1. Pretty sure they share a passionate disdain for what you stand for.

  2. Or option 3: Those who donated get instant acces, Higher donation rank, quicker inside. Those who didnt donate, let them wait in queue. At least then we are rewarded to help the server ^^
    Donation is donation, and I don't think you understand the meaning of a donation. Purchasing benefits is a whole nother thing.

  3. Things will be ok dont wry its allways like this on realm release. When MoP came out we had 2 full realms and in few months 1failed and they got merged into Fw so just enjoy the game and give it a litle time. I srsly think there will be around 7k ppl most in few months here not more

  4. rather set pop limit to 4k , pvp is unplayable right now

  5. rather set pop limit to 4k , pvp is unplayable right now
    This please. Pvp is so awful right now because of how bad the server lags.

  6. Do not allow multi-boxing and kick those AFK at log in screen... queue disappeared for ever.
    How exactly do you know when someone is afk on the login screen? Better yet, who the hell sits at their computer the whole time while waiting in queue?

  7. How exactly do you know when someone is afk on the login screen? Better yet, who the hell sits at their computer the whole time while waiting in queue?
    I do :(
    So you're saying I'm not supposed to sit in front of computer while I wait?

  8. Sometimes, not always, I cancel the queue when I'm under 50 just so I can go through it again. My pc is very old and slow so that makes me unable to run wow + any other application, forcing me to sit and wait at the queue passing by since my family is to poor to buy a television and even books/magazines.

  9. Donation is donation, and I don't think you understand the meaning of a donation. Purchasing benefits is a whole nother thing.
    As much as I love the server, I don't think there's many people around that just donate out of the kindness of their heart.

  10. How exactly do you know when someone is afk on the login screen? Better yet, who the hell sits at their computer the whole time while waiting in queue?
    Check if user is logged in but none of his characters have been active in the past 5 minutes.

  11. As much as I love the server, I don't think there's many people around that just donate out of the kindness of their heart.
    I know but there are already benefits for donors and Lordaeron was specifically made with no donor benefits. I know that queues are annoying but they are only annoying if you want your WoW time right now and can't screw around on the internet for an extra 5 minutes while waiting.

  12. Check if user is logged in but none of his characters have been active in the past 5 minutes.
    so if something IRL happen and i have to go AFK for 5 or 10 mins i have to be kicked from the game and wait 1 hour in queue?i dont think that make much sense.

  13. so if something IRL happen and i have to go AFK for 5 or 10 mins i have to be kicked from the game and wait 1 hour in queue?i dont think that make much sense.
    He's talking about being inactive at the character selection screen, meaning you're taking a server slot, without even being in-game.

  14. Mabye you could make multiboxing not allowed? I know it was allowed on retail but there is a big difference since you needed too actually pay for the accounts. Here anyone can bring 5 characters and multibox, it looks wierd, annyoing as hell if you get ganked.

  15. He's talking about being inactive at the character selection screen, meaning you're taking a server slot, without even being in-game.
    So you rather have 5 man multibox bots farming dungeons instead of some innocent players not wanting to wait 3 or more x 800+ ppl queues? Nice staff members we got right here.

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