1. I feel sorry for those who didnt pass 3th grade math.
    What about 3rd grade English?

  2. What about 3rd grade English?
    only 2 grades in mongolia and go eat labia
    Edited: November 3, 2017 Reason: no to ban

  3. 167 > 153 isn't a large difference so if you would look closely to the numbers again and shut the fck up about brain damage and about people being mentally challenged you'd actually see that the difference is so tiny that you're behaving like a kid by just stating that. For every single 20 resilience gem you socket you make up for the loss of resilience you would have from the trinket even if it's not "exactly the same amount", if you gem 20 arp for having enough resilience you will still reach a close amount compared to the human. I really don't know what you are arguing about anymore, you keep stating the same arguments as before. DBW has 4 times the stats but when you compare the AP buff to the dmg you could output while having more stun reduction, you'd also want to take the scenario when you're under high cc and pressure to account because it's not always you can counter pressure your enemys. "DBW Does not always PROC ARP", remember that fact. Here are some values from a stopwatch and if you're that ****ing ignorant to think that pressure is the main key to winning a successful game you should just dm me your in game character name and I will explain briefly to you once again.
    Next Proc at 1 min 48 seconds. 1200 AP.
    Next Proc at 3 min 42 seconds. 600 AGI.
    Next Proc at 5 min 35 seconds. 1200 AP.
    Next Proc at 7 min 23 seconds. 1200 AP.
    Next Proc at 9 min 21 seconds. 600 Crit.
    Next Proc at 11 min 10 seconds. 600 AGI.
    Next Proc at 12 min 56 seconds. 600 AGI.
    And to add some little details you also need to know that Orc gives Axe specialization which is very good when you're wielding a donormourne, and this isn't based on my personal opinion or my "0" facts that you said I didn't have. Keep it going.

  4. 167 > 153 isn't a large difference so if you would look closely to the numbers again and shut the fck up about brain damage and about people being mentally challenged you'd actually see that the difference is so tiny that you're behaving like a kid by just stating that. For every single 20 resilience gem you socket you make up for the loss of resilience you would have from the trinket even if it's not "exactly the same amount", if you gem 20 arp for having enough resilience you will still reach a close amount compared to the human.
    I didn't say the passives were a huge difference but in your mongoloid rage, you keep presenting the PvP trinket as somehow being more beneficial because the orc has to gem less resilience while in fact the complete opposite is true. The human gets the flexibility of having slightly more stats, allowing him to either gem for offense or defense, depending on what he needs, a choice orcs don't get. In this case the PvP trinket provides nothing but lack of flexibility and less stats, a clear win for the human and this is just the passive stats, we haven't even gotten to the ridiculous proc yet.

    DBW has 4 times the stats but when you compare the AP buff to the dmg you could output while having more stun reduction, you'd also want to take the scenario when you're under high cc and pressure to account because it's not always you can counter pressure your enemys. "DBW Does not always PROC ARP", remember that fact. Here are some values from a stopwatch and if you're that ****ing ignorant to think that pressure is the main key to winning a successful game you should just dm me your in game character name and I will explain briefly to you once again.
    Next Proc at 1 min 48 seconds. 1200 AP.
    Next Proc at 3 min 42 seconds. 600 AGI.
    Next Proc at 5 min 35 seconds. 1200 AP.
    Next Proc at 7 min 23 seconds. 1200 AP.
    Next Proc at 9 min 21 seconds. 600 Crit.
    Next Proc at 11 min 10 seconds. 600 AGI.
    Next Proc at 12 min 56 seconds. 600 AGI.
    And to add some little details you also need to know that Orc gives Axe specialization which is very good when you're wielding a donormourne, and this isn't based on my personal opinion or my "0" facts that you said I didn't have. Keep it going.
    In every single one of those cases, DBW provides significantly more DPS than 322 AP, last for 30 secs instead of 15 and procs more often than every 2 mins, none of which will even come close to being made up by 10% more stun reduction after diminishing returns. Depending on weapon, the human can also get an expertise bonus. There's really no way for you to argue your point without looking like you have no idea what you're talking about because of your failure to comprehend simple numbers. It really looks like you're in denial after rolling orc and realizing humans make better warriors in the Warmane meta.

