1. "EDIT: Instead of donating for upgrades of the item u have, they could implement an option that if u have downed a boss and got the achievement that could drop the item u want, u could go directly into the marketplace and buy said item at the extended cost so u dont have to wait until next raid and hope it drops."

    This is an extremely awesome idea dude. I myself donated.. like HUGE amounts of cash on Molten/Warmane, but I don't want that Pay2Win on Lordaeron. After all, on Deathwing/Ragnaros it's more of a Pay2Keep-up rather than win.

    The achievement requirement would let impatient players (no offense here of course) get their desired gear without the frustrating "It didn't drop" (although immersion fans will only want it that way), the server would get many contributions (since still many will want it as fast as possible) and nobody could complain about Pay2Win.

    If the server needs more contributions, consider making any pets/mounts available for coins (always wanted this Qiraji mount sooo hard...). This is cosmetic and won't affect gameplay. Although it might be immersion breaking having all kinds of mounts you didn't do anything for but pay, it is still MILES better than being able to buy higher-tier gear.
    Thanks for the feedback :)

    Yea i believe that they could keep the server running with only cosmetics through marketplace, but if that aint enough when they have reached endgame content, this could be a way to get that extra funds with no frustration going through the non-donor players, since they just would not know if the guy got it from a raid or from the market since he DO have the achievement to prove he raided for that item.

    As long as they keep gameplay-altering gear away from the coinshop until those players have done whats needed to get an item its all good in my eyes. Everything else should ofc be on the shop. Especially that black qiraji mount and ashes of alar.

  2. Will this realm have a functioning Shadowmourne quest line?
    Most likely.

  3. And why the hell disable RDF, how the hell are we going to gear our characters?
    Ever heard of the phrase "lets go there!" ? U can google the exact location, get on your mount and go there and see the surroundings.

    Or you can have 2 slaves who go there and summon the others through the summoning-stone that the Devs most likely will keep in the game to make sure groups can get others if one guy would have to go cos of IRL issues or just disconnects.

    You never played vanilla, TBC or pre 3.3 wotlk? Thats what everyone had to do back then.

  4. Will this realm have a functioning Shadowmourne quest line?
    Working on it. The main subject is to have the quest line secure from exploits, unless it is achieved Shadowmourne will be available as a drop until reliable anti-exploit measures are achieved (and not available for coins either way). That said our aim is to have mechanics to track and keep the realm secure from quest line exploits. It's way too early to even consider Shadowmourne quest line, realm is still in PTR state.

  5. Working on it. The main subject is to have the quest line secure from exploits, unless it is achieved Shadowmourne will be available as a drop until reliable anti-exploit measures are achieved (and not available for coins either way). That said our aim is to have mechanics to track and keep the realm secure from quest line exploits. It's way too early to even consider Shadowmourne quest line, realm is still in PTR state.
    Kaer can you tell us if the raids are going to be pre-nerfed scripted or not? Also if the ICC 30% buff will be on from start when ICC releases as well as the Limited attempts(Would be a total game killer if it was on from start )

  6. Thanks for the feedback :)

    Yea i believe that they could keep the server running with only cosmetics through marketplace, but if that aint enough when they have reached endgame content, this could be a way to get that extra funds with no frustration going through the non-donor players, since they just would not know if the guy got it from a raid or from the market since he DO have the achievement to prove he raided for that item.

    As long as they keep gameplay-altering gear away from the coinshop until those players have done whats needed to get an item its all good in my eyes. Everything else should ofc be on the shop. Especially that black qiraji mount and ashes of alar.
    Quite the opposite, Black Qiraji Battle Tank and similar very rare items are not expected to be available for coins. Lordaeron's coin support is already significantly limited, especially considered to other realms. The coin shop limitations and availability will be tweaked to match in-game content and progression - not more and not less. We have running expenses, high expenses and a charity realm is not currently an option for us unless it would be subscription-based which is also not an option. Coin shop limitations are already severe enough, we don't know how those would even turn out.

