1. Or maybe..just maybe,go do an arena? Or a bg...I honestly didn't know killing afk players that don't know how to turn off PvP is considered PvP.
    If people are afk, then it's likely their pvp flag is off. So no, that's not a valid argument.
    Also, are you saying that in a game called WARcraft, whose story is about WAR between Alliance and Horde, that neither of those factions should attack the other's capital cities?
    You're either a casual, or you're just mad because you got rekt at some point.

    If you have a problem with people raiding the city you're in, either move to a different city (shock!) or get together a defense group like a real man. Stop your whining.

  2. If people are afk, then it's likely their pvp flag is off. So no, that's not a valid argument.
    Also, are you saying that in a game called WARcraft, whose story is about WAR between Alliance and Horde, that neither of those factions should attack the other's capital cities?
    You're either a casual, or you're just mad because you got rekt at some point.

    If you have a problem with people raiding the city you're in, either move to a different city (shock!) or get together a defense group like a real man. Stop your whining.
    Did you not read what I wrote?

    I DO NOT PLAY NELTHARION,I haven't played it a while..I don't care when they attack our city,I have fun when multiboxers come because I can one shot them.

    You're just picking on me because I'm black.

  3. On Cata i allready saw 2 rogue who had refunded daggers legendary but i guess they qited server. Acomplished everything ingame and left. I't s good cause you don't see every rogue with legendaries lol.

  4. since no staff responses i will post on behalf on them unless they want to reply to this thread.

    the reason we have gurth is because it gives us a lot of income, you can see 300 ilvl strength classes with a gurth.

  5. since no staff responses i will post on behalf on them unless they want to reply to this thread.

    the reason we have gurth is because it gives us a lot of income, you can see 300 ilvl strength classes with a gurth.
    the reason we have gurth is because it it our main source of income in the dead and broken cata servers.

    play ret with sor / prioritize judgment for maximum effect

  6. I think I know what would make devs hurry in fixing this stuff:

    Hey multiboxer guy, go create 40 retri paladins with gurthalak, pop bubble and use divine storm at the same time on a group of people :DDD

    If one player can pop 30 tents with one DS, how many tents will 40 players pop :^DDD? now that'd be fun to see, since I guess it would lag and crash the server everytime you do it. I suppose this would seriously force them to address the bug and make all those retri heroes stop with this bull****, lol. Just, where do you even find the face and the attitude to defend such bug? It's really beyond me lol.
    Best thought so far!!

    cant be more agree!!

    Roll paladin mutilboxerguy and squish all of scum on stormwind!!

  7. Best thought so far!!

    cant be more agree!!

    Roll paladin mutilboxerguy and squish all of scum on stormwind!!
    Dat necro

  8. Best thought so far!!

    cant be more agree!!

    Roll paladin mutilboxerguy and squish all of scum on stormwind!!

  9. If only they focused on fixing class, wep, and talents bugs. I was doing 2s on my pally and got 2500 rating, later on my partner disband team. but damn it was easy as hell with all this ret bugs. #Hopelostinwarmanearenas.
    Edited: September 13, 2015

  10. If only they focused on fixing class, wep, and talents bugs. I was doing 2s on my pally and got 2500 rating, later on my partner disband team. but damn it was easy as hell with all this ret bugs. #Hopelostinwarmanearenas.
    Think this applies once more...

  11. Think this applies once more...
    Gotta love that meme :D

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