1. UA 100k Crit only (On dispel) is just low as **** tbh check out this
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LN7518IO8wQ Cata if I'm right
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DikQppGF40 Mop

  2. http://imgur.com/yNQRThX

    Tell me more about bashing warriors. Yes, its my brother's warrior. 130k slam crit. My long casting time Chaos Crap , does 156k. I don't even like destro spec but i wanted to test it when I made the ss
    . Yes, i've seen 150k chimera shots as well , right after a glaive toss for another 200k total. My health was almost 30%. Literally 1 shoot
    I feel sad for rogues in MoP. 2 Ambush crits does the dmg of a slam, and thats during SD on a 1 min cd. Warriors can literally just spam it. Fear them, they'll rage, stun them, they'll just regen more rage. As a lock is a pain in the *** to face a warrior. Only if freaking Soulburn: Teleport worked, it wouldn't be a problem, at all.
    Hunters are more doable but still
    . 105k UA dispel is nothing. Be more concerned about the silence , not the dmg, but what does OP know. Exactly, nothing. He's talking about ratings
    Let the rage begin
    chimera never do 150k in pvp the best shot i EVER got was 123k on a priest with full BG buff stack which i never seen again...on classes like DK and warrs it's even worst...
    glaive toss used to do 4hit each for 20k in pvp before...with crite it could do 40 so that would be 150-160 if all 4hit was crit and with buff stack! since 1or2week ago glaive only do 2hit now each for 10-12k in pvp which rarely does crit as a hunter i can tell100% they nerfed MM as well without anyone notice again..just like they did with BM.
    and about rogue...u feel bad for them? LOL that was so funny...cuz they can kill me with476k hp in 2 cheap shot! and since they have def skills such as evasion cloak crap etc they are fking immune for 20sec! in 20sec u r pretty dead! dont say u feel bad for rogues cuz it only makes people wonder if u in ur right mind....! everyone here now how insane rogue's damage is! i got hit by a412k rogue's eviscerate (he didnt even have grv daggers) yesterday for 89k! my hp dropped so fast that i couldnt even notice! every possible cc missed /he was immune due to cloak and evasion...just watching hunter's duel in ewlynn forest shows how pathtic they became thx to great job of devs!
    keep trying dude...
    Edited: July 31, 2015

  3. Proof right here you are just clueless.

    Warriors were top in the arena ladders due to:
    100% Uptime on a target
    Unlimited CC
    The ability to lock down something and put out high damage.
    1. true
    2. nope
    3. no.

    Warrs are like rogues with less dmg.

  4. 1. true
    2. nope
    3. no.

    Warrs are like rogues with less dmg.
    It's just exactly the opposite . Take both 522 warr and 522 subrogue and test their dmg. Overall warrior has more dmg than a sub rogue will ever have, not to mention they'll only have that dmg during SD. Get your **** together.
    Tl:dr. Warriors were broken in MoP, cuz thats how ****zzard designed them. They're broken, deal with it. No one's gonna nerf a class in warmane.
    Ofc warriors have something to say against it, they'll defend them desperately as if they will get nerfed, roflmao
    Edited: July 31, 2015

  5. You should just ignore this crybaby. He's been afking in a BG when i told him my main is a warrior.

    Also this thread is going nowhere. Should be locked.
    Edited: July 31, 2015

  6. Wotlk afflic lock dispel Ua was also doing 8k domage,nearly 25% of overage players HP,so 100k on mop is not even 25% of max hp.
    Bashing people on their rating is not something mature,if you want to meet pro players go arenajunkies and enjoy the glad/R1 above your head.
    This a private server and if i am not wrong 2k2 rating on frostwolf mean you are random player.

  7. It's just exactly the opposite . Take both 522 warr and 522 subrogue and test their dmg. Overall warrior has more dmg than a sub rogue will ever have, not to mention they'll only have that dmg during SD. Get your **** together.
    Tl:dr. Warriors were broken in MoP, cuz thats how ****zzard designed them. They're broken, deal with it. No one's gonna nerf a class in warmane.
    Ofc warriors have something to say against it, they'll defend them desperately as if they will get nerfed, roflmao
    You still desperately bashing warriors doe,dayumn,even when they have been fixed? Second wind,reflect,dw...

    Warriors are not broken,they are designs that way.If you played retail and if u knew something about Blizzards bussines plans you wouldn't consistently writing the same false info and conclusions.

    Everything starts with official cataclysm expansion when they nerfed warrior in a unusual negative way.Also ta into the consideration that warrior wa the most chosen class ever before the release of Blizzards Cataclysm.After they lost dozen of subs ,especially warrior ones .

    With the expansion Mists of pandaria they wanted to get part of them back somehow,which eventually they did,until 5.4 when nonwarior subs started massively leaving the game making the warriors really dominate the expansion.

