1. 8/10 Pretty badass, but not sure if it's Putin or Agent Smith

  2. Bexz's Avatar
    nab gnome dk... what else do i need? can i give you less than 10/10? i dont think so :D

  3. nab gnome dk... what else do i need? can i give you less than 10/10? i dont think so :D
    7/10 without any ironic or homosexual feelings :D

  4. Power overwhelming?
    I'm 95% sure it wasn't supposed to be a reference to it, but I'm giving 10/10 anyways.

  5. 10/10...I cant.....under-ra...te.....this....too innocent...

  6. Bexz's Avatar
    i'm not a cat fan, but since this is a very rare hybrid asian tipe, it's impossibru for me to give you less than 10/10

  7. 3/10 Penguin suit wat.

  8. 10/10.
    I like girls with fire.
    But on a serious note...why so angry?

  9. 2/10 tops, like most of your avatars.

    3/10 Penguin suit wat.
    Not really sure who it is, so until I know, ~7.5/10

  10. 8/10 since my old school's mascot was a Bengal

  11. 8/10. It got 8 mostly because of the bow.

  12. 9/10

    Why not named "Beer" man lol...

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