1. played WoD AT pvp is not good as wotlk/mop,since battles last to short,warrior bladestorm 80% any hp,aswell as rogue .. Fights are shirt and just few skills to use.Found AT WoD to be very laggy for few days.2-3 combos raping all ppl in arena,no matter of skill they just burst you in4 sec.Ask anyone in retail ,they are not satisfited with WoD Pvp,but PvE is really great and stunning (the only thing that makes WoD good expansion

  2. What is happening in wod right now? Is Blackhand dead or what? I saw some raid on him but later found some video when he jump of some ship destroyed by Khadgar?

    And where is Doomhammer?

  3. What is happening in wod right now? Is Blackhand dead or what? I saw some raid on him but later found some video when he jump of some ship destroyed by Khadgar?

    And where is Doomhammer?
    The ship incident is part of the quest chain of the Dalaran assault, and that happened before the raid, so he avoided the ship destruction, fled to Blackrock Foundry (the raid) and here's when you encounter him.

  4. What is happening in wod right now? Is Blackhand dead or what? I saw some raid on him but later found some video when he jump of some ship destroyed by Khadgar?

    And where is Doomhammer?
    As far as I'm aware of the chain of events thus far, Blackhand get's killed in Blackrock Foundry after the events of the Siege of Shattrath in which he manages to escape the explosion.
    And as for Doomhammer, Blackhand kills him during the siege when he protests against killing villagers.

  5. As far as I'm aware of the chain of events thus far, Blackhand get's killed in Blackrock Foundry after the events of the Siege of Shattrath in which he manages to escape the explosion.
    And as for Doomhammer, Blackhand kills him during the siege when he protests against killing villagers.
    How Blackhand kills Doomhammer when Doomhammer is know as Backstabber cause he killed Blackhand? What is this o.O ?

    Also guys Kaer answered about release of PTR WOD: ''SOON'' laugh then he added ''Less than a month''

  6. How Blackhand kills Doomhammer when Doomhammer is know as Backstabber cause he killed Blackhand? What is this o.O ?

    Also guys Kaer answered about release of PTR WOD: ''SOON'' laugh then he added ''Less than a month''
    In the original timeline, yes, Doomhammer kills Blackhand but not by backstabbing or betrayal. He challenges Blackhand to a duel for the title of Warchief and manages to kill him.
    But in the alternate timeline, in which the Draenor events occur, it's Blackhand who kills Doomhammer . Needless to say that the Blackhand from the alternate timeline is much more powerful than the one from the original timeline. (Just take a look at the difference between their armors and weapons)

    And thanks for the news about PTR release date ;)

  7. May 27, 2015  
    In a couple years, yes but not in the nearest future. We still have a lot of work with other expansions.
    This simple quote explains everything to people that say "You are releasing WoD? What about the bugs in other Expansions?"
    Warmane said they have triple the number of devs now, and they are working their asses off on every expansion.

  8. June 2, 2015  
    I am glad that wod isn't comming yet to warmane, in the future it will be aweosme but not now, I still play wotlk. xD

  9. I played wow till end of cata, so I was in nathrian till they were frostwolf which if fine now MOP which is good. but I notice rare elites only drop gold those thing player deserve rewards for killing. quest are bugged cause being removed? but my question is why not leave everything as is was intended all quest, loots etc then as we play nerf the need nurfing backwards player are wanting to questlines but then bugged are these nerfed removed item causing other issues? but when WOD starts ill be trying that. all the above was referring to WOD before its worked..

  10. don't open wod so open (legion)! pleas no wod legion its beast patch http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/legion/

  11. don't open wod so open (legion)! pleas no wod legion its beast patch http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/legion/
    Game not even out not considering talk about PTR even and you want crap expansion? I allready did unsub from that game and moved out to Elder Scroll Online. Blizzard lost his mind and throwing everything now feels like last expansion for game.. Later what we gonna get? Return of Lich King?...

    Removing pvp items from game and making rankings like vanilla was not bad idea but point is this gonna be bad in world pvp cause pve players gonna dominate and faceroll.

    Talking about private server this not going happen for more than 5 years. WOD broken as hell and you want legion here? Whole systems need script like artifacts talent tree etc plus old content. Gonna take 5-10 years to script everything by warmane.

    Dissapointed of new expansion. No stats squish. Level cap rised to 110 (back in past blizzard promised us not to touch ;eve; cap after we hit 100 now this game looks like some silkroad online with 150 level cap.) Secondly Demon hunter srsly? .. Now everyone will be sitting in capital cities and showing warglaives because this class gonna get weapon style like warglaives.
    Edited: August 9, 2015

  12. don't open wod so open (legion)! pleas no wod legion its beast patch http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/legion/
    Hype is strong one in this dude.

  13. WoD was the worst expansion ever released by blizzard, annual earnings reflect that...

    I understand there are people who never tried it but don't have high hopes. MoP was miles better than this **** we recently got.

  14. WoD was the worst expansion ever released by blizzard, annual earnings reflect that...
    Their annual earnings are higher than they were this time last year. Got to look at the subs instead. :P

  15. >.< Grace, did you not notice the necro?

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