    Everyone saves only one name!
    You guys never read the first page and other replies,always asking dumb question lmfao

  9. May 10, 2016  
    I reserved my name for my DK, I don't know why everyone else had problems understanding how the reserve name works.

  10. May 10, 2016  
    what will happen if i wont reserve my character name? will i rename my character upon login?

  11. May 10, 2016  
    what will happen if i wont reserve my character name? will i rename my character upon login?
    Only if someone already has the name.

  12. May 10, 2016  
    Greetings, i have a doubt:

    How do i know if i was the first to reserve the name of my character? Because when i did the reserve, i had a slow internet connection. When i did again ~5 min later, it said that the name was already reserved, but i couldn't see the first message where it says that the name was successfuly reserved.

  13. May 10, 2016  
    No,you will have to get them out of the bank, into your bag slots and manually put them into the new bank again after the merge. Since all of the guilds will be wiped. You will be without a guild,obviously you will be without the bank of the guild as well.

  14. May 10, 2016  

  15. May 10, 2016  
    Character creation on Icecrown will be disabled for a brief period of time to allow for some late transfers to go in and enable people to have their names properly go there.
    Is Icecrown's character creation going to be disabled just for few hours, or days? I personally think few hours is fine, but more than that is just a bad idea.

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