1. Tending to just one of your expansions because it's more populated is like feeding only one of your dogs because he's bigger. And as you'd expect, the little guys become resentful. Threads like these usually aren't an intentional stab at the administration, it's more of a reaching out. What happened to the momentum we had when the server came back up after the meltdown?

  2. A few large milestones have been obtained by warmane the past 7mnths. The milestones reached over said time are a mere peice of greater puzzle.
    They have not forgot the other realms. The people that play the later xpacs ofc have grown to feel like unwanted step children...but I think the momentum is very noticeable, and its all a matter of continued patience...
    Warmane has set some lofty goals and i for one dont doubt theyll achieve them.

  3. Tending to just one of your expansions because it's more populated is like feeding only one of your dogs because he's bigger. And as you'd expect, the little guys become resentful. Threads like these usually aren't an intentional stab at the administration, it's more of a reaching out. What happened to the momentum we had when the server came back up after the meltdown?
    Not the perfect explanation although idea is clear. However, when "this biggest dog" is fed, it will never have to be fed again - 99% if not all bugs will be fixed and even if one or two come up it wont have to take so much of Warmane's attention.

    As a former Player of WRATH, You're indeed clueless how Cata Actually is. I've played both. And Wrath wasn't a near as abandoned as Cataclysm.

    If you read my post you would surely realize that I'm referring to CRITICAL bug fixes. Bugs that actually appear after they implemented something to the Server.

    There's no point of placing a new mechanic ingame If you break 10 things just to add 1, Specially when you IGNORE the people reporting these critical issues and not fixing them. or keeping an eye out. If you did that to Lordaeron on launch, Why not do it when they implemented Pathfinding Months ago when Lordaeron wasn't even a thing. Imagine now with Lordaeron at hand.

    Edit: The whole point to this ordeal is, as the rest of MoP and Cata playerbase will agree with me on this, You might be focusing on Lordaeron, But that doesn't stop Warmane staff to have a bit of devs Fixing the stuff that's broken down, The most urgent ones. The ones that were already working.
    When did you last play Wrath?
    Also, every developer has its own specialization (focus), set of skills and assignments. There still are developers on Cata and MoP according to the staff, however way less and probably without the knowledge in the area where your mentioned bugs are. Therefore, whenever they've done their part in Wrath, they'll be reassigned probably to one of these issues. As many of Warmane have said, Lordaeron is Warmane's flagship realm and Wrath - main and most popular expansion, therefore it is understandable why they want their "flag" to be so strong.

  4. Oh cmon, Molten's LK realm were already announced as "the best wotlk realm" and "99% working" way before the launch of cataclysm. Cataclysm is going to complete 3 years of launch and we still have phasing issues (and the update from 4.0.6 to 4.3.4 just broke a lot of fixes applied before), twilight highlands is just a wasteland, nothing to do there when it should be one of the main zones to farm crafting materials and to level from 84 to 85, still we dont have molten front which is a new zone with a lot of vendors and dailies, and more unique pets for hunters, because of the world revamp on cataclysm its very rare to find a quest that is working fully, or mobs with the correct loot table

    I only got into pandaria very recently and im still leveling, but it all seems worse for mop as molten just launched it and almost everything is still broken, as seem on forum

    You have all the right to be upset that wotlk got ignored for so long, but its in no way comparable to cata and even less to mop realm state in any way
    THISS!!!! how many years has pass molten front the most important daily in cata not fix, twilight highland my god still abandon, look at krazzwork theres nothing there. Same in MoP , domination point for horde and lions landing for ally in krasang wild empty even though their quartermaster sell some good starting trinket for JP, teleport to isle of thunder the sunreaver onslaught and kirin tor offensive is empty too no single NPC, all they did is raid , raid and raid fixes. WOLTK is the oldest and longest expan you already develop, all you need to do is copy paste from old realm to lordaeron.