    We haven't even mentioned the ability for the human to equip a defensive trinket like skeleton key and still do the same DPS as an orc while having the ability to survive much better but keep arguing your nonsensical point, it makes me look better.
    Edited: November 3, 2017

  5. 167 > 153 isn't a large difference so if you would look closely to the numbers again and shut the fck up about brain damage and about people being mentally challenged you'd actually see that the difference is so tiny that you're behaving like a kid by just stating that. For every single 20 resilience gem you socket you make up for the loss of resilience you would have from the trinket even if it's not "exactly the same amount", if you gem 20 arp for having enough resilience you will still reach a close amount compared to the human. I really don't know what you are arguing about anymore, you keep stating the same arguments as before. DBW has 4 times the stats but when you compare the AP buff to the dmg you could output while having more stun reduction, you'd also want to take the scenario when you're under high cc and pressure to account because it's not always you can counter pressure your enemys. "DBW Does not always PROC ARP", remember that fact. Here are some values from a stopwatch and if you're that ****ing ignorant to think that pressure is the main key to winning a successful game you should just dm me your in game character name and I will explain briefly to you once again.
    Next Proc at 1 min 48 seconds. 1200 AP.
    Next Proc at 3 min 42 seconds. 600 AGI.
    Next Proc at 5 min 35 seconds. 1200 AP.
    Next Proc at 7 min 23 seconds. 1200 AP.
    Next Proc at 9 min 21 seconds. 600 Crit.
    Next Proc at 11 min 10 seconds. 600 AGI.
    Next Proc at 12 min 56 seconds. 600 AGI.
    And to add some little details you also need to know that Orc gives Axe specialization which is very good when you're wielding a donormourne, and this isn't based on my personal opinion or my "0" facts that you said I didn't have. Keep it going.
    Yes, i will keep it going, as i feel that it is my duty stop false information from reaching potential new players.
    As orc warrior you are trading -15%stun duration and one ****ty 300 ap buff for a potential 1500 ap 30 sec buff.
    Tbh stun reduction is completely ****ing worthless, since when ur getting focused in 3's that 1 sec is not gonna save you.

    Also when you gem meta for stun reduction you miss +3% crit damage.

  6. First of all, I am not the one stuck in a mongoloid rage mode, I never called somebody out as a mentally disabled person or somebody who has brain damage. I have done nothing except giving you appropriate information although you did correct some of the statistics I gave out, however just because I do not agree with you on your points about the extra DBW trinket doesn't mean you have to feel like you are being personally attacked in a social status manner. The reason why I think extra stun reduction is better is because you can manage burst setups more easily and as for a warrior you struggle a lot while fighting RMP or God Comp, I never chose to play an orc warrior so I could tell all the human ones to **** off, it's quite the opposite I experience. The flexibility you are talking about doesn't make a warrior do more dmg unless you sacrifise another stat which in my opinion doesn't have any relevance at level 80 with full bis gear. You already have so much PvP gear to equip and PvE items, you don't need to swap trinkets to adjust the "flexibility" due to the reason that you can switch gems / enchants / off sets. And another point that feels absolutely excluded yet so far is the Axe specialization and the extra pet dmg that a hunter could make use of as an example, I just feel like you guys are trying to pull this convo to your own advantage so you can make me look bad in all of the points I have stated previous, I am not personally defending this like I would get some sort of honor of proving you wrong. I think that Orc is the best and that is simply what I am going to think because I already have gave you so many arguments as to why I think so, this has nothing to do with being emotionally attached to something because I want to prove someone else wrong, you keep doing you but don't insult other people because they don't agree with you.

  7. Ironic, as this sounds exactly like being emotionally attached to something

    -hunts cant be humans
    -nobody plays rmp in 2017
    -ur talk about stats makes 0 sence, read above posts
    -axe spec is garbage
    Edited: November 3, 2017

  8. My talk about stats makes 0 sence if you at first don't how to comprehend English, axe spec is not garbage because it allows you to focus on other stats than expertise. People do play rmp and just because humans can't be hunters kinda proves a point that the whole Horde faction isn't that useless after all? Isn't that a solid point? If you're going to be here all day pin pointing the little things I say from here to there, then base your own argument without being irrational.

  9. You're in desperate need of some paragraphs, mate. Have some mercy for the unfortunate folks who bothered to read the nonsense you wrote.

