1. Come on Warmaneee, give us something!

  2. Day 40, No sign of update, starting to think all intelligent life and promises have died.

  3. pls gib prideful, im on my 3rd alt

  4. pls gib prideful, im on my 3rd alt
    Won't happen for a long time, ToT HC needs to come 1st and for them to release SoO with gear to be obtainable

  5. Won't happen for a long time, ToT HC needs to come 1st and for them to release SoO with gear to be obtainable
    **** pve, we need prideful to keep up with the people stacking bugged pve trinkets if they don't plan on fixing it.

  6. I actually wouldnt mind prideful and siege loot to be released now, it actually gives something for people to do. But that's just my opinion.

  7. Y, I agree with you. That would be the best option, to release pridefull and siege loot. 3-4 bosses in SoO are enough for at least 2-4 months. Until that they can fix and add a lot of things.

  8. Y, I agree with you. That would be the best option, to release pridefull and siege loot. 3-4 bosses in SoO are enough for at least 2-4 months. Until that they can fix and add a lot of things.
    Bull****. Before that will happen we will get a full release of Throne of Thunder heroic.

  9. Wtb content. As Many have previously stated, the lack of content its horrific, We want to keep ourselves occupied by farming raids and dungeons for mounts, Mogs, titles and other vanity items. So is it possible to maybe implement atleast one or two new things so we can be occupied , although this is not a act of disrespect but its more like the voice of the "community".

  10. if you want content now, when everything is released you will go crazy bored ... thats my observation. inb4 someone says i will move to wod - no one has stated wod is being worked on and scripted , no news was given that a server will be launched , not to mention that molten cant launch wod before blizzard updates to legion who god knows when will happen.

  11. What's wrong with releasing loot from first couple of bosses in SoO until we wait for ToT HC? Not everyone can and will do it without a problem. Most of the people don't have gear for normal ToT. Others who can will not become "Imba" cause of couple of new items with higher ilvl. We are just tired of nothing new. That's just my wish, why are SoO bosses even there in a first place?

  12. Bull****. Before that will happen we will get a full release of Throne of Thunder heroic.
    When have they ever prioritized HC content? You can wait, we've been on grievous months with nothing to do. Even if they did release ToT HC most people wouldn't be able to do it all. Unless you're in a damn good pve guild you won't have that gear, so why does it matter if pvp players get prideful?

  13. Because the disgusting pvp gear > pve gear for pve era would come once again.
    Had enough of that ****.
    And can't be bothered to play that again with the current imbalances in pvp.

  14. What other options do we have? I remember Yami said somewhere that loot from SoO will not be postponed forever. And If I remember correctly maybe until September?

  15. When have they ever prioritized HC content? You can wait, we've been on grievous months with nothing to do. Even if they did release ToT HC most people wouldn't be able to do it all. Unless you're in a damn good pve guild you won't have that gear, so why does it matter if pvp players get prideful?
    You want the prideful season just so you can do what your doing now? Makes alot of sense

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