View Poll Results: Would you like multiboxing to be allowed?

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  • Yes.

    268 28.21%
  • No.

    682 71.79%
  1. Yes it would be, so deny everyone of it...
    The difference between ganking lowbies at cap and multiboxing is, Blizz made the game with that in mind and it requires no additional support from other software.
    It's not a question of whether it's silly or not, but on it's disruption and, well, what is required to use it (again external resources not supported by blizz). Plus RP IS supported by Blizz, proof is the fact they have RP realms.
    You are wrong, already they are an issue, I was on last night planning to get some levels before bed, when suddenly a wild 5-man Multiboxer appears and proceeds to gank me for a good 30-45 minutes, till I thought '**** it' and went to bed. I won't be online for today, which is why I wanted to squeeze out some levels before bed, and so because of one guy and his many characters I have lost a lot of time. It doesn't help my guild want all of us to be capped by the end of the week...

    **** you multiboxer's...**** you.
    *GASP* PvP happened on a PvP server? What is the world coming to.

  2. On every server I play on here, I had 1 character I hardcore pvp'd with to gear up, that I used to stalk and kill boxer teams. You kill the lead character, 99% of the time the whole team falls. Sometimes I failed, and had to break out a team. Such is life.

    Was a rush to kill 5 characters and get away.You learn to LoS the team while getting the lead to chase you into line of sight. Dead. gg free honor.

    You form teams of your homies to go kill the bastard, like a raid which we did often. If you arent lazy you learn how this stuff works.

    Yin and yang. Everything is capable of balance. Everyone has the same potential advantage. Sounds like you may not have any friends. Make some. I got into boxing for the sole fact of joining a coalition of boxers to kill the douche boxers. You have 0 clue how incredibly fun, and epic some of these battles are, and frankly, feel extreme pity for not you experiencing emergent, sandboxy play in the world. Of Warcraft.

    Or hey, maybe try your own team of boxers. The irrational hate is irrational.

    This thread is so full of people who hate because they got screwed over by a random boxer. I can literally go through and pick out the posts where each and every one of you who post repeatedly, have posted your "I got ganked by boxers, so now they must die" story. All of you. Every one of you.

    I have offered multiple compromises that would let boxers coexist on the same servers as the non boxers. All you have done is spew vitriol, and lump us all together like were all just awful human beings, and not offering ANY solution or compromise outside of disallowing us to play how we want to play.

    You want to play how you like right? No multiboxers right? Do you not think its more than just a little hypocritical of you to demand a player segment who is doing the same thing you are, playing how they enjoy playing to be disallowed simply because your opinion on fun is different? Its really sickening tbh. I want everyone to play. You are being selfish.
    Edited: October 1, 2015

  3. On every server I play on here, I had >>1<< character I hardcore pvp'd with to gear up, that I used to stalk and kill boxer teams. You kill the lead character, 99% of the time the whole team falls.

    Or hey, maybe try your own team of boxers. The irrational hate is irrational.

    This thread is so full of people who hate because they got screwed over by a random boxer. I can literally go through and pick out the posts where each and every one of you who post repeatedly, have posted your "I got ganked by boxers, so now they must die" story. All of you. Every one of you.

    I have offered multiple compromises that would let boxers coexist on the same servers as the non boxers. All you have done is spew vitriol, and lump us all together like were all just awful human beings, and not offering ANY solution or compromise outside of disallowing us to play how we want to play.

    You want to play how you like right? No multiboxers right? Do you not think its more than just a little hypocritical of you to demand a player segment who is doing the same thing you are, playing how they enjoy playing to be disallowed simply because your opinion on fun is different? Its really sickening tbh. I want everyone to play. You are being selfish.
    Indeed, no one is about to contradict you about this sentence, you totally right. Everybody is pissed off cuz is been abused and ganked by a MBer or because have seen MBer abuse other players or entire factions.
    If one (singleboxer-normal player) Donor-epic-weapon was able to gank, abuse, and kill 300+ ppl in 2 hours + the king + wipe out every BG + all the cities kings + all the open world pvp zones like Tol Barad, without die a single time...
    Than, everybody would be heating Donors-epic-gear. That's natural just because it would be extremely unbalanced.

