1. Well you are over compensating for something? Perhaps unable to get girl friend? Its all related to peen in some way or another. No other reason for being an admitted wimp. Unless you can explain one? Didn't think so. Only thing more pathetic than a wimp, is one that keeps coming back to be embarassed like you do...;-) I'd see you on the battlefield but I do not have any level 1 characters currently... Oops. Hahahahaha.
    actually i have a Fiance, 2 kids, and a job if you'd really like to know. i have nothing to compensate for, i just like pissing people off. plain and simple.

  2. actually i have a Fiance, 2 kids, and a job if you'd really like to know. i have nothing to compensate for, i just like pissing people off. plain and simple.
    Yeah? Well I have 29 wives, in 17 different countries, 400 babies, each one named after one of the sports cars in my personal multi-storey car park and I make millions a year by pretending to be scared of video games on Youtube.

  3. actually i have a Fiance, 2 kids, and a job if you'd really like to know. i have nothing to compensate for, i just like pissing people off. plain and simple.
    I truly pity you and i feel sorry for your fiance and your 2 kids,you like pissing people off? wow you truly have issues,worst thing is you have two kids who will most likely pick up your eandearing traits hence bringing in two more anticrist douche bags in the gaming world.

    Seriously,did you just write "i just like pissing people off"?

    What is wrong with you? And you have a fiance and 2 kids? wow....saying must be true that love is blind,hmm well i doubt you can "feel" love and about your better half well she probably is with you for ANYTHING else besides your personality since well you know you are a douche.

    What it all comes down to is that it's a game. The purpose of games is to have a good time and if possible, a hard laugh. However you have a good time and a hard laugh depends on your own personal preferences, as long as it's allowed.
    Problem comes when your enjoyment of the game intereferes with mine,lets say i have a 2 hour window of time to play,why should i logout of the game just because another person feels the need to act like a douche?
    Thin like between what is "fun" for you and harrassment for another person,in pvp servers that line gets crossed over and over.
    Edited: September 15, 2015

  4. I truly pity you and i feel sorry for your fiance and your 2 kids,you like pissing people off? wow you truly have issues,worst thing is you have two kids who will most likely pick up your eandearing traits hence brining in two more anticrist douche bags in the gaming world.

    Seriously,did you just write i just like pissing people off?

    What is wrong with you? And you have a fiance and 2 kids? wow....saying must be true that love is blind,hmm well i doubt you can "feel" love and about your better half well she probably is with you for ANYTHING else besides your personality since well you know you are a douche.

    Problem comes when your enjoyment of the game intereferes with mine,lets say i have a 2 hour window of time to play,why should i logout of the game just because another person feels the need to act like a douche?
    Thin like between what is "fun" for you and harrassment for another person,in pvp servers that line gets crossed over and over.
    It's a PvP server , deal with it .

  5. I truly pity you and i feel sorry for your fiance and your 2 kids,you like pissing people off? wow you truly have issues,worst thing is you have two kids who will most likely pick up your eandearing traits hence brining in two more anticrist douche bags in the gaming world.

    Seriously,did you just write i just like pissing people off?

    What is wrong with you? And you have a fiance and 2 kids? wow....saying must be true that love is blind,hmm well i doubt you can "feel" love and about your better half well she probably is with you for ANYTHING else besides your personality since well you know you are a douche.

    Problem comes when your enjoyment of the game intereferes with mine,lets say i have a 2 hour window of time to play,why should i logout of the game just because another person feels the need to act like a douche?
    Thin like between what is "fun" for you and harrassment for another person,in pvp servers that line gets crossed over and over.
    Yes. Responses like this are exactly why it's fun. Too bad you're trolling. But there's actual people that think that. And that's where the fun comes from.

  6. Yes. Responses like this are exactly why it's fun. Too bad you're trolling. But there's actual people that think that. And that's where the fun comes from.
    What makes you say he's trolling? He seems genuine and his posting history matches up with his stance perfectly. Remember, kids, a troll is not someone who disagrees with you and the moment you use it that way, you're gonna get a lot of condescending looks from people smarter than you.

    Ironically, purposely seeking a rise out of people is exactly what trolling is, which, judging by your post, just so happens to be your definition of fun.
    Edited: September 15, 2015

  7. I truly pity you and i feel sorry for your fiance and your 2 kids,you like pissing people off? wow you truly have issues,worst thing is you have two kids who will most likely pick up your eandearing traits hence bringing in two more anticrist douche bags in the gaming world.

