1. Maybe because the human racial isnt as bad as u think even after that nerf?
    http://www.wowhead.com/spell=59752/e...an-for-himself removes stun effects. Stun is pretty much the strongest CC out there because it doesnt break on dmg and humans can remove it even twice.
    Emmm.... human can remove 1 Stun with 30 sec CD with anti-cc talent.
    Orc reduces every stun duration 45% with racial + pvp talent, and they can still using Blood fury, this is >>>>> than stun removal every 2 min.
    People will keep playing human in Legion because they like how their character model look (In my opinion, much better than the horde ones), and in Wotlk orc has 5% pet damage increase, 15% stun reduction and blood fury, trolls has berkerker and pasive that reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 15%, without losing any ressilience, so horde losing in PvP is a L2P issue, because you have betters racials.
    Edited: January 9, 2017

  2. Emmm.... human can remove 1 Stun with 30 sec CD with anti-cc talent.
    Orc reduces every stun duration 45% with racial + pvp talent, and they can still using Blood fury, this is >>>>> than stun removal every 2 min.
    People will keep playing human in Legion because they like how their character model look (In my opinion, much better than the horde ones), and in Wotlk orc has 5% pet damage increase, 15% stun reduction and blood fury, trolls has a racial like heroism/BL, so horde losing in PvP is a L2P issue.
    In every single post you make you talk about Legion. Why do you feel the need to derail the whole conversation?

  3. In every single post you make you talk about Legion. Why do you feel the need to derail the whole conversation?
    Maybe you should read the entire post before talk. Or maybe your brain don't let you understand the point.

  4. Really? Is that what you wanted "just" to point out aswell by saying this?
    Spoiler: Show
    And yes, the human racial is overpowered for PvP.
    Human get a second trinket proc effect and some additional stats for free

    How is that whining?
    Im just pointing out facts.
    Do u know how much burst a warrior with double trinket proc from http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=50363 and http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=54590 can deal during bladestorm? The difference is huge compared to a warrior with just one pve trinket.
    Same applys to a destro lock with http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=54588 and http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=50365. Thats a whopping 1200 extra spellpower.
    Call it as u want. I call it overpowered because its significant stronger than the other racials.

    And for the third time already, I don't know how many times do I have to ask this, why most alliance PvPers play as human on vanilla and TBC, is it because of the racial too?
    What kind of TBC and vanilla realms u are talking about? We dont even have one. No idea and I also dont really care what race ppl played back on retail in 2005.
    Why would u compare the retail vanilla/TBC to our private server anyway? Thats like comparing apples with oranges. As far as i am aware there was not even race and faction change available back in these days.

    Also, from the start of this discussion i was pointing out that im talking about hardcore pvper. I claimed that hardcore pvper tend to play human for their racial. By hardcore pvper i mean BiS geared players that do mainly bgs and arena.
    These players are only a small part that don't reflect the entire realm population. If the bigger rest of the realm plays human for their look or the racial doesn't really matter.
    Edited: January 9, 2017

  5. It is a clear whinning about other sources being too overpowered. Whinning, complaining, period. Claiming that ONE different trinket only over the entire gear being overpowered is a clear over-exaggeration.
    Look, I'm not saying human racial is useless, as you can have another trinket, but you may want to think about what horde racial have, stun reduction, haste, aoe silence, War Stomp aoe stun, it can be crucial when it's used in the correct time, like before cyclone or Hex, etc. In the end things appear to be more balanced, depending on situations. For example, as priest, Night Elves are better due to shadowmeld considering priest is very vulnerable to CC, you can use it to cancel hex/sheep (you can use shadow word death for this one), fear, cyclone, and so on, or even to use it on burst spells like lava burst or chaos bolt, for example, so in my opinion this is much more useful than a simple additional trinket.
    So please just for once, cut that crap about human racial being too overpowered. So for once people should learn how certain issues should be overcome, that's exactly what I've done when I had ~ furious/fos/pos gear and had to face full BiS characters instead of coming to forums and say how they are impossible to beat and so on.
    Keep in mind that it's not only human that gets affected by the gear combining with its racial, orc (additional ap/sp) and troll (haste) are aswell. Everything is very situational. The classes you and your partner choose and those who you will face, the map of your dispose, for example, playing los with pillars and such, everything is situational, not a damn different trinket that you personally find it to be overpowered. Horde players have their own racials and those need to be used in the correct moments, not just to look cool.
    If both trinkets procc, find out ways to stop his burst. How? It's your class, you should play it properly.