    I don't know where you live but democracy just works this way all over the world: The majority will, win versus the minority will. That's it. It's so simple.
    Edited: October 4, 2015

  4. *GASP* PvP happened on a PvP server? What is the world coming to.
    *GASP* Another multiboxer trying to defend Mboxing by making out it's completely fair and the exact same as singleboxer vs singleboxer. Why aren't I surprised?

    I have a feeling you are one of those boxers we was on about the other day, by taking his power too far and being an overall dick.

  5. On every server I play on here, I had 1 character I hardcore pvp'd with to gear up, that I used to stalk and kill boxer teams. You kill the lead character, 99% of the time the whole team falls. Sometimes I failed, and had to break out a team. Such is life.

    Was a rush to kill 5 characters and get away.You learn to LoS the team while getting the lead to chase you into line of sight. Dead. gg free honor.

    You form teams of your homies to go kill the bastard, like a raid which we did often. If you arent lazy you learn how this stuff works.

    Yin and yang. Everything is capable of balance. Everyone has the same potential advantage. Sounds like you may not have any friends. Make some. I got into boxing for the sole fact of joining a coalition of boxers to kill the douche boxers. You have 0 clue how incredibly fun, and epic some of these battles are, and frankly, feel extreme pity for not you experiencing emergent, sandboxy play in the world. Of Warcraft.

    Or hey, maybe try your own team of boxers. The irrational hate is irrational.

    This thread is so full of people who hate because they got screwed over by a random boxer. I can literally go through and pick out the posts where each and every one of you who post repeatedly, have posted your "I got ganked by boxers, so now they must die" story. All of you. Every one of you.

    I have offered multiple compromises that would let boxers coexist on the same servers as the non boxers. All you have done is spew vitriol, and lump us all together like were all just awful human beings, and not offering ANY solution or compromise outside of disallowing us to play how we want to play.

    You want to play how you like right? No multiboxers right? Do you not think its more than just a little hypocritical of you to demand a player segment who is doing the same thing you are, playing how they enjoy playing to be disallowed simply because your opinion on fun is different? Its really sickening tbh. I want everyone to play. You are being selfish.
    What a load of bull****. That's all I'm taking from that paragraph, I actually had to stop reading at the '"I got ganked by boxers, so now they must die" story. All of you. Every one of you. ' You clearly aren't taking in what you read are you? Or you are just that desperate to protect Multiboxing that you will brush over the legitimate points many of us have made out about how Multiboxing can **** this server up. I don't not what's worse, being too dumb to realize what you should actually take away from a message or being that naiive that you ignore all good facts and just stick your nose up whilst belittling the opposite community by making out they are just whiners with no good points.

    Seriously, being ganked by a multiboxer is not the end of the world, but it certainly fuels the fire for us to give up on tolerating your asses and just shove all the cold hard facts down your throat as to why your playstyle is dangerous and unfair.

  6. Again with all due respect, I'm not responding to you because I disagree with you specifically. It's because I think you are making the strongest possible and most reasonable case against multiboxing in this thread. However, as you probably can guess, I still don't think it's a good case. :)

    You mean like Blizzard saying there shall be RDF, and a private server saying we won't have it?
    Yes, I concede that it would be similar to that. But the difference is that instead of disabling a function in code to make the server more hard-core and similar to older-school functionality, it would be placing rules on legitimate players' behavior to make the server more cozy, safe, and soft-core for the people who understand and care the least about how the game was intended to work.

