1. Will multiboxing be allowed on this realm?

  2. Insane news. I hope Live launch will happen soon! PVP realm all the way.

  3. I tried to scout the thread for all mod posts, but i am not sure if it was mentioned.
    Can you tell us something about the timeframes that are being discussed?
    Basically, what are the estimates of how long would the expansion phases last? Would it go for like +/- a year for an expac?

  4. Am i the only one who thinks progress servers from vanilla to wotlk is a waste of time? sad for the warmane community.

  5. What will it take to get the BETA?

  6. Am i the only one who thinks progress servers from vanilla to wotlk is a waste of time? sad for the warmane community.
    I Kinda agree.... personally i would prefer all the raid from the whole game to all be on par.... so instead of having 2-3 raid that really matter we would have about 15 ...

  7. 5x realm???

    Great, if it's 5x, give it a month and most players will have more than five level 60 characters. Everybody will have all professions, and then they will push for TBC release. I won't even bother to try it.

  8. Don't worry guys. PvE or PvP doesn't matter. Griefers will find a way. If it's PvE, least you can cower behind protection while you're still unable to do what you wanted.
    Thats not true. While I was doing dailies or Loremaster in Frostmourne PVE season I experienced zero griefing. Closest would be one or two times a PVP flagged player would come in front of you to try to get you to attack them by mistake, that I don't think was a successful griefing moment :D. So Frostmourne had completely eliminated griefing when it went PVE.

  9. If I could make a suggestion, I'd suggest introducing an NPC with whom you could change the class racials. With the help of such an NPC, the balance between the factions would be easily maintained.
    This is a really good idea, but Warmane is reluctant to do custom content..

  10. I’m actually very excited about this progression realm because Warmane has recently done a lot to correct errors, add scripting, correct loot tables, and other stuffs for Azeroth. I am most curious about how Paladins will play and whether down casting will still be a part of the experience if 3.3.5 is the base patch. If pallies keep the seal system of 3.3.5, they’ll certainly feel less clunky than vanilla pallie. i also hope downcasting will not appear in vanilla…keeping 2 or even 4 versions of the same spell to use had its benefits, but I’d rather not deal with that again.

    Other odds and ends, I wonder how it will work out? Such as mounts and whether we’ll have a pet/mount tab instead of carrying them in our bags. Stack numbers…many items were given a greater stack size in wotlk, I hope Onyxia will not revert that back to vanilla stack size. gathering was quite a bit slower in vanilla but was sped up later…I hope the faster gathering speeds are retained.

    I guess we’ll find out for ourselves in about 10 days…see y’all in Azeroth then.

  11. I still don't understand this argument. Making it a pvp server alienates a large amount of players. But making it a pve server doesn't alienate the pvp crowd because they can still pvp. Do people not realize you can still flag yourself and pvp? And if your argument is that players won't do that, then what are you saying? That most people don't want to pvp, and therefore it should be a pvp realm? That's an interesting line of logic.
    People won't flag themselves PvP for many reasons, mainly because it's not very fair to be flagged as a walking target to others while they are not. It opens doors to many unfair situations for example someone can stalk you and call friends - the target can't do anything about it other than leave or run away from the zone. Also having yourself not flagged as a target makes you much more easier to start on the preferential side of the fight, for example hunter placing down traps, warrior making the first charge, etc. Telling people that they have an "option" to turn pvp on is like: "Yeah you can do what you enjoy, but with many side effects." Dumbing this down doesn't help the argument nor logic behind it, since you are talking only from one side of the argument and not looking into it from both sides. People will rarely flag themselves as /pvp on PvE realm, not because there are few that actually like wpvp, but because it's not a working solution.

    There are no winners in this discussion, both options have several advantages and disadvantages. Most of it however will be heavily impacted by the high rates and RDF enabled which both did not exist on the original blizz realms. This will lead to a lot of ppl having alts quite fast and only remaining activity left will be to do professions or farm gold. Having both RDF/x5 at the same time will turn zones into farming spots - this could lead to some interesting scenarions where you can compete in PvP for resources, especially with so many people finishing 60 at the same time. Once again on PvE realm will be a lot of bots stealing your resouces and you can do nothing about it. With PvP realm you can at least kill / harass them, but at the same time from the pve player perspective you will be forced into something you don't like. Why I said this ? So people will finally realize there are always two sides of the coin and blindly siding with one side just because it matches your preference while shutting down ears to other people opinion is really "an interesting line of logic".

    Also people should once and for all understand that this will never be a blizzlike vanilla server. It's rather heavilly modified wotlk locked into 60 level with QoL aspects that will drastically change the game. Anyone who paid attention should understand that by now, too bad not many people here do and still ask for x1 rates or turning off the RDF - none of these things will happen, I can guarantee that. If someone is looking for true vanilla experience, this is not the place to find it.

  12. This is an idea I've had since a long time so please hear me out and tell me what you think.

    Instead of an years long season, have each season be just 1 year. Every month, new phase releases.

    And raid bosses drop 3x loot than normal. So Ragnaros drops 12 instead of 4. Regular raid boss drop 6 instead of 2 etc.

    This creates a new experience, where every raid is rewarding AND you move through phases fast. And you can have more seasons, one per year instead of waiting 3+ years for a reset. After the end of each year in January, you re-start from Vanilla again.

    So basically a fast paced, high reward server. There's always something new coming quickly, and all raids are rewarding.

    What do you think?

  13. This project make me play again WoW after 3/4 years. Good job , can't wait!

  14. This is an idea I've had since a long time so please hear me out and tell me what you think.

    Instead of an years long season, have each season be just 1 year. Every month, new phase releases.

    And raid bosses drop 3x loot than normal. So Ragnaros drops 12 instead of 4. Regular raid boss drop 6 instead of 2 etc.

    This creates a new experience, where every raid is rewarding AND you move through phases fast. And you can have more seasons, one per year instead of waiting 3+ years for a reset. After the end of each year in January, you re-start from Vanilla again.

    So basically a fast paced, high reward server. There's always something new coming quickly, and all raids are rewarding.

    What do you think?
    No, just no... 40man raids are already scaled down to 25 and one expansion is perfectly fine even if it goes longer than 1 year on each, making it span atleast 3 years before the end.

  15. So guysssssss :D How long does the BETA usually lasts? :D One needs 2 prepare everything in advance for this awesome project!!!! :D

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