    Please script this phasing quest chain they are important and close Gate of Setting sun and Stormstout Brewery this dungeon serve no purpose except as a TRAP HOLE.

  5. Cataclysm is having insane amounts of bugs which are gamebreaking.. Not to mention that MoP realm is worse then beta should be.. Sorry for saying this but its the truth.. sad truth..

  6. FlenQ's Avatar
    MoP indeed is broken as S***, but I can see the long-term benefits that the devs will gain on working with WotLK.
    If the devs were to rush on to other expansions without fixing the old ones and their core mechanics (THAT THE ORIGINAL LEGIT RETAIL VERSION HAS ALSO SLOWLY BUILT ON OVER TIME) the servers would only end up more broken and half assed than they are now. A great starting point would be to get dungeons/instances/cutscenes + other (again) CORE mechanics FULLY working, so that players could go kick Lich King's butt, no matter what server they play on without there being any ill-placed mobs, mobs turning invulnerable in dungeons because of stealth (looking at you, violet hold), or any other "immersion-breaking bugs" in just the general gameplay.

    When the devs slowly start from scratch and learn to understand the game better, and how the changes they make affect it, they are able to deliver more working content with a constantly improving pace.

    A sad, undeniable fact is that 95% of private servers have abandoned this method, and that is solely the reason why there are so few actually good, stable private servers up and running. I can bet my own *** for the devs that they will deliver if you give them time.

  7. Very nice post! It's even worse than you think mate, it's not a wrathofthelichkingmane as you said, it's Lordaeronmane. They publically announced that no fixxes will take part in Deathwing and Ragnaros, unless they are fixxed on Lorda first. So for example, in non-Lord realms, we'll wait for very very simple game breaking fixxes, (2parts T10 mage bonus is not working for half a year) that are very close to "press fix-button" fixes, for what it seems to be years.

    What I don't understand is why is Warmane trashing its loyal community, which combined, costs them less money and makes far more profit than Lorda ever will. All this to make a realm that is spiking to 6k active, while Deathwing-Ragnaros-Nelth-Frostwolf combined spike to double the population. I understand that the server has a goal, the goal to make the most complete blizz-like WotLK realm, but this goal won't take place if the community that makes 12k active disappears.

    When I ever asked the question: "Why do we still play on Warmane?" I get the same answer every time. Each and every one of you would reply the same thing "Because we have everything here, things that we can't give up to". NO-ONE ever gives me the answer: "Cause it's a good/great server" or "Cause the staff is great and they're trying". I know that you see us as monkeys that just grumble and complain, I know that I probably have zero understanding of how your profits are divided, what realm makes the most money and what project will, but my monkey-brain is enough to understand that you are killing the server profit-wise.

    I'm really sad that we can't take the step to move to another, better scripted server, and by "we" I mean the HUGE part of the community that was already disappointed from you when we saw that post-moltdown you reached up to 10% of the promises you made, and then disappointed them even more when we realised how important Lordaeron now is, and how "left-aside" rest of the realms will be. Only reason while you don't have a rival server that can compete you is cause none of them has loyal communities, cause everyone is technically here. And because we are here already, we are too lazy to start over and make new beginnings.

    I said what I said speaking on behalf of most of the people I interract in-game (and I do interract with hundreds of people) and I know they're truth. It took me a long time to type it so I'd appreciate to see it not deleted.
    I'm sorry Aimp for high jacking your thread in order to make this reply, but I think it's very related and I think that you might agree with me.

    P.S: Sorry if I'm out of topic, I'm currently at work and I didn't have time to read 5 pages (but I had time to write this huge post lol pls no judge)
    Edited: October 21, 2015

  8. Very nice post! It's even worse than you think mate, it's not a wrathofthelichkingmane as you said, it's Lordaeronmane. They publically announced that no fixxes will take part in Deathwing and Ragnaros, unless they are fixxed on Lorda first. So for example, in non-Lord realms, we'll wait for very very simple game breaking fixxes, (2parts T10 mage bonus is not working for half a year) that are very close to "press fix-button" fixes, for what it seems to be years.