    Does World of Warcraft detects and acts on key presses even when it's not the active window, though? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure if I change the focus to anything else - Skype, Facebook, Forums, whatever - to type a message, the game won't be acting on it, even with a single client open. Each client being its own focus, I also believe that it you type in one WoW window, you won't have that text automatically showing on the other windows. So, unless I'm getting you wrong, you're not doing it without any external software, but configuring one to use macros, which doesn't changes anything - you're still relying on something that isn't part of the game to interpret one combination of keys and turn that into multiple commands across different clients.
    You are right about mouse focus, but that's a limitation in Microsoft OSs. Keyboard input to mouse focus window is hard-coded. It would take knowledge and skill that are way above my head to change the operating system to alter this. I'm sure it would be much easier to do in Linux but I don't have the expertise to recompile keyboard/mouse drivers. But the thing is, nobody needs to do this for any reason because the normal ways to get information into more than one window are either copy/paste, or keyboard multiplexing software on the occasions that it needs to be done in real time. This is just accepted by everyone (except people who want to justify why they don't like multiboxing). And then, even if someone went through the trouble of doing this I'm sure they would *still* be accused of hacking the operating system to automate or some such nonsense.

    But I am suggesting something very different because my skills are in machining, woodworking, and case-modding: Five cheap computers with five cheap monitors. Their five identical mechanical keyboards, with the plastic covers removed, arranged in a stack directly over each other and fixed in place by a rack. A small drill hole by each key between the electrical traces. Several small metal rods running through all the keyboards with an adjustable shaft collar over each key to lock that key. If you press the '1' key on the top keyboard you would be physically pushing every '1' key on the other four keyboards below it as well. This would have to be done with about 12 of the keys. With this arrangement, I would not have to change the way I mulibox at all. My macros and techniques will still work perfectly.

    The downsides to doing this would be:
    1) Take a lot of time and a little money.
    2) Although it would be a very visible and understandable way to see how multiboxing works, it would change very few minds. Everyone who pretends to not like multiboxing because of 3rd party software would just dream up other reasons to call it cheating, but at least it would force them to come up with even sillier reasons.

    The upsides are:
    1) It would be a fun project.
    2) Probably get some internet traffic.
    3) My fingers get stronger having to use enough pressure to press 5 physical keys at once. :P
    3) Force any server that wants to place limits on the style of play that I love to come up with such draconian rules that it would affect more than just multiboxers.

  7. What a load of bull****. That's all I'm taking from that paragraph, I actually had to stop reading at the '"I got ganked by boxers, so now they must die" story. All of you. Every one of you. ' You clearly aren't taking in what you read are you? Or you are just that desperate to protect Multiboxing that you will brush over the legitimate points many of us have made out about how Multiboxing can **** this server up. I don't not what's worse, being too dumb to realize what you should actually take away from a message or being that naiive that you ignore all good facts and just stick your nose up whilst belittling the opposite community by making out they are just whiners with no good points.

    Seriously, being ganked by a multiboxer is not the end of the world, but it certainly fuels the fire for us to give up on tolerating your asses and just shove all the cold hard facts down your throat as to why your playstyle is dangerous and unfair.
    Very well put. Can't believe how ridiculous some of these arguments are.

  8. What a load of bull****. That's all I'm taking from that paragraph, I actually had to stop reading at the '"I got ganked by boxers, so now they must die" story. All of you. Every one of you. ' You clearly aren't taking in what you read are you? Or you are just that desperate to protect Multiboxing that you will brush over the legitimate points many of us have made out about how Multiboxing can **** this server up. I don't not what's worse, being too dumb to realize what you should actually take away from a message or being that naiive that you ignore all good facts and just stick your nose up whilst belittling the opposite community by making out they are just whiners with no good points.

    Seriously, being ganked by a multiboxer is not the end of the world, but it certainly fuels the fire for us to give up on tolerating your asses and just shove all the cold hard facts down your throat as to why your playstyle is dangerous and unfair.
    the way you write and try to discuss.. you make yourself look like angry german kid

  9. the way you write and try to discuss.. you make yourself look like angry german kid
    Well I'm neither German, Angry or a Kid. That's the beauty of text eh, no way to interpret the right emotions:)

    Spoiler: Show
    Edited: October 4, 2015

  11. at this point staff should just close this thread, and make their decision(if they haven't already). this back and forth bantering isn't going anywhere.

