1. That only shows that even blizz thought that the racial was too good and decided to nerf it.
    Blizzard nerfed every horde racial in WOD before EMFH, that means they are overpowered by your logic.
    Edited: January 9, 2017

  2. Blizzard nerfed every horde racial in WOD before EMFH, that means they are overpowered by your logic.
    U are playing a human dont u?

  3. U are playing a human dont u?

    I'm sorry for disappointing you.
    Edited: January 9, 2017

  4. I'm sorry for disappointing you.
    No idea what character that is. It doesn't even show on the armory. Some old screenshot that u found in ur cellar?

  5. Conclusion of this thread:
    Everybody plays human in PvP but NOPE, its not for the double HC trinkets that everybody has equipped.
    Ppl play Human because of its unique and awesome character animations. The way they walk, the way they swing the sword, the way they look, the voice, beautiful!
    This and only this is the reason to play a human! When its about the racials better role a horde character. I heard http://wotlk.openwow.com/spell=20552 is pretty strong.
    Edited: January 9, 2017

  6. No idea what character that is. It doesn't even show on the armory. Some old screenshot that u found in ur cellar?
    That is because I'm playing in the horde for now, thinking it would be an easy way to gear up, but I was wrong, its even worse than alliance.

    Why would I play human? because I like wod human model, for example? (My main is and will be alway Draenei).

    Why 50% of horde play Belf? they are very human like.

    By your logic, why majority of alliance is still playing human in legion, when EMFH is now sh*t?
    Orcs in legion can reduce 45% every CC with their pasive and anti-cc talent

    If you think human is OP, play as human...
    Edited: January 9, 2017

  7. Delicious wall of sarcasm, Jakkre. But it happens that it's not exactly false what you said. Still waiting for your asnwer, why most PvPers on vanilla and TBC play as human aswell? And I'll ask Delenis's question too, why majority of people still playing human in legion, when racial is now ****? So if people play as human for looks in the other expansions, why shouldn't they do here in wotlk?
    All these whinnings about racials are unbelievable that I went speechless for a moment to be honest. Gosh...

  8. humans got one more racial = die much faster then the rest of ally races
    5 seconds cooldown
    Without pocket holy paladins you living time not much longer.

  9. By your logic, why majority of alliance is still playing human in legion, when EMFH is now sh*t?
    Orcs in legion can reduce 45% every CC with their pasive and anti-cc talent
    Maybe because the human racial isnt as bad as u think even after that nerf?
    http://www.wowhead.com/spell=59752/e...an-for-himself removes stun effects. Stun is pretty much the strongest CC out there because it doesnt break on dmg and humans can remove it even twice.
    Edited: January 9, 2017

  10. All these whinnings about racials are unbelievable that I went speechless for a moment to be honest. Gosh...
    Yeah lol, I felt the same way after reading this:
    Humans don't have meld (it's generally crucial as priest for example), aoe stun, aoe silence, haste boost or damage boost, I would love to have one of those honestly.

  11. Yeah lol, I felt the same way after reading this:
    It's a way I arranged to point out that other racials are useful too and not as trash as people claim it to be, capiche? I mean, duh?
    I said several times in other threads about racials that things in the end are pretty much balanced as everything is situational, period.

  12. It's a way I arranged to point out that other racials are useful too and not as trash as people claim it to be, capiche? I mean, duh? I said several times in other threads about racials that things in the end are pretty much balanced as everything is situational, period.
    And I just pointed out that hardcore pvpers tend to play alliance due to the human racial.
    No idea what that has to do with whining, its just a fact.

    Also, I never claimed that other racials are trash, the human racial is just the best one.
    If u interpret that as whining then I can't help u.
    Edited: January 9, 2017

  13. And I just pointed out that hardcore pvpers tend to play alliance due to the human racial.
    No idea what that has to do with whining, its just a fact.
    Humans do not look utterly **** like all horde races do excelt belfs maybe, plus human racial is more versatile.
    However, it does not make it overpovered. These players still will be top even playing horde characters.

  14. These players still will be top even playing horde characters.
    What is a top player for u?
    A player with a high arena rating?
    If so then the highest rated arena players on blackrock are probably the creme de la creme.
    Pls do me a favor and check the blackrock arena ladder on season end and count how many of the top 30 are not humans.

  15. And I just pointed out that hardcore pvpers tend to play alliance due to the human racial.
    No idea what that has to do with whining, its just a fact.
    Really? Is that what you wanted "just" to point out aswell by saying this?
    Spoiler: Show
    And yes, the human racial is overpowered for PvP.
    Human get a second trinket proc effect and some additional stats for free

    And for the third time already, I don't know how many times do I have to ask this, why most alliance PvPers play as human on vanilla and TBC, is it because of the racial too?

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