    What I don't understand is why is Warmane trashing its loyal community, which combined, costs them less money and makes far more profit than Lorda ever will. All this to make a realm that is spiking to 6k active, while Deathwing-Ragnaros-Nelth-Frostwolf combined spike to double the population. I understand that the server has a goal, the goal to make the most complete blizz-like WotLK realm, but this goal won't take place if the community that makes 12k active disappears.

    When I ever asked the question: "Why do we still play on Warmane?" I get the same answer every time. Each and every one of you would reply the same thing "Because we have everything here, things that we can't give up to". NO-ONE ever gives me the answer: "Cause it's a good/great server" or "Cause the staff is great and they're trying". I know that you see us as monkeys that just grumble and complain, I know that I probably have zero understanding of how your profits are divided, what realm makes the most money and what project will, but my monkey-brain is enough to understand that you are killing the server profit-wise.

    I'm really sad that we can't take the step to move to another, better scripted server, and by "we" I mean the HUGE part of the community that was already disappointed from you when we saw that post-moltdown you reached up to 10% of the promises you made, and then disappointed them even more when we realised how important Lordaeron now is, and how "left-aside" rest of the realms will be. Only reason while you don't have a rival server that can compete you is cause none of them has loyal communities, cause everyone is technically here. And because we are here already, we are too lazy to start over and make new beginnings.

    I said what I said speaking on behalf of most of the people I interract in-game (and I do interract with hundreds of people) and I know they're truth. It took me a long time to type it so I'd appreciate to see it not deleted.
    I'm sorry Aimp for high jacking your thread in order to make this reply, but I think it's very related and I think that you might agree with me.

    P.S: Sorry if I'm out of topic, I'm currently at work and I didn't have time to read 5 pages (but I had time to write this huge post lol pls no judge)
    this post is just amazing and most ppl on death/ragna/nelth/frost would agree to this post !

    "What I don't understand is why is Warmane trashing its loyal community, which combined, costs them less money and makes far more profit than Lorda ever will. All this to make a realm that is spiking to 6k active, while Deathwing-Ragnaros-Nelth-Frostwolf combined spike to double the population. I understand that the server has a goal, the goal to make the most complete blizz-like WotLK realm, but this goal won't take place if the community that makes 12k active disappears." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! every1 should read atleast this part of the post !!!!!

  9. What I don't understand is why is Warmane trashing its loyal community, which combined, costs them less money and makes far more profit than Lorda ever will. All this to make a realm that is spiking to 6k active, while Deathwing-Ragnaros-Nelth-Frostwolf combined spike to double the population. I understand that the server has a goal, the goal to make the most complete blizz-like WotLK realm, but this goal won't take place if the community that makes 12k active disappears.
    I know that I probably have zero understanding of how your profits are divided
    It's not only how resources are divided and used that you have zero understanding of, apparently.
    The reason for what you whine about has been explained multiple times, both by me and by players who pay attention, have vision that reaches further than their own bellybuttons, or both. So, if you don't understand it, the fault isn't on our end.

  10. Wrong account again please delete sorry

  11. It's not only how resources are divided and used that you have zero understanding of, apparently.
    The reason for what you whine about has been explained multiple times, both by me and by players who pay attention, have vision that reaches further than their own bellybuttons, or both. So, if you don't understand it, the fault isn't on our end.
    You'd make an amazing politician

  12. You'd make an amazing politician
    They're known for lying, not for slapping people around with blunt truth and facts, though.

  13. They're known for lying, not for slapping people around with blunt truth and facts, though.
    Bad politicians are known for lying. Amazing ones shrewdly avoid giving answers by saying "X has been explained multiple times" and "it's not only X that you have 0 understanding of"

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