  12. Yes, I concede that it would be similar to that. But the difference is that instead of disabling a function in code to make the server more hard-core and similar to older-school functionality, it would be placing rules on legitimate players' behavior to make the server more cozy, safe, and soft-core for the people who understand and care the least about how the game was intended to work.
    Except that you're just trying to twist the actual difference until it seems to have a positive light shinning on it (or at least a less bad one). RDF wasn't disabled for "older-school functionality" for starters, we simply don't want that sort of shortcut on Lordaeron - and that's an actual customization of the content of the game, we are disabling a game function because it doesn't suits what we want for the server.

    On the other hand, placing rules is just that: placing rules. We could rule that calling us "Molten" isn't acceptable anymore, or, if that sound too harsh, that any of the mocking nicknames people use (like "lol10" or the like) will earn them a ban. That's us limiting what we allow in our servers. Players don't stop being "legitimate" on many cases of broken rules, but we don't look the other way just because of that, since we still don't consider that punctual behavior acceptable.

    The "appeal to emotion" fallacy you use when implying that people against multiboxing "care the least about how the game is intended to work" is even worse. The game is meant to be played with what the game provides, which includes an opening for macros and add-ons, but that's it. Multiboxers are the ones who seem unable to be satisfied with how the game is intended to work and need to push against it with external, artificial means.

    You are right about mouse focus, but that's a limitation in Microsoft OSs. Keyboard input to mouse focus window is hard-coded. It would take knowledge and skill that are way above my head to change the operating system to alter this. I'm sure it would be much easier to do in Linux but I don't have the expertise to recompile keyboard/mouse drivers. But the thing is, nobody needs to do this for any reason because the normal ways to get information into more than one window are either copy/paste, or keyboard multiplexing software on the occasions that it needs to be done in real time. This is just accepted by everyone (except people who want to justify why they don't like multiboxing). And then, even if someone went through the trouble of doing this I'm sure they would *still* be accused of hacking the operating system to automate or some such nonsense.
    The only nonsense in here is you trying to say that reverse-engineering an operating system to make it so the procedures executed by multiboxing software becomes native to it would make anything better. It only shows just how unable you are to accept that people might want to play in an environment without multiboxers for a change, while completely ignoring the other major factor involved: multiboxing gives an unfair advantage; one player of similar skill, gear and level should not need to rely on a whole party of other people to be able to deal with a single other player - which, ironically, sounds very much like something people who "care the least about how the game is intended to work" would argue and whine to defend and keep.

    But I am suggesting something very different because my skills are in machining, woodworking, and case-modding: Five cheap computers with five cheap monitors. Their five identical mechanical keyboards, with the plastic covers removed, arranged in a stack directly over each other and fixed in place by a rack. A small drill hole by each key between the electrical traces. Several small metal rods running through all the keyboards with an adjustable shaft collar over each key to lock that key. If you press the '1' key on the top keyboard you would be physically pushing every '1' key on the other four keyboards below it as well. This would have to be done with about 12 of the keys. With this arrangement, I would not have to change the way I mulibox at all. My macros and techniques will still work perfectly.

    The downsides to doing this would be:
    1) Take a lot of time and a little money.
    2) Although it would be a very visible and understandable way to see how multiboxing works, it would change very few minds. Everyone who pretends to not like multiboxing because of 3rd party software would just dream up other reasons to call it cheating, but at least it would force them to come up with even sillier reasons.

    The upsides are:
    1) It would be a fun project.
    2) Probably get some internet traffic.
    3) My fingers get stronger having to use enough pressure to press 5 physical keys at once. :P
    3) Force any server that wants to place limits on the style of play that I love to come up with such draconian rules that it would affect more than just multiboxers.
    The only problem is, even if you did go through having multiple computers, multiple peripherals (including one screen for each character, because it would be the only way to prove you weren't faking it, of course), all linked mechanically, you would still be doing it with external means to replicate what you're doing with one character to multiple others. You would still have the inherent advantage of a "pocket party" under your control while being a single player, and without the hassle of going back and forth to control each characters individually on your own.

  13. I don't not what's worse, being too dumb to realize what you should actually take away from a message or being that naiive that you ignore all good facts and just stick your nose up whilst belittling the opposite community by making out they are just whiners with no good points.
    Good facts?
    What facts? U dont provide any facts. All u do is building up unrealistic theorys.

