1. did u ever think about that game became 2 easy for u because u play it so long ?
    Imagine u started like a month or a year ago , would mop be that easy for u or pvp ?
    Now imagine if they make it hard for exp wow players .... U think some new kids would start playing ? :)
    imo its same diff as before u just got older and learned it well ;-) also i dont share opinion of many that mop is boring. I was amazed when i joined retail with raids and especially with timeless isle ...i was there 2 months whole time :) awesome place imo even better then helfire pvp was on tbc
    = change is sometimes good :) dont get cought in a past :)

  2. Unavenged's Avatar
    well the biggest reason people complain about MOP been boring is that 5.4 was release 13 months ago and still WOD is not out.13 months of no new content can make even biggest fans quit.
    Uhhhh, if this were true no one would play a private server ever. People leave for MANY different reasons. I left BECAUSE it changed and I like to PvP constantly and not have to re-earn the latest and greatest great constantly.

    I STILL play Unreal Tournament '99 and that game is 15 years old. It is still my all time favorite FPS ever and hasn't been updated in over 13 years lol.

  3. Uhhhh, if this were true no one would play a private server ever. People leave for MANY different reasons. I left BECAUSE it changed and I like to PvP constantly and not have to re-earn the latest and greatest great constantly.

    I STILL play Unreal Tournament '99 and that game is 15 years old. It is still my all time favorite FPS ever and hasn't been updated in over 13 years lol.
    i say complain not leave learn to read.and private server are the same.as you can see on molten 99% of people complain that wotlk and cata are boring and ask for MOP release.

    also just because you enjoy playing old games dont mean the majority do aswell.how many people played UT at '99 and how many do today?

  4. Unavenged's Avatar
    i say complain not leave learn to read.and private server are the same.as you can see on molten 99% of people complain that wotlk and cata are boring and ask for MOP release.

    also just because you enjoy playing old games dont mean the majority do aswell.how many people played UT at '99 and how many do today?
    Re-read the last sentence of your post I quoted. It reads "13 months of no new content can make even the biggest fans quit." You did DIRECTLY say it and are still saying it now. Also I don't know what server you are playing but 99% of molten is NOT bored or esle they wouldn't play or they would play retail. Private servers would not exist if that were the truth.

    I was giving an example that I still play that game to show you not everyone cares of something changes or not. You missed the point of my post and didn't think you were saying what you ARE saying with both of yours lol. Good luck to you and not being bored.

  5. titan015's Avatar
    Two classes comes into my mind when talking about Top PvE and Top PvP:

    1. Affliction warlock
    2. Frost Mage

    Both class in that spec are in the high list by constantly breaking the top dps charts while also bringing havoc in pvp.

    affliction warlock with empowered snapshotted dots + malefic grasp = win

    frost mage with fingers of frost + brain freeze + alter time + frozen orb = uber burst

  6. Re-read the last sentence of your post I quoted. It reads "13 months of no new content can make even the biggest fans quit." You did DIRECTLY say it and are still saying it now. Also I don't know what server you are playing but 99% of molten is NOT bored or esle they wouldn't play or they would play retail. Private servers would not exist if that were the truth.

    I was giving an example that I still play that game to show you not everyone cares of something changes or not. You missed the point of my post and didn't think you were saying what you ARE saying with both of yours lol. Good luck to you and not being bored.
    are you serious?have you seen molten pupolation past few months?sargeras is still populated but all other realms are empty.warsong cant even reach 1k players.i play on FW and every single person of my guild is gone.
    and just becasue mods delete every single negative topic form forums dont mean people are not complaining.

    and not i am not bored anymore since they prepatch retail and WOD is coming in 27 days.

  7. what is ur class on retail if u hate pvp on MoP so much , i guess i havent played that class since i havent seen anyone qq about MoP pvp so much ?
    I'll quote Peregrine , couldnt come up with anything better than dis :

    It was said thru multiple occasions on all best pvp sites,pvp players and whatnot that MOP is junk.
    Hug pillar,pop cds,wait for something to die.If it fails,.,repeat same tactics.That's what MOP is.

