1. At the rate of development -> playable in 3 to 5 years.
    Edited: April 23, 2015

  2. And that is your personal opinion. A lot of people actually found MoP to be a pretty good expansion, including myself.

    Although the problem here is that a lot of fun stuff in MoP isn't available here. The storyline of the continent is non existent: quests that work in Pandaria are usually kill-collect ones, no scenarios, no lorewalker stuff in the world and in raids, no big quest chains from 5.1 (there aren't even ally/horde bases in krasarang), no legendary questline and so on.

    The PvP in Warmane MoP? 3 bgs and arena grind if you're high ilvl. If you're low, you are stuck with grinding bgs with green gear since there are no crafted 476s in-game. The classes aren't balanced so the next guy you meet is proooobably going to be a warrior.

    The PvE? Several dungeons are open with only MSP really working ok. SSB is plagued with LoS and mechanic problems, GotSS is not spawning the 3rd boss a lot of times, TotJS has problems with freakin OP mobs and the 3rd boss doesn't appear anymore, SoNT is on/off for months now and SPM I only ran once so I can't comment. RDF isn't rewarding VPs nor rep so there aren't a lot of people doing RDF at all. As for raids, MSV is now working kinda okay if you aren't locked out after the first boss, but there isn't really a point in running it anymore, ToES Sha encounter is definitely not "Blizz-like" and ToT... yeah... feels like we're still on the PTR.
    Another major problem with PvE is that you can obtain the same or better gear through PvP much faster and easier because raids in their current state are a pain to get through.

    Brawler's guild isn't working. :'(

    Pet battles are not imp... okay okay, you guys are too manly for "some Pokemon cr*p", I get it... :D

    The biggest issues I personally have is that gearing alts is such a pain with the only route being "getting clobbered and annoying other teammates in BGs until you get Tyra gear" or chain running MSP HC till no tomorrow.

    Wow, it wasn't my intention to write a wall of text but the thing is I haven't even covered all the major issues. :/

    Edit: one more thing I can't leave out is the missing low level raids and dungeons.
    Watch out last time I wrote this things I got a warning point for abusive behavior :DDD
    btw I totaly agree... Gearing up shouldn't be that hard... as well as gearing alts... the class balances are ridiculous... yesterday with my 495 rogue I had 2shoted by a disarmed warrior... :DDDD and the old content... my sweet old content... tbc raiding and classic raiding... omg how I miss them...

  3. Watch out last time I wrote this things I got a warning point for abusive behavior :DDD
    btw I totaly agree... Gearing up shouldn't be that hard... as well as gearing alts... the class balances are ridiculous... yesterday with my 495 rogue I had 2shoted by a disarmed warrior... :DDDD and the old content... my sweet old content... tbc raiding and classic raiding... omg how I miss them...

    TBC had soo much content 8 raids and 15-16 dungeons thats so much.
    if molten open TBC server i will play it all day.
    Edited: April 23, 2015

  4. TBC had soo much content 8 raids and 15-16 dungeons thats so much.
    if molten open TBC server i will play it all day.
    I think they should just open the old content on every realm... I want to farm transmog in ICC on MOP realm as well... not only run Black Temple as a lvl 70 :D

  5. TBC had soo much content 8 raids and 15-16 dungeons thats so much.
    if molten open TBC server i will play it all day.
    This thread should be edited to Warmane's future.
    And yes about TBC I didn't believe in that but now I get it, TBC would be more popular than cata or mop. Not wotlk but those 2, yes.

  6. How about giving a free LVL 90 char for new accounts that join warmane community for mop realms, more on sargeras.?
    One single char should not be a problem. Since all new ppl that come here ask about this stuff (i got some friends that joined, and asked me about this).

    If they stick around they will make Alts in the future so that will not be a problem.

  7. As part of the alliance, and also part of sargeras, I can clearly agree to the fact that the realm is literally dying.

    25 man raids are impossible without doing guild-merge raids with others.

    Guild activity has dropped and recruitment is almost impossible due to the number of players being on.

    I'd suggest opening free transfers to frostwolf and probably removing sargeras completely.

  8. I'd suggest opening free transfers to frostwolf and probably removing sargeras completely.
    Or bring more and better devs to MoP to speed up development,so people don't have a reason to leave...

  9. there was a similar topic a few months ago where MoP fans were saying that warmane will close down every cata server because cata players will all play MoP servers

  10. there was a similar topic a few months ago where MoP fans were saying that warmane will close down every cata server because cata players will all play MoP servers
    If they were a bit clever they would make 4 and 1 ptr realm... 1 tbc 1 wtlk 1 cata 1 mop and 1 wod ptr... and than with population that would be no problem! 2-3 realms for each expacts... that's dumb.

  11. well for me molten ended after that hijack, now everyone is max lvl with powerful gear and there is absolutely no fun doing every day same bg and arena xD i miss the old molten so far :( i can't understand people the most fun thing in this game is leveling and doing quests without that wow is damn boring , should be hard to catch max level cap, x3 was somehow not that too bad but now x7 all realms RIP , i found that wasting time on pvp fun server is not worth playing anymore so wish you good luck everyone i am definitely out until molten release wod realm.

  12. This topic has already became a spam thread with barely any valuable opinions. Spamming 3 totally useless posts in row is the worst so far, as I understand people may have stupid ideas, like they had in previous posts.
    We either get one realm out of 2 right now or people will massively abandon Sargeras when prideful gear is released. The only thing that may save the situation is promoting our server in every possible place, so we have more and more players that can somehow fill Sargeras up. Problem is that when Sargeras has 2k people at most, Frostwolf is reaching 4500, we will need like 10k new players to join MOP on Warmane to revive Sargeras slightly. Especially that 80% of new people will be joining Frostwolf until the ques are unbearable.

    Thank you for all the replies, I have nothing more to say and I believe this topic will not produce anything except for spam about fixing bugs and throwing people out of the window. I would rather close it already.

    Give us some news on main page, what decisions you make about this situation ASAP. Good luck!

  13. Maybe this could solve this issue:
    1. Change sargeras into a MoP tournament realm.
    2. Open free transfers to and from frostwolf.
    3. Add warsong rules to sargeras.
    4. Add seasonal rewards
    5. Fix armory


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