1. SkyZer0's Avatar
    Shadowfang keep is NOT working on Sargeras

  2. So according to this list only 1 WOTLK raid fully works? Or does that just mean its scripted perfectly?
    The scripting on it is pretty poor from the few times i tried it, the boss is hitting around as hard on 10 man normal as its supposed to on 25hc from what we could tell

  3. Shadowfang keep is NOT working on Sargeras
    Normal or heroic?

  4. omfgcows's Avatar
    This list needs to be a little updated.
    BRC is open and scripted
    End time is open and scripted.

  5. How many dungeons and raids are not scripted in WOTLK?

  6. Not so updated. BRC is open. Should be more specific in the raids in which bosses are available.

  7. Tafs's Avatar
    Anyway this thread is useful. Thx

  8. misslyss's Avatar
    Thanks for making this list! It really makes me want to go back to the other private server I was on. Dungeons are a huge part of wow and if they're not available for levelling and getting gear I am extremely disappointed. I feel that molten should make them priority because there is more to wow than just questing....

  9. For WotLK:

    Utgarde Keep - yes
    The Culling of Stratholme - works, but you have to stay close to Arthas all the time, otherwise gets bugged
    Azjol Nerub - yes
    Forge of Souls - yes
    Pit of Saron - yes

  10. Its about time the Dev crew invest time in the classic and burning crusade area of the game. There arent many things working. Sure when u market yourself as a cataclysm server i understand the need for that content. However it quickly becomes hollow when u cant link it back to the origin.

    So shape up and give us working dungeons and raids. If you want to claim that number one spot as the best WOW alternative out there. I can surley tell you the distance to your competitors is shrinking and fast.

    /my two cents.


  11. Its about time the Dev crew invest time in the classic and burning crusade area of the game. There arent many things working. Sure when u market yourself as a cataclysm server i understand the need for that content. However it quickly becomes hollow when u cant link it back to the origin.

    So shape up and give us working dungeons and raids. If you want to claim that number one spot as the best WOW alternative out there. I can surley tell you the distance to your competitors is shrinking and fast.

    /my two cents.

    the distance in players is shrinking fast - true!
    the distance in quality and availability of content is shrinking - false! (exact opposite, some of them are ahead of molten and only get ahead moaaarrr)

    What makes molten nicer: active servers, lots of people to play with, GM's being active, cataclysm quality of the encounters that actually are available are pretty nice.

    so overall it's just the huge playerbase that makes molten #1 private server to play on, as the dungeon/raid scripts of cataclysm are pretty nice but just a tad less, the population is making it up.

    WotLK is folorn.... :(:(:(

  12. Well, I wish wotlk was first scripted to the fullest instead of rushing off to Cataclysm while leaving WoTLK unfinished. But still, there is still a good chance to fulfill that goal and finish wotlk PvP and PvE- wise. Molten will gain alot of active players and donations from doing that, I assure you.

  13. Drizztdude's Avatar
    Heres what I don't get, why do we get dungeons fully working at one point, and then next expansion they are completely broken again? I mean I can get needing time for some that have been redone completely like how shadowfang keep was, but then we get things like pit of saron and halls of reflection that have had very little changes, worked completely in the wotlk servers, but is broken with no fix date on cata.

  14. Heres what I don't get, why do we get dungeons fully working at one point, and then next expansion they are completely broken again? I mean I can get needing time for some that have been redone completely like how shadowfang keep was, but then we get things like pit of saron and halls of reflection that have had very little changes, worked completely in the wotlk servers, but is broken with no fix date on cata.
    To be fair if you ever go retail you'd understand that FoS/PoS/HoR are actually far from fixed and by and large a work in progress - trust me seeing this in retail working as it should be is an eye opener. In any event it was explained that they had changed the core entirely which essentially makes them start from scratch, while sure they could simply port over some scripts it still takes time to work that back into the script as they simply cannot just add content as scripts are sensitive and if not done properly may cause issues in other areas. Given that these just aren't as big of a priority they aren't inclined to take the gamble of just adding the dungeons as is and hoping they won't affect anything negatively.

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