1. Open your eyes and do it yourself (on first forum page, kinda hard to miss. But OFC it is better to spam same useless threads):

  2. Open your eyes and do it yourself (on first forum page, kinda hard to miss. Also, can you come with at least one proper reason to ban player for not playing some time):

  3. Hi am new at the server

    Hi am new at the server i am trying to log in but it's says my acount is baned,i got a cuestion,can i log in into the server whit the same PATCH of a different server of the lich king or i need to download the PATCH from the Forum web site of the game? thanks for your help

  4. You need 3.3.5a client to play here. No other version will make it.

    About "ban"... Just read biggest thread about it that happens to be on same page as your question? In short, make full relog on site and wait few minutes.

  5. Yes it's the same message that apears when i trying to log in but i don't use VPN

  6. Log out here from website. Lag back in. Wait 5mins. Log in game from the same IP with 3.3.5a version client and play.

  7. Account locked

    Hello, I can't log in today because it says: "Your IP Address has been suspended for due to BotNetwork". I've been using the same IP as usual why this thing happened to me? what is botnetwork and why is my account locked?!!

  8. help with account unlocking!

    Hello...I can't access this account,it says that this account is locked but it can be unlocked....I haven't played wow for a long time because I had commitments and after a long time I decided to return to wow,however you don't allow access to this account...So can you help me unlock the account?

  9. I apologize for not posting a picture, but I will post it here in the comment

  10. Hello, my Account has been suspended for due to BotNetwork , never used any kind of third pary software besides regular addons. Can you look into it and fix it please. Thank you.

  11. Hello, my Account has been suspended for due to BotNetwork , never used any kind of third pary software besides regular addons. Can you look into it and fix it please. Thank you.
    You need to relog on the website before logging into the game to fix it.

  12. Account suspended for no reason....

    When i try to join i see this message: Your IP Address (1******) has been suspended for due to BotNetwork

    Seriously, I'm new to the server, I liked it and I was even thinking of making a donation to buy something with the coins, but these things make me reconsidere it completely.

    Being banned for no reason tells me about the server's lack of seriousness, I hope they can fix it tonight, otherwise I don't even think about making donations to a server that from one day to the next is going to ban me without doing anything

  13. You're not banned. Restart your PC, go log on the warmane website. After that you should be able to log in game too. I suggest you turn on 2fa as well.

  14. Go relog on the warmane website. After that you can log ingame.

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