    Blizzard thinks about profit,they will tear the game up just so they get even more money,everything is planned,but players got it now with realese of WoD.

    Warriors were not broken on retail,they were have been scripted like that.

    130k slams are normal in burst,letting him burst you is your fault,not games fault.L2P

    If you neutralize warriors with burst with ur defensive status,ou'll make their life much harder believe me.

    There are plenty of wow youtubers that proved that warrior combs can be beaten with ease.Mastering and getting high rate with particular class is not about how easy or hard it is,it's about how synchronized you and your partner is,and how experienced you are.

    The attitude of synx7 is presenting he is weak and a looser,not because he don't like warriors in general ,but because I know he wouldn't even try to get better in order to outplay them,his excuse will be "it's a warrior,no chance,I'll just give up, logically".

    And that's my fellas the attitude of a looser,his goals and effort are obsolete,zero.

    Sorry for the long post/offtopic and bad English.

    Something is wrong with alock I believe,they ment to be a pressuring class like on retail,their goal is to to preasure both targets step by step,patiently and eventually making the healer for example choose to heal himself or a partner,causing death of one of them depending on his choice.atleast high rating arena was strategically like that.

    Here is just choosing one target and squize the hp out of him in no time.not close to retail,not even close ;)
    Edited: August 1, 2015

  8. There are plenty of bugs on retail as well, as a matter of fact, there are bugs in every game, its just the amount that differs.
    and the FIx time ..... retail is like few days tops here is few years.... :D

  9. and the FIx time ..... retail is like few days tops here is few years.... :D
    Hmm I wouldn't agree, cuzz there are bugs that are present for a decade.
    And there are bugs that lasted whole or multiple expansions.
    Edited: August 1, 2015

  10. You still desperately bashing warriors doe,dayumn,even when they have been fixed? Second wind,reflect,dw...

    Warriors are not broken,they are designs that way.If you played retail and if u knew something about Blizzards bussines plans you wouldn't consistently writing the same false info and conclusions.

    Everything starts with official cataclysm expansion when they nerfed warrior in a unusual negative way.Also ta into the consideration that warrior wa the most chosen class ever before the release of Blizzards Cataclysm.After they lost dozen of subs ,especially warrior ones .

    With the expansion Mists of pandaria they wanted to get part of them back somehow,which eventually they did,until 5.4 when nonwarior subs started massively leaving the game making the warriors really dominate the expansion.

    Blizzard thinks about profit,they will tear the game up just so they get even more money,everything is planned,but players got it now with realese of WoD.

    Warriors were not broken on retail,they were have been scripted like that.

    130k slams are normal in burst,letting him burst you is your fault,not games fault.L2P

    If you neutralize warriors with burst with ur defensive status,ou'll make their life much harder believe me.

    There are plenty of wow youtubers that proved that warrior combs can be beaten with ease.Mastering and getting high rate with particular class is not about how easy or hard it is,it's about how synchronized you and your partner is,and how experienced you are.

    The attitude of synx7 is presenting he is weak and a looser,not because he don't like warriors in general ,but because I know he wouldn't even try to get better in order to outplay them,his excuse will be "it's a warrior,no chance,I'll just give up, logically".

    And that's my fellas the attitude of a looser,his goals and effort are obsolete,zero.

    Sorry for the long post/offtopic and bad English.

    Something is wrong with alock I believe,they ment to be a pressuring class like on retail,their goal is to to preasure both targets step by step,patiently and eventually making the healer for example choose to heal himself or a partner,causing death of one of them depending on his choice.atleast high rating arena was strategically like that.

    Here is just choosing one target and squize the hp out of him in no time.not close to retail,not even close ;)
    You finally showed up didn't you. I thought we got rid of you. A fatass 13 year old trying to look cool in a p-server. Or u got banned for a while from posting on the forums?
    "The attitude of synx7 is presenting he is weak and a looser,not because he don't like warriors in general ,but because I know he wouldn't even try to get better in order to outplay them,his excuse will be "it's a warrior,no chance,I'll just give up, logically"."

    It's because its just like that you dumbass. I own a 522 warrior as well. Nothing can beat it, its ridiculous. Only a 2.1k rated frost mage brought me to 20% hp but that was it, I still won.
    It wouldnt even be a problem to kill warriors on my lock if https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/5124 worked. I just noticed the bug few weeks ago.
    That's it. How much do you want to defend your warrior and claim that its hard to play one, its still one of the easiest class around MoP. AND you're 13 year old, you kinda dunno crap about WoW in general thats why you play a Warrior. I would like to see you playing some more challenging class , to reach like 2.4k rated Bdruid w/o any positive/negative bugs. Ik you wont pass 300 rating playing that class but w/e. Enjoy you warrior as much as u can, hope they will eventually fix their remaining bugs.
    & keep defending it , its not even logical because Warmane, doesn't , NERF classes, they fix them. Wonder why always there's a warrior discussion, you jump in, insulting everyone, asking about their ratings and defending your precious ****ty class. Rofl. Do you thing I care if some1 complains about warlocks, or rogues, or resto druids ( because i own these), ? No, I don't. In fact it amuses me , at least if they wanted to ask for advices in order to beat them, sure. Oh, resto druid is totally broken and I admit it. Also my partner is a 522 fury war. We never lost 30 matches straight at 1967 rating , and we're climbing .
    I consider deleting my war because its frustratedly simple to play and op, and so boring at the same time
    Edited: August 1, 2015

