1. Im too busy studying about the economic factors in the German Holocaust to look up h2javascript :(

    Oh is that what he meant by 1 second minute? :x

  2. Wow
    Such amaze game
    Many coins

  3. Do a couple of edits in the javascript and win the game in 5 minutes.

  4. Do people always have to hack and cheat?

  5. Do people always have to hack and cheat?
    Yes anytime and everywhere,we will find a way.

  6. I was going well and my computer blue screen'd me...
    ...And I have cookies disabled....

    Well, guess I'll try again tomorrow!

  7. Do people always have to hack and cheat?
    Well, I got to my 1 261 291 253 200 doges per second legit.

  8. Do people always have to hack and cheat?
    Macroing your mouse is not hacking :c and its not cheating on wow/molten either :c

    Much excuses.

  9. Macroing your mouse is not hacking :c and its not cheating on wow/molten either :c

    Much excuses.
    It is not hacking but is cheating =/

  10. It is not hacking but is cheating =/
    Guilty :( i like big numbers and i cannot lie.

  11. JoanBlackfish's Avatar
    After a few bazillions/sec dogecoins it gets boring...

  12. After a few bazillions/sec dogecoins it gets boring...
    I'm still playing, trying to beat it harder than Obnoxious did! I'll share here when I'm done (I have been playing for over 12 hours now, my IE crashed a few times :(... )

  13. Just leaving it open in the background while I do anything else.

  14. Even more new upgrades now.
    You seem to be very into it.

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