    I can do the same thing.
    Lets discuss if guilds should be disabled on Lordaeron:
    - A guild COULD destroy the economy by buying everything in the auction house and resell it with inflated prices and store all the money in their guild bank.
    - A guild COULD decide to gank a low level player for the whole day.
    - A guild COULD raid the enemy city and stay there forever.

    U see where this is going?
    A discussion based on theorys of what could/would/might happen is pointless.

  14. Again with all due respect, I'm not responding to you because I disagree with you specifically. It's because I think you are making the strongest possible and most reasonable case against multiboxing in this thread. However, as you probably can guess, I still don't think it's a good case. :)

    Yes, I concede that it would be similar to that. But the difference is that instead of disabling a function in code to make the server more hard-core and similar to older-school functionality, it would be placing rules on legitimate players' behavior to make the server more cozy, safe, and soft-core for the people who understand and care the least about how the game was intended to work.

    You are right about mouse focus, but that's a limitation in Microsoft OSs. Keyboard input to mouse focus window is hard-coded. It would take knowledge and skill that are way above my head to change the operating system to alter this. I'm sure it would be much easier to do in Linux but I don't have the expertise to recompile keyboard/mouse drivers. But the thing is, nobody needs to do this for any reason because the normal ways to get information into more than one window are either copy/paste, or keyboard multiplexing software on the occasions that it needs to be done in real time. This is just accepted by everyone (except people who want to justify why they don't like multiboxing). And then, even if someone went through the trouble of doing this I'm sure they would *still* be accused of hacking the operating system to automate or some such nonsense.

    But I am suggesting something very different because my skills are in machining, woodworking, and case-modding: Five cheap computers with five cheap monitors. Their five identical mechanical keyboards, with the plastic covers removed, arranged in a stack directly over each other and fixed in place by a rack. A small drill hole by each key between the electrical traces. Several small metal rods running through all the keyboards with an adjustable shaft collar over each key to lock that key. If you press the '1' key on the top keyboard you would be physically pushing every '1' key on the other four keyboards below it as well. This would have to be done with about 12 of the keys. With this arrangement, I would not have to change the way I mulibox at all. My macros and techniques will still work perfectly.

    The downsides to doing this would be:
    1) Take a lot of time and a little money.
    2) Although it would be a very visible and understandable way to see how multiboxing works, it would change very few minds. Everyone who pretends to not like multiboxing because of 3rd party software would just dream up other reasons to call it cheating, but at least it would force them to come up with even sillier reasons.

    The upsides are:
    1) It would be a fun project.
    2) Probably get some internet traffic.
    3) My fingers get stronger having to use enough pressure to press 5 physical keys at once. :P
    3) Force any server that wants to place limits on the style of play that I love to come up with such draconian rules that it would affect more than just multiboxers.
    You are looking for a way to circumvent the will of the players base and the staff members in the case where a rule and a restriction would be applied on Lordaeron. This is a typical Hacker-cheater attitude.
    you can play wow on a cyclette upside down with the head between the cables and the heat sink in the mouth but the effect we would see on the screen would be the same.
    Anyways, I am pretty sure that in the case such a rule where applied, it would not be a automatic third part software detection but it would be players reports based.
    So I think you can save yourself from the nerdage of deal with all those old hardware.
    Edited: October 4, 2015

  15. Good facts?
    What facts? U dont provide any facts. All u do is building up unrealistic theorys.

    I can do the same thing.
    Lets discuss if guilds should be disabled on Lordaeron:
    - A guild COULD destroy the economy by buying everything in the auction house and resell it with inflated prices and store all the money in their guild bank.
    - A guild COULD decide to gank a low level player for the whole day.
    - A guild COULD raid the enemy city and stay there forever.

    U see where this is going?
    A discussion based on theorys of what could/would/might happen is pointless.
    A guild is not a single player. A army of people who accomplish a task is pretty normal and natural but a single player who accomplish the task of a army isn't natural at all. The only exeption is if you are a Jedy or a Sith (I'm waiting for a YoouTube video where a MBer shake his laser sword)
    Edited: October 4, 2015

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