1. First of all, thank you. Superb job on the guide, this must be the only guide on the web that touches so many things. The work that you did is just overwhelming. I take off my hat)

    I have a few questions which I will post in a few days, I am a DS priest and currently 2 shards away from Valanyr, I have read a lot of posts on this weapon but almost most of them were mere theories and nothing else. I never tried Holy, but this I intend to fix after reading this guide. I guess I am trying to find a hybrid build to maximize the Valanyr capabilities. Hopefully I will get it today and after some testing I will get back with question, if you don't mind).

    Again, Thank you and do have a great day ?

  2. I would be happy to answer your questions when you post them. As for the applications for Valanyr, how useful it is really depends on your group, not so much you. But generally speaking, it will be useful for the entirety of the expansion, whether it be for entire raid tiers, or just for specific fights or specific boss phases. It is worth having for an hpriest in any case.

  3. May 31, 2023  
    Hi Mercy, your tutorial makes me want to play sacred priest, but everyone spits on us, your guide is still valid on the current warmane? Because I just arrived on the server, are there any changes that have brought the sacred priest even lower? the Disci is despicable to play, full shield = no interest in having fun. So do you need to update the guide or is everything still to be updated?

  4. May 31, 2023  
    Nothing has changed about the server that would invalidate the guide. The guide is also not warmane-specific.

  5. 6 Days Ago  
    Hi. Thank you for that guide. Can you please update talents links?

  6. 5 Days Ago  
    I changed the links over to another site.

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