  7. Kaer can you tell us if the raids are going to be pre-nerfed scripted or not? Also if the ICC 30% buff will be on from start when ICC releases as well as the Limited attempts(Would be a total game killer if it was on from start )
    No plans to interfere in raids and they're expected to be scripted according to 3.3.5a. We don't want to make unnecessarily complex interventions as we want the realm to be simple to comprehend. We are still considering the subject of 'how much' progression limitations we will have.

  8. No plans to interfere in raids and they're expected to be scripted according to 3.3.5a. We don't want to make unnecessarily complex interventions as we want the realm to be simple to comprehend. We are still considering the subject of 'how much' progression limitations we will have.
    oh ok. But the 30% buff from ICC could just be removed for a better progression feeling for everyone since nothing in icc was nerfed. The buff was just implemented instead of nerfing the bosses
    Edited: July 22, 2015

  9. Why? Just why? Why keep PVP as it was, but not PVE? If you want to make it hardcore, why not make both, battlegrounds and dungeons hardcore, why just players who enjoy running a dungeon to distract themselves, must receive "Hardcore" treatment?
    Because then there will be an insane amount of twinks standing around the bg-masters in each major city since they want to both pvp and lvl up but can only do one thing at a time. Keeping the "looking for pvp" option open will have a healthy amount of different lvl/gear ppl in the battlegrounds instead of just groups of fully twinked lvl 19/29/39 and so on in each BG...

    Thats how it mostly was before they implemented the "player vs. player" tab on the menu, to let non-twinks be able to zone into pvp while they were out questing.

    The RDF on the other hand destroyed all the social benefits of looking for likeminded ppl and maby get a few friends since 99% of the ppl who joined never said a word from the second they entered the instance until they either rage-quit after a failed pull or they downed the last boss then just left.

    By taking that option away, u will have to look for ppl, be social, see more of the game, experience how fakken hard it was to lvl up in pre 3.3... HARDCORE!

  10. And why the hell disable RDF, how the hell are we going to gear our characters?
    No Dungeon Finder is one of Lordaeron's primary features and we want to deliver a realm with a world complete enough to enjoy traveling to instances (and experience and adventures associated with it) without Dungeon Finder. Dungeon Finder made a significant impact on making the game less dependent on the community as well as less responsible and less immersive. AFKing in Dalaran and doing Dungeon Finder from 15-80 is one of the things we don't want to see in Lordaeron. After several months we may review the subject of disabled Dungeon Finder, but it will definitely not be the case at launch or shortly after launch.

  11. oh ok. But the 30% buff from ICC could just be removed for a better progression feeling for everyone since nothing in icc was nerfed. The buff was just implemented
    That's a custom intervention. Personally (not that it matters) I'd like to see that buff removed and it would definitely add to challenge while also increasing the gap between guilds and PUGs. That said, we can't just do whatever we want, we need to stay true to guidelines that we set ourselves. It will be discussed within the team however, valid concern.

  12. That's a custom intervention. Personally (not that it matters) I'd like to see that buff removed and it would definitely add to challenge while also increasing the gap between guilds and PUGs. That said, we can't just do whatever we want, we need to stay true to guidelines that we set ourselves. It will be discussed within the team however, valid concern.
    Yea there is alot of players that wants the buff to be removed at start since it wasnt there in the begining of ICC on retail either.

  13. I wanted to ask, why not increase the time between content? 1 month feels rather short tbh why not 3-4 for a more immersive feeling? How do the rest of you guys feel about that?
    This topic is the most sensitive topic right now in team discussions. We are to hold another team discussion on this subject with all logical and sense-making feedback in this topic. We don't want to 'overdo' the progression because it's not what Lordaeron will be about (eventually progression would be released) and we want the experience to be equally, or almost equally, appealing to post-launch newcomers and not have the spirit of the realm defeated once all content is open. On the other hand, late launch allows us more time to revise and rework instances, as we know long-term instances are part of what determines gameplay experience and as such - overall quality of a realm.

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