    Seriously,did you just write "i just like pissing people off"?

    What is wrong with you? And you have a fiance and 2 kids? wow....saying must be true that love is blind,hmm well i doubt you can "feel" love and about your better half well she probably is with you for ANYTHING else besides your personality since well you know you are a douche.
    i would rather have them be like me, and not have anything upset them, than to have them be like you and get their panties in a twist over a game.

  8. What makes you say he's trolling? He seems genuine and his posting history matches up with his stance perfectly. Remember, kids, a troll is not someone who disagrees with you and the moment you use it that way, you're gonna get a lot of condescending looks from people smarter than you.

    Ironically, purposely seeking a rise out of people is exactly what trolling is, which, judging by your post, just so happens to be your definition of fun.
    Did I ever say I am not doing the exact same thing?

    He's in it for the long con though. That's why I'm sure he was trolling. I remember he had a similar thread like this a year ago or something (cba to check his post history, you can find it if you wanna).

  9. Did I ever say I am not doing the exact same thing?

    He's in it for the long con though. That's why I'm sure he was trolling. I remember he had a similar thread like this a year ago or something (cba to check his post history, you can find it if you wanna).
    So what? Being concerned with a particular issue and making a couple of topics on it does not make you a troll. Stop embarrassing yourself and use that word properly.

  10. So what? Being concerned with a particular issue and making a couple of topics on it does not make you a troll. Stop embarrassing yourself and use that word properly.
    I see what you did there.

  11. It is a pvp realm after all. High level(s) gang up and kill a or a group of lowbies(Thrallmar/Honor Hold the most common), people say its common, lol get use to it, but if it was the other way around omg omg hack, exploit, he 1 shot me with a bomb, I cant rez omg!
    The funny thing is when a lowbie does something to defend, stand up for him or herself, they are marked as an exploiter and nothing more.
    Something interesting I found on cata, Mop, and during the Lordaeron testing, gankers will be ganked by a level one very, very soon if I am reproducing it right ;)

    Then again, high vs low, when Arena Tournament and old Nelth was around, people just dont go for lowbies, they go for the undergeared folks that do not expect to get into a confrontation with a geared to the teeth player in world pvp, mainly those pve dudes that run around picking flowers for their profession.

    Long story short: It's a PVP REALM, anything goes in a PVP REALM, even GANKING, even if you bring you MAIN, etc. It is the PVP food change my friend, take the hit or log out, your choice.
    Being a PVE hardcore raider I resent "under geared" folks. lol. Back in retail my gear, while lacking in resilience, was pretty much ICC heroic gear. I still died to geared to the teeth pvp players, but I was hardly under geared. I ran around collecting my mats for proffessions, but follow me into any raid, and you will see super hard core play. I'd like to see the hard core pvpers try and down a heroic LK. LOL.

  12. Being a PVE hardcore raider I resent "under geared" folks. lol. Back in retail my gear, while lacking in resilience, was pretty much ICC heroic gear. I still died to geared to the teeth pvp players, but I was hardly under geared. I ran around collecting my mats for proffessions, but follow me into any raid, and you will see super hard core play. I'd like to see the hard core pvpers try and down a heroic LK. LOL.
    Are you actually non ironically implying PvE takes more skill than PvP?
    Edited: September 17, 2015

  13. solely to piss them off, and make them cry like little girls, like Djorto does in ever single thread made about it.
    ^ and boredom.

  14. Are you actually non ironically implying PvE takes more skill than PvP?
    It takes a different kind of skill altogether. PvP is more about individual skill while raiding is about meticulous team work. When you raid you have to learn how to function in unison with a group of 9 or 24 other players, this is incredibly difficult to do (on heroics and hard bosses). There are bosses that require so much coordination to down that a group of players who have no clue what they are doing still can't down bosses from 2 or 3 expansions ago. I've seen it. I do not mean to belittle PvP, I have tremendous respect for a PvPer who is really talented and skilled, I'm just merely saying that raiding takes an entirely different set of skills and can be equally difficult. You do one little thing wrong at even a slightly wrong time and you have screwed up the entire encounter.

  15. If it's red, it's going to be dead.
    By all means please go ahead and kill every single thing in red you see. EVERY SINGLE THING. I'd like to see you kill every person in a capital city by yourself just like you do to lowbies. If you cannot then you're a scrub who hides behind scrub sayings just because its a majority>minority situation.

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