    And yeah, I was a shaman, i like hybrid classes and there they just simply sucks, especially enh. Elemental during Ascendance its like spamming 1 button unless u sit in CC for the duration of the Ascendance and that's pretty much it.
    Trust me, got pretty sick of that crap when a warrior just facerolled my *** in both specs.
    [Thunderstorm] ? -- Take a heroic leap .
    Rooted/slowed/LoS? -- let me 2x charge
    Casting? -- Here, take 2 interrupts which u cant even juke because if i fail with 1 interrupt i got another one in my pack.
    Too far from you? -- Lemme just stormbolt ur ***, 30 sec CD Kidney Shot at a freaking 30 yard range. ( yes, 0 combo points needed, rofl :P )
    Am i dying? -- nah, second wind op bruh.
    Seriously even rogues feel ashamed, and they wear freaking leather.
    I can write a roman, but no one cares, they enjoy the ******ed state of PvP in mop.
    For OP , u can try a mage, they can also vanish like a rogue with a talent, + removing 2 DoT's
    My 2 cents

  8. titan015's Avatar
    Seriously guys if you don't like MoP then you are very very much welcome to stay in the older realms. Your whining doesn't really change anything. Those who would like to play mop will do so. Whining about how garbage mop is won't freaking change anybody's mind.

  9. Unavenged's Avatar
    are you serious?have you seen molten pupolation past few months?sargeras is still populated but all other realms are empty.warsong cant even reach 1k players.i play on FW and every single person of my guild is gone.
    and just becasue mods delete every single negative topic form forums dont mean people are not complaining.

    and not i am not bored anymore since they prepatch retail and WOD is coming in 27 days.
    That's because you are playing Cata lol. There are still queues to get into wrath realms at peak hours. And it all depends on the person, I as well as many enjoy playing at the highest gear level for however long. I will prob continue to play wrath for a LONG time still. I am not alone in that either. Both points have supporters but just wait for MoP then and have fun once it releases. Until then everyone needs to stop crying it isn't out yet.

  10. I'll quote Peregrine , couldnt come up with anything better than dis :

    It was said thru multiple occasions on all best pvp sites,pvp players and whatnot that MOP is junk.
    Hug pillar,pop cds,wait for something to die.If it fails,.,repeat same tactics.That's what MOP is.

    And yeah, I was a shaman, i like hybrid classes and there they just simply sucks, especially enh. Elemental during Ascendance its like spamming 1 button unless u sit in CC for the duration of the Ascendance and that's pretty much it.
    Trust me, got pretty sick of that crap when a warrior just facerolled my *** in both specs.
    [Thunderstorm] ? -- Take a heroic leap .
    Rooted/slowed/LoS? -- let me 2x charge
    Casting? -- Here, take 2 interrupts which u cant even juke because if i fail with 1 interrupt i got another one in my pack.
    Too far from you? -- Lemme just stormbolt ur ***, 30 sec CD Kidney Shot at a freaking 30 yard range. ( yes, 0 combo points needed, rofl :P )
    Am i dying? -- nah, second wind op bruh.
    Seriously even rogues feel ashamed, and they wear freaking leather.
    I can write a roman, but no one cares, they enjoy the ******ed state of PvP in mop.
    For OP , u can try a mage, they can also vanish like a rogue with a talent, + removing 2 DoT's
    My 2 cents
    now i just have to react to this ... u are just a bad player if get killed that much with shaman. my main char on retail is Shaman, i have full Pridefull in all specs, and i LOVE pvp as shaman in MoP ( stating again i played only since SOO patch came out ). if u told me u play some other class i would consider u may be right but this is just a joke....

  11. Well yeah i've played all the classes and i figured out that enh shaman had the least utility hence everyone were ele/resto.
    Reaching 1989 rating there doesnt really make me a bad player i guess, since the amount of CC there is unbearable and shaman has a ****ty capacitor totem, only with glyph is useful or my opponents are just plain ******ed in order to get stunned.
    Got nothing to say anymore, have fun on MoP

  12. Whitlam's Avatar
    I don't even think an argument is required.

    The only real viable classes in MoP PVP are:

    Prot Warrior
    Feral Druid
    Maybe Destruction Warlock
    Frost Mage

    Preferably Frost Mage, they were crazy in 5.0.3 and Frost Mage was biggest meta.

  13. it's irrelevant which class is great on retail that data is worthless here since almost every mechanic that worked a certain way on retail works another way on molten. Some don't work at all.

  14. I don't even think an argument is required.

    The only real viable classes in MoP PVP are:

    Prot Warrior
    Feral Druid
    Maybe Destruction Warlock
    Frost Mage

    Preferably Frost Mage, they were crazy in 5.0.3 and Frost Mage was biggest meta.
    Did he say Prot warrior

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