    First of all, I am not the one stuck in a mongoloid rage mode, I never called somebody out as a mentally disabled person or somebody who has brain damage. I have done nothing except giving you appropriate information although you did correct some of the statistics I gave out, however just because I do not agree with you on your points about the extra DBW trinket doesn't mean you have to feel like you are being personally attacked in a social status manner.
    The reason I suspect you might have a few neurons misfiring is because you keep being presented numbers that prove you wrong and yet you keep frothing out the mouth and spouting that nobody has made a good point and that you're the only rational one here. I'm sorry to break it to you but numbers aren't a matter of opinion, sunshine. No one cares how you feel about your beloved orc warrior when the community has had 9 years to figure these things out.

    The reason why I think extra stun reduction is better is because you can manage burst setups more easily and as for a warrior you struggle a lot while fighting RMP or God Comp, I never chose to play an orc warrior so I could tell all the human ones to **** off, it's quite the opposite I experience. The flexibility you are talking about doesn't make a warrior do more dmg unless you sacrifise another stat which in my opinion doesn't have any relevance at level 80 with full bis gear. You already have so much PvP gear to equip and PvE items, you don't need to swap trinkets to adjust the "flexibility" due to the reason that you can switch gems / enchants / off sets. And another point that feels absolutely excluded yet so far is the Axe specialization and the extra pet dmg that a hunter could make use of as an example, I just feel like you guys are trying to pull this convo to your own advantage so you can make me look bad in all of the points I have stated previous, I am not personally defending this like I would get some sort of honor of proving you wrong. I think that Orc is the best and that is simply what I am going to think because I already have gave you so many arguments as to why I think so, this has nothing to do with being emotionally attached to something because I want to prove someone else wrong, you keep doing you but don't insult other people because they don't agree with you.
    What am I even reading? The ability to deal the same damage as an orc with similar gear AND have an additional oh **** button to counter burst has no relevance because... there's BiS gear? What? Please save yourself future embarrassment and stop trying to argue this inane point. Humans have more flexibility and more raw stats, this isn't a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact. You wanna argue against facts? Be my guest, I'll be here all day to laugh at you along with any curious bystanders.

  10. You are again making insults to better your performance in 12 year old debating. I never put out arguments based on statistics as an opinion of mine, if you don't understand what I wrote above you should go back and read it. You won't become more flexible with having DBW over Medallion, you will only gain so much more arp that you can further gem a dussin of more arp gems in to your gear sockets, which isn't the optimal if you are trying to balance your stats out so you can survive while still being able to put out counter pressure.

    Resilience is a key factor to surviving, therefore if you have ARP or Resilience on your trinket it really doesn't matter because the other off set gear you will be providing gives a ton of ARP and Resilience based on your choice. Why does it always feel like you're entitled? oh, I know... It's because you act like everyone should play and gear exactly like you, you never see the different scenarios that people might be preparing for, I for an example, think that Orc is better because against comps like RMP you want to have more uptime than actually sitting stunned or sheeped with your DBW on the proc, and yes it revolves around a few seconds of spare with the orc racial, but those seconds will become many seconds very quickly. The only thing DBW offer is the AP buff, everything else is quite trash tbh. 600 haste is worse than the Orc buff, 600 crit won't improve your dmg by alot since you already crit with most of your abilities at bis gear anyways.

    @DamnOriginal, if you're that entitled you should consider just stopping it at this point, keep argumenting, keep insulting but if somebody should be embarrassed, it's you. You've made this whole discussion to a pool of toxic insults being thrown from left to right because you couldn't bare the thought that I based my facts on what I think is the best and I can assure you that I have played both Human and Orc warriors for straight 12 years since late Vanilla. I am not here to ***** and moan about what is the best based on what I feel, I like orc warriors more because they're very good against cc in 3v3.

  11. 15% orc racial
    20% Iron Will (warrior talent)
    and 15% more if you gem it with meta

    According to my maths, it makes 50% possible.
    yes but the guy try to make it seem like been orc give you 35% extra stun duration,when in reality you have iron will as human as well.


    i dont know what to tell you man.you keep claiming the 153>167....like wtf are we in first grade and we just now learning how numbers work?and the prock is 1400 ap 700 crit/haste not 1200/600 pls stop posting bull**** that are simple not true.now answer me how can 2 min 322 ap 15 sec duration is more then 1400 ap with 30 sec duration and 1 and half min cd?are we really gonna argue about this?for real?and what about other classes that use other tirnkets?as ret you will trade Death's Verdict that give you 288ap and 510 str for 15 sec with only 45 sec cd for 2 sec silence that have 2 mins cd?are you our of your ****ing mind?tell me as healer what racial can possible beat 2nd Solace of the Defeated trinket or Bauble of True Blood, or even Corroded Skeleton Key.
    why are we even arguing about this dude you have be to kidding me there is no way you are not trolling at this point.

  12. You are taking this argumentation in the wrong context, I put this simple example of an orc warrior / human warrior out there and people went crazy because they compare the difference between DBW and the orc buff, instead of looking at it that way, look at it like this: Orc buff beats 600 haste, crit is better but doesn't make a whole lot of difference in your main rotation because you already have a ton of crit at bis gear, 1400 AP is very good but doesn't proc all the time and if it is likely to proc against a comp like RMP or God comp in this scenario, they would probably just cc you most of the time and peel you, bloodfury isn't better than the DBW proc, but you can utilize more of the buff because when you're doing counter pressure, you have the choice to proc it whenever you feel like proccing it. Now the main part that makes orc warriors questionable, is the stun reduction, I think that stun reduction is better than the DBW trinket because you get more uptime and it just makes it so much easier to handle rogues, mages and druids. You can go ahead and play a human warrior for the sake of fun with bursting people, but in the end, you and almost every other good warrior I know will say that RMP and God Comp is two of the most difficult comps to be facing, stun reduction is underrated and I am actually seriously arguing this because I got a lot of experience with playing warrior, I am not forcing anyone to do like I do, but this is what I mainly think under the circumstances that I am facing, remember the context of the discussion #3v3 #Warrior #difficultComps. Horde has much more to offer than you think and if you chose to be entitled, then you better just stop commenting because you'd be better off playing your human warrior.

  13. Dear Gurra99,

    Thank you for using paragraphs and not raping our eyes this time,


    You are again making insults to better your performance in 12 year old debating. I never put out arguments based on statistics as an opinion of mine, if you don't understand what I wrote above you should go back and read it. You won't become more flexible with having DBW over Medallion, you will only gain so much more arp that you can further gem a dussin of more arp gems in to your gear sockets, which isn't the optimal if you are trying to balance your stats out so you can survive while still being able to put out counter pressure.
    You're really in no position to be taking the high horse here considering you came into this thread calling everyone who shared the consensus after 9 years of theoorycrafting "kids", while presenting nothing but personal opinion, false claims, incorrect numbers and broken Engrish. And now you're upset I'm giving you bantz after running you through the numbers multiple times and watching you still unable to put 2 and 2 together as you waddle your incoherent buttcheeks into even more ridicule? Yes, please. I wonder if you even know what Skeleton Key is, considering your potato of a brain seems to have completely missed the point about flexibility.

    Resilience is a key factor to surviving, therefore if you have ARP or Resilience on your trinket it really doesn't matter because the other off set gear you will be providing gives a ton of ARP and Resilience based on your choice. Why does it always feel like you're entitled? oh, I know... It's because you act like everyone should play and gear exactly like you, you never see the different scenarios that people might be preparing for, I for an example, think that Orc is better because against comps like RMP you want to have more uptime than actually sitting stunned or sheeped with your DBW on the proc, and yes it revolves around a few seconds of spare with the orc racial, but those seconds will become many seconds very quickly. The only thing DBW offer is the AP buff, everything else is quite trash tbh. 600 haste is worse than the Orc buff, 600 crit won't improve your dmg by alot since you already crit with most of your abilities at bis gear anyways.
    If you think 600 haste for 30 secs is worse than 322 AP for 15 secs or that 600 crit doesn't really improve your damage, I have nothing to add here. This on its own is enough to demonstrate you're an ***** without me even having to say anything. If anyone is entitled here, it's you because you seem unable to separate the optimal from personal preference.

    @DamnOriginal, if you're that entitled you should consider just stopping it at this point, keep argumenting, keep insulting but if somebody should be embarrassed, it's you. You've made this whole discussion to a pool of toxic insults being thrown from left to right because you couldn't bare the thought that I based my facts on what I think is the best and I can assure you that I have played both Human and Orc warriors for straight 12 years since late Vanilla. I am not here to ***** and moan about what is the best based on what I feel, I like orc warriors more because they're very good against cc in 3v3.
    There, there, my little darling. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings with my mean words after you so innocently entered this discourse on our wonderful Christian board. I'll try to replace the insults with patronizing wherever possible, at least then we run the chance of you missing the point.