    What kind of vanilla / TBC servers? Both retail and private servers. Warmane doesn't need to have one, you can see that for yourself. You don't care? You should. Because the answer for these 3 expansions is obvious - the looks. All my vanilla and TBC chars I made are human. Most of vanilla and TBC chars of hardcore PvPers are also human. Sure, there might be few more gnomes, Escape artist in vanilla is win for example, but still, very few people tend to go for the racial skills instead of its looks. Keep saying that hardcore pvper tend to play human for their racials, it is nothing more but just your own assumption. If those players were in horde, their rating would be identical.
    Edited: January 9, 2017

  6. Most of vanilla and TBC chars of hardcore PvPers are also human.
    I honestly have my doubts that this is the case.
    Pvpers back in these days tend to choose gnomes and not humans.
    Talking about hardcore pvpers in Vanilla is anyway laughable, there wasn't even arena back then.

    What the hell is this xpac and server comparison in the first place? We are talking about old school x1 realms here that have the focus on pve, roleplay and social life with pvp beeing only a small side part of it.
    Our Blackrock and Icecrown realms have their focus on end game, a donation shop and race/faction change for few points.
    Different servers, different communitys, different rates , different xpacs, different focus, apple and oranges.
    Keep saying that hardcore pvper tend to play human for their racials, it is nothing more but just your own assumption. If those players were in horde, their rating would be identical.
    And this is nothing more than your assumption.
    I rather believe in facts and the arena ladder on season end doesn't lie.

    I have my opinion, u have urs. Waist of time to discuss this any longer.

  7. Talking about hardcore pvpers in Vanilla is anyway laughable, there wasn't even arena back then.
    It was laughable for sure, players needed to sit in computer 10 hours a day and everyday if they wanted to reach rank 14, in here you can play whenever you want to reach high rating. Want more" hardcore" than that?
    All servers can be different in every aspect, fact still remains, humans all over the place.
    Yes, you're correct, my assumption. But the fact is, those players are still the same players. Skill is more important than racials so they would have same rank.

  8. Tbc if you can you play undead cos Will of the Forsaken, wotlk if you can you play human thats all trolololo

  9. this thread is hilarious. "human racial op" "nu-uh is not. fancy model" "is op". learn to play whatever class you play properly and you wont need to worry if that warrior or w.e is human or gnome. (gnome racial op)

  10. this thread is hilarious. "human racial op" "nu-uh is not. fancy model" "is op". learn to play whatever class you play properly and you wont need to worry if that warrior or w.e is human or gnome. (gnome racial op)
    Say that to full BiS warriors that are resisting/dodging disarms during their 2 trinket procs... It's not a L2P issue when broken RNG decides to ruin your day.

  11. Say that to full BiS warriors that are resisting/dodging disarms during their 2 trinket procs... It's not a L2P issue when broken RNG decides to ruin your day.
    Hi guys, i fail with disarm and thats' why i think RNG is broken.

  12. Hi guys, i fail with disarm and thats' why i think RNG is broken.
    Well after warrior dodges 2 disarms and resists a psychic horror in less than 30 seconds you start to wonder if something is broken. Not to mention the fact that in another match warrior resisted all 3 spriest dots and dots from dk strikes during a single dps rotation. So please do tell me how **** isn't broken?

  13. Humans are ugly. Especially males with that terrible stance.

    Human racial is the most OP now because of high iLvL of available trinkets.

    Other racials in the past were better (but only when the highest level trinkets werent available).

  14. Well after warrior dodges 2 disarms and resists a psychic horror in less than 30 seconds you start to wonder if something is broken. Not to mention the fact that in another match warrior resisted all 3 spriest dots and dots from dk strikes during a single dps rotation. So please do tell me how **** isn't broken?
    Sacred cleansing? Or even maybe that trinket that resist all schools of magic?

  15. Sacred cleansing? Or even maybe that trinket that resist all schools of magic?
    It was sacred cleansing. Proc chance is 30%, it proced 6 times in a row. you cleanse one debuff and suddenly the target with the buff is resistant to every other school. It's rearded...

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