  11. Hmm I wouldn't agree, cuzz there are bugs that are present for a decade.
    And there are bugs that lasted whole or multiple expansions.
    There is a small difference between a minor bug that didnt get fixed for years or a major bug like for example buff stacking that didnt get fixed for years and changed the whole pvp/pve experience.

  12. You finally showed up didn't you. I thought we got rid of you. A fatass 13 year old trying to look cool in a p-server. Or u got banned for a while from posting on the forums?
    "The attitude of synx7 is presenting he is weak and a looser,not because he don't like warriors in general ,but because I know he wouldn't even try to get better in order to outplay them,his excuse will be "it's a warrior,no chance,I'll just give up, logically"."

    It's because its just like that you dumbass. I own a 522 warrior as well. Nothing can beat it, its ridiculous. Only a 2.1k rated frost mage brought me to 20% hp but that was it, I still won.
    It wouldnt even be a problem to kill warriors on my lock if https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/5124 worked. I just noticed the bug few weeks ago.
    That's it. How much do you want to defend your warrior and claim that its hard to play one, its still one of the easiest class around MoP. AND you're 13 year old, you kinda dunno crap about WoW in general thats why you play a Warrior. I would like to see you playing some more challenging class , to reach like 2.4k rated Bdruid w/o any positive/negative bugs. Ik you wont pass 300 rating playing that class but w/e. Enjoy you warrior as much as u can, hope they will eventually fix their remaining bugs.
    & keep defending it , its not even logical because Warmane, doesn't , NERF classes, they fix them.
    I consider deleting it because its frustratedly simple to play and op, and so boring at the same time
    This thread should be locked and also I wouldnt mind if this guy was banned (insults?) for a few days from the forum. That will make us some holidays.

  13. This thread should be locked and also I wouldnt mind if this guy was banned (insults?) for a few days from the forum. That will make us some holidays.
    Orly. Scroll through Antiwarwrecckes's posts and you'll know why I talk to him like that. Get lost
    He's not allowed to make fun of me or talk about me at all or spreading my name on the forums because he's 13 years old and he wants to. Not only me, me and Notoriouss or w/e is his name, because we both play locks I guess, and he's a mighty warrior.
    When DW critted for 100k, this antiwarwreccker guy claimed that combat log was bugged.
    When SP ( both if specced ) were bugged, he said they are not.
    SW was fixed, he claimed that it got bugged and warriors should've healed more than rdruids.
    This doesn't change the fact that he's 13 years old and.. I really dunno what does he tries to accomplish. Pissing us off I guess. I myself got some warnings from the staff because of this guy, his levels of naiveness were so huge, that I couldnt control myself.
    Edited: August 1, 2015

  14. Synx7 you are pretty annoying to be honest. Warrior may be op and simple but warlock is pretty damn easy to play and even more OP than warrior if played correctly. All the classes were stupidly simplified in MoP and everyone can become good (not best, but good) with some effort.

  15. Orly. Scroll through Antiwarwrecckes's posts and you'll know why I talk to him like that. Get lost
    He's not allowed to make fun of me or talk about me at all because he's 13 years old and he wants to. Its called naming and shaming , if warmane got that rule.
    Dude,calm down and relax,take it easy for once.

    I did not say warmane nerf classes...

    "Everything starts with official cataclysm expansion when they nerfed warrior in a unusual negative way.Also ta into the consideration that warrior wa the most chosen class ever before the release of Blizzards Cataclysm.After they lost dozen of subs ,especially warrior ones ."

    it was about cata warrior nerf,and how Blizzard works,ending up with many warriors in mop...

    Even if warrior becomes bug-free class,you will still whine all over the forums...Too bad i thought there is hope for you,the hope that might change your whiny-looser attitude.

    I only want to say to you, Be a man,get over the fact that warrior is powerful class in MOP and adopt to the expansion,learn from the best and you will outplaythem,many players proven that with correct setups,timing,tactics warrior combos can be outplaye and beaten,once you realize this crucial fact in arena,you won't cry and whine.

    Best regards,no insults

    your AWWrecker.

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