1. There is ABSOLUTELY no issue with Black Lotus. You guys are legit rotten at picking it. I am not a bot and have picked close to 200 Black Lotus on this server. It is very difficult to pick Black Lotus as you have to learn the route. It NEVER spawns in the same place and in the zones there are 50 different places it can spawn. You just have to be committed and lucky.

  2. huge +1 to comment abose.
    Black lotus is part of the vanilla experience, and I really hope warmane will leave it as it is.
    After destroying the whole pvp experience, after failing so many things in pve (most recent to changing raids from 40 to 25, and leaving raid20 to 20...) I hope they won't destroy the lotus experience.
    ps : if you spentd 10h and you found zero, go farm gold in another way and buy them

  3. only question is, what took them so long?!?

  4. This isn't Blizzlike nor is spawns giving up to 3 Black Lotus.

  5. There is ABSOLUTELY no issue with Black Lotus. You guys are legit rotten at picking it. I am not a bot and have picked close to 200 Black Lotus on this server. It is very difficult to pick Black Lotus as you have to learn the route. It NEVER spawns in the same place and in the zones there are 50 different places it can spawn. You just have to be committed and lucky.
    I literally have seen couple of times how Black Lotus spawned close to me and in same moment someone logged in next to it, picked and log out :D

  6. I literally have seen couple of times how Black Lotus spawned close to me and in same moment someone logged in next to it, picked and log out :D
    It's important to see personal experiences like this, but that has also never happened to me. I haven't had a lot of issues with black lotus bots, except seeing them afk in one place and collecting a node right under their noses. I'm not complaining about the change as it definitely tackles the issue with bots, I just wish we got some sort of indication that this update was live aside from just players getting it randomly from another node.

  7. So Warmane was that a test with Black Lotus spawning from high level herbs? Because it's not spawning anymore.

  8. One more aspect of the vanilla experience destroyed, keep going Warmane...

  9. Time to quote devs that have absolutely no idea what direction they are taking :


    No, it won't be shifted to a percentage chance on any endgame node.

  10. its a great change, makes sense its same principle as with arcane crystals, just maybe lower the droprate

  11. In the name of everyone having a job, a family, or both :

    Thank you so much for this <3

  12. Time to quote devs that have absolutely no idea what direction they are taking
    Time to quote someone who has absolutely no idea of what the concept of "changing your mind" means.

    One more aspect of the vanilla experience destroyed, keep going Warmane...
    You sound like a botter who's salty people won't have to pay for overpriced herbs anymore.

  13. Time to quote someone who has absolutely no idea of what the concept of "changing your mind" means.

    You sound like a botter who's salty people won't have to pay for overpriced herbs anymore.
    then stop promoting that you're trying to do an experience as close as possible to what Vanilla was...
    PvP is the worst ****-show ever (no official statement why r14 = semi-afk at AV bridge for 150h in a Vanilla experience)
    DM trash loots absolutely destroyed (same, weekly post about it, no official statement)
    now Black lotus dropping from other herbs which is like the pvp system, something coming from nowhere and that has nothing to do with vanilla (or clsssic btw)
    I don't even wanna mention all the things that where changed from Vanilla, on purpose, without any like patchnote or, better, any explanation

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