    You are taking this argumentation in the wrong context, I put this simple example of an orc warrior / human warrior out there and people went crazy because they compare the difference between DBW and the orc buff, instead of looking at it that way, look at it like this: Orc buff beats 600 haste, crit is better but doesn't make a whole lot of difference in your main rotation because you already have a ton of crit at bis gear, 1400 AP is very good but doesn't proc all the time and if it is likely to proc against a comp like RMP or God comp in this scenario, they would probably just cc you most of the time and peel you, bloodfury isn't better than the DBW proc, but you can utilize more of the buff because when you're doing counter pressure, you have the choice to proc it whenever you feel like proccing it. Now the main part that makes orc warriors questionable, is the stun reduction, I think that stun reduction is better than the DBW trinket because you get more uptime and it just makes it so much easier to handle rogues, mages and druids. You can go ahead and play a human warrior for the sake of fun with bursting people, but in the end, you and almost every other good warrior I know will say that RMP and God Comp is two of the most difficult comps to be facing, stun reduction is underrated and I am actually seriously arguing this because I got a lot of experience with playing warrior, I am not forcing anyone to do like I do, but this is what I mainly think under the circumstances that I am facing, remember the context of the discussion #3v3 #Warrior #difficultComps. Horde has much more to offer than you think and if you chose to be entitled, then you better just stop commenting because you'd be better off playing your human warrior.
    Oh wait, nevermind. He's right back at it again. Damn it and here I thought we were actually making progress.

    No, 322 AP doesn't beat 600 haste. No, 600 crit isn't less useful because you have a lot of crit, read what resilience does. No, you're not gonna utilize more of the 15 sec bloodfury proc than the 30 sec DBW, when the DBW is proccing more and lasts twice as long and requires a melee hit to proc, which means you're already in position to do damage. No, you can't convince people you know what you're talking about by repeating RMP and God comp over and over. No, no, no, no...

    Another thing I completely missed is that it's the normal version that procs 600/1200, the heroic one is 700/1400, making it obliterate the orc racial even harder and making you look even dumber. Sorry, what I meant to say was differently minded.
    Edited: November 3, 2017

  14. I would be dumb to not call you a kid, because that isn't an insult, it's true. You're bashing people because apparently personal preference has nothing to do with statistics, well how about you give me the statistics that I have been waiting for? Oh so now I should scroll up and read your previous posts? Then go ahead and read mines because I already gave you enough arguments as to why I think orc is better than human warrior in 3v3. You can go ahead and keep bashing people and call them whatever you like, you're just an ignorant ***** and if I'd be lying I would never tell you this. Bloodfury is definitely better than 600 Haste and Crit isn't really that good when you have full Bis set, keep on denying me :) I have a lot of experience as a warrior and if that doesn't mean anything I don't know how to conclude this discussion, I guess you just have to keep going... You're not countering my arguments, you're just a spokes person for the human warriors that you call "facts", because apparently all of us "orc warriors", we're just "personal preference", well tell me why human wouldn't be "personal preferance" then.

  15. Whoa, dude. Calm down.

    I would be dumb to not call you a kid, because that isn't an insult, it's true. You're bashing people because apparently personal preference has nothing to do with statistics, well how about you give me the statistics that I have been waiting for? Oh so now I should scroll up and read your previous posts? Then go ahead and read mines because I already gave you enough arguments as to why I think orc is better than human warrior in 3v3.
    Sure thing, here you go. Can you count the number of orc warriors in there? Come on, I believe in you, you don't have to count that high. How many? 4? 5? Well, let me spare you the torture of counting the humans, there's 35. But I'm sure you think yourself better than all these scrubs, they don't know anything about what's best.

    IYou're not countering my arguments, you're just a spokes person for the human warriors that you call "facts", because apparently all of us "orc warriors", we're just "personal preference", well tell me why human wouldn't be "personal preferance" then.
    See, this is what I mean when I say you're experiencing some sort of personal butthurt because you feel like your class/race choice is being attacked. Surely Grok, slayer of RMP and God comps has all the best racials! This fool is obviously in league with the humans trying to make Grok look bad! No, you silly bundle of chromosomes, I just have the statistics and numbers right in front of my face that spell it out as bright as you are not. In truth, I would be delighted to see the human racial toned down in some way or just flat out removed along with other racials so people have to make a choice based on look and not numbers but at the same time I'm cynical enough to understand why that will never happen. Can you imagine the reaction of all those human donors with double BiS trinkets if they pull that off? Oh